Corey Boutwell Podcast

Best Money Mindset Books [Increase Revenue] 2024 #222

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I love these books and they've had a serious impact on my coaching, life and relationships. If you enjoyed this podcast please consider sharing it with a friend or subscribing so you don't miss an episode!

Books listed below:

Surrender Experiment by Michael A Singer

Homeless to Billionaire by Andre Pira

The Real Mad Men of Selling by J Douglas Edwards

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor

The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan 

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Speaker 1:

these are the best money mindset audiobooks that you can read ever. Let's get into it. So if you want to generate more revenue, if you're going to reprogram your money mindset so that you're better at sales, and if you want to be showing up on social media with more often, asking for people of money and bringing in revenue and really be a hustler and change your life so that you can have passive income and finance forever, then this YouTube video and podcast is going to be one of the best resources that you can listen to. And these audio books are all so essential. But I'm going to run through them, the lessons of them, so that you can decide which one that you want to listen to first. And remember, these are all audio books. You can buy them, but they are accessible on Audible, which is so fantastic that you can do no plug to Audible or anything here Audible why do I keep saying that? Audible or anything here? I like to listen to my audiobooks when I go to the gym. My name is Corey Batwell, I'm the founder of the Set, the Standard Men's Community, and we really focus on helping men reprogram their mindset so that they can double their revenue If you're at a business plateau and the systems and the strategies aren't working. We help coach people step-by-step so they can break that through and crush it. So you head to coreybatwellcom slash STS to have a bit of a look at that. So let's get into it, guys. Let's get into it and if you're getting any value out of this, please subscribe. So that'd be fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Money Mindset books. The first one, I believe, is really good. So I'm going to go through these, ranked first to the best. Let's go. The first one is the Surrender Experiment by Michael A Singer. So this is a really beautiful story in terms of the spiritual side of making money and how letting go is so powerful.

Speaker 1:

Most business owners that I've worked with and entrepreneurs that I work with have this control syndrome. What happens is when you control, control, control, control, control all the time you tend to release in spending lots of money holidays, drugs, alcohol, video games, sadness, like whatever it is it has to express. If you're controlling everything and if you're a founder and you've got all the multiple different business hats, you've got to get really good at learning to control. Otherwise things are going to fall apart. Your business is going to burn down. You're going to be a terrible partner. So you've got to learn control.

Speaker 1:

However, from one level getting to the next level, some of the higher quality entrepreneurs that I work with, it's always this process of learning to let go, which I think is so important, because what happens is, for example, one of the guys that I work with, he was spending. He was kept spending something like I don't know. There's a certain amount of money on ads. Let's just say, for example, it was like $50,000 a month, something on ads. It was big numbers, $50,000, something like that on ads. And he was really scared to run more on ads. So he started coaching instead of working on his e-com business. So he's like, oh, I'll be an e-com coach and oh, I'm going to start this other business, I'm going to start this thing, and he's just avoiding all of the pain that he got from his parents that were put onto him in terms of trauma and fear. He was avoiding the conversations and he was avoiding spending more money on ads and focusing on his business because he got scared. Everyone has a financial threshold, right? There's a financial threshold of money that comes in and if you can't increase that threshold, you're never going to make any more money. But it's not a push to increase that threshold. It's a let go. So he had to let go of all these different things that he was working on businesses and side projects and the coaching and had to focus on working on his relationships with his parents and money in order that enabled him to have this let go experience and go. Okay, I'm just going to focus on what I'm good at and what I like doing. He went from $20,000 a month to $200,000 a month consistently and they're still blowing and going up since we've reprogrammed his mind doing that.

Speaker 1:

So in the surrender experiment, michael A Singer is his journey and story right. So I'm just giving you a practical advice as to why to listen to this book is so important. And he goes through this story of wanting to be just a spiritual hippie. Essentially, he's just meditating in the woods, like that is his goal. He just found this bliss and bliss experience through meditation. That was so powerful for him and he's like, oh, this is so fantastic and that's where he wanted to be, and he wanted to create a place in the woods and go there, but people wanted to get around him. So he had people that wanted to be students and he had people that wanted to be like in his world, essentially, and help him.

Speaker 1:

And every time he got to a new crossroads or something, he knew that, oh, building like a I can't remember the exact stories, but it's like building like a hut somewhere this is an example and he is building this like real powerful yoga hut and it was just like fantastic. And then it was getting to the point where he had to let it go, where it was just becoming too chaotic and he's like, no, I don't want to let this go. And then he'd be like, okay, I'm going to surrender in, like I do in meditation, and let the whole thing go. And then another massive opportunity just walked straight into his life and he went from wanting to be a hippie to running and selling like a 300 or 400 million dollar tech company because he would get into the flow the same way he would meditation when it comes to coding. Somebody got really good at coding but he had to like it was really interesting, someone in the in the woods, um, who met the meditation masters and having all these spiritual experiences and every time something up in his life where he had to move, or he had a breakup or he had to get into a relationship because he didn't want to commit, or when it come to selling the business or hiring people, whatever it was, he always come up to this moment where he created something into his life and he created it and put it in there and then he had to let all of it go for the next big opportunity to come in. And it's such a good example for business owners that if they're ever freaking out or stressing out just like my client was, for example that there is a part of you where you have to let go in order to get to the next level, especially when it comes to finance or decisions or relationships, and it's such a beautiful mindset tool to have like okay, instead of freaking out. You've relationships and it's such a beautiful mindset tool to have like, okay, instead of freaking out here, I gotta let go.

Speaker 1:

So the narration was awesome and the length of the book was also pretty good as well. I think it was like 10 hours, something like that. So it's about a week listening if you're on two speed and you listen to it in the gym. Listen to audiobooks in the gym. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

The second book which I think is fantastic. It's a shorter book, it's powerful, it's punchy, it to book. It's powerful, it's punchy, it's Homeless to Billionaire. By Andre Pira I don't know how to say the last name Really awesome story and this one just really lets you know that it uses a bit of the power of letting go and he uses a lot of his lessons off of the Secret.

Speaker 1:

So the book, the Secret, so a lot of his lessons come from that. Yeah, the whole book is basically him saying that he was trying to prove the Secret wrong and it ended up working out for him. Pretty wild scenario in terms of the situation that he was in as a Swedish kid and then got taken to become to Thailand and he started real estate over there. But it's just so cool looking at the ideas that he had, the execution that he had, what he needed to do to get clear on his vision and to push through and let go at the same time to really become a billionaire and having a new idea and networking and showing up with the right energy and the right attitude without letting go, and the story of it, of how it works. And it's so interesting because people get stuck in a job, people get stuck in their business, people get stuck in a relationship and they'll just avoid and they won't face the situation or the problem and they won't let it go. And they won't face the situation or the problem and they won't let it go and they won't dissolve it.

Speaker 1:

There's a reason why in movies and stories that there's two gods. You've got chaos, who always comes in and destroys everything, and then someone who comes in and builds and makes everything awesome. There's a reason why Thor's hammer has in the myth stories and in the Marvel stories it's used for destruction and it's used for building as a hammer. There's a reason for that and there's two parts. So we have to be consistently destroying stuff in our life when we find it. And this is a pothiosis moment in the hero's journey. If you guys want to watch my video on the hero's journey, I think it's the best tool ever to apply to a business and to apply to an individual and bring them together.

Speaker 1:

That helps them reprogram the money mindset and we've had a lot of people like double, triple, 5, triple, 5x, 10x their revenue, like a guy come to us last year made a million dollars in 10 months from zero. Another guy called Jack. He come to us literally a few months ago in set the standard community triple his revenue in just a few months on our lowest tier membership. It was crazy, right, so, but this is the reason. So you got to destroy stuff and then, when you destroy stuff and you build something new, it's called apotheosis. Sort of intentionally did that in the book, but he had a lot of trust and he had a lot of faith and he used the tools and the secret in his mind to keep thinking bigger and to keep being bigger. And, yeah, he went from being homeless to a billionaire and it shows the story of like being on the streets and thinking that he made it and his business failing, trying something else, thinking that he made it, business failing again and then letting go and following something that he's more passionate about and just watching it slowly build, build, build, build, build.

Speaker 1:

And it's like whoa, like listening to it super motivating, really. Like the length of the book is fantastic. The narration of the book is great and, yeah, for like a sort of practical fun, listen, I think it's a must. I want everyone to listen to that book, especially if you're an entrepreneur. Like it's just so like oh yeah, here we go, especially if you're an entrepreneur and struggling real good Gap of the Gain fantastic book. So the content in here is great. It's half podcast, half audio book on Audible, so definitely listen to it, but it's, I would say downside, a little bit boring to listen to. So but the content is so good that it outweighs the boring. Like for me, I can listen to the most boring books and I'm just like just try to extract value out of them. It's super powerful.

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This talks about the concept and Dan Sullivan, extremely reputable entrepreneur. You've got to take like what he says seriously, because he coaches so many entrepreneurs and help them blow up their business. And one mindset that he has which is so powerful is looking at how you compare yourself, because people compare themselves to other people. They compare themselves to time, so I compare myself to where I have, where I could potentially be, I compare myself to where this person's success and that puts me into a gap, right? So what is meant by that is, if you're comparing yourself to someone, then you create this in your mind. It's sort of like an energy gap of this is where I should be and it's negative. So every time you look at something else and compare, it's negative. And what he wants people to do is convert themselves from negative mindset, because negative makes you fall into scarcity, it makes you worry about time, it makes you feel anxious and puts you in a bad mindset right, which is not beneficial for anyone who's trying to make it in business.

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So he helps you track backwards. So look from where you are now. Look at the goals that you've achieved. Look at you know, compare yourself to you in the past, compare yourself to you and your skills, compare yourself to you and where you were financially. And if you look back, it's like okay, we're making progress. And then projecting that forwards, like, oh, we're still making progress.

Speaker 1:

Because anytime we panic, get anxious, depressed or freak out in our minds, it changes our nervous system activation and, depending if our nervous system's at, if we're making a decision when we're activated, we're not calm, we're not clearly thinking, we're making a decision which is usually not going to work for us. But if we make a decision when we're calm, we're regulated, we know what's happening. We're calm, we're regulated, we know what's happening, we're seeing what we've been beforehand. It not only makes you make a good decision, but you actually feel real good. So that's when you feel fulfilled, that's when you feel grateful, that's when you feel like everything's okay and I'm actually on path, and it gives you a lot of patience, which can help you.

Speaker 1:

The cliche saying we underestimate what we can do in 10 years, but overestimate what we can do in one year. When you get to that 10 year phase, you're like, wow, I'm way further than what I thought I was going to be. But I looked back which is great. This happens. A lot of relationships like partners and wives, and a lot of women in relationships always go to their partners. Like you know, all you do is think about business. Why are you stressing out about this? Because I just want some presence and intimacy from you, but you put yourself in a gap. If you can't get out of the gap, your business fails, your relationship fails, your health falls down the drain. That's just what happens. That's one thing that we help people do is set the standards, get over the gap and put people into a game and learn that skill. But you know what? Now? I really recommend listening to the book because they conceptualize it and give you some strategies for how to use it. They talk about it too in the podcast section of the book, so you don't get that in the physical book, which is cool, you some strategies for how to use it, and they talk about it too in the podcast section of the book. So you don't get that in the physical book, which is cool.

Speaker 1:

The fourth book for money mindset, and I think it's a bit of a shorter book too, which is really cool. I wasn't doing the gym, oh yeah, let's go. The fourth one, the Real man of Selling by J Douglas Edwards. Let's go, guys, let's go. And, by the way, just so you guys know, I have a money mindset module that you can download from clicking the link below up here, which is I take a lot of theory from all of these books and philosophy, put them together so that you can really start repropriating your money mindset for free. So if you click on that, you can get access to that course, the first module of our course and do it and apply it. And please let me know, comment below, message me on Instagram when you make more revenue just from listening to that course. I'm excited for you. So, fourth book so this is a selling book.

Speaker 1:

One thing that people forget is the whole business and selling game is a personal development game. It is a mindset thing the whole time knowing what to say. Communication and the language is all in your mind and how you feel about it. Because in real time, when you're asking someone for money or objection handling or you're trying to close a deal, what happens is all this emotion come up and at real time you might go to ask for money and you'll say to someone like, oh, no, no, like it's only this price or don't worry about it, whatever it is. Now you've just lost a hundred thousand dollars, especially if you're a big dog in construction or something who knows. You lost a lot of revenue or you've lost an extra two thousand dollar sales that month and this happened to me so many times and I've been on sales calls and I get it and using the skills in this book and being able to emotionally regulate myself, especially because I teach it, it's just been so powerful and helping me.

Speaker 1:

Being like this price, this much, this go, you got to do it for these reasons and your energy how you project your energy across someone on the phone, on camera, in person, is going to really influence you for how you're going to sell, and they use a lot of it in pickup. So if you read any of the old school pickup books, which is how to pick up women. They talk about framing. There's a lot of science around framing. If you can frame really well, you essentially will always pick up the woman. But that framing technique is done. I believe it's energy framing and it's putting yourself in a position of pure confidence and clarity. And when you have that confidence and clarity and know that you've got real high quality self-worth and value, you're going to close the deal every time and if not, people will be like damn, I wanted to close the deal with that guy, I want to come back later.

Speaker 1:

The real man of selling goes in a real practical it really it drives through the fact that selling is lifeblood, cashflow is lifeblood and like for you, your business and your future life and you got to go after it and if you want it you'll get it, and if you don't want it and you hesitate on it, you're not going to have it. So you're going to be a real savage in terms of I want money. Don't feel guilty or shame or anything for having money, because a lot of Australians I know Americans feel this too, but predominantly Australians. This is like this tool pop and people do judge people. Oh no, like I judge me for it because I'm. I have more money, so I'm better. So people don't want to make money and they hold themselves back because it's fear of being in the tribe or fear of being in the crowd. And if you're not a part of the tribe or the crowd, then catch you later, buddy, like you're going to die. That's what happens in, you know, tribes.

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So breaking through the paradigm of making money will separate me from my friends, will separate me from my friends, will separate me from my family. If I push too hard, people will see me differently and I won't be able to relate to anyone. When I start making money, I'm going to relate to new people who are also killers. And let's go crush it because I deserve this and I want it and I am worth it. And when you can do that and ask for selling and using techniques with creating money and objection handling and everything else, you just go beast mode and make it baby. So really powerful book. And yes, it's a selling book, but I just love the theory of it, like it's so powerful and so motivating. And you combine that with the surrender experiment, letting go of the gap and the gain, you're just on one. That's why we see people in our communities. I keep talking about it. I'm just so proud of you.

Speaker 1:

Know, I want men to have more sex, money and power in their lives because, like, why are we demonizing that? The men who have more sex, money and power and conscious are making the world better, better fathers, husbands, leaders, and yeah, we just, we just want that to happen, right, we want them to be everywhere. So, and we complain that there's not enough of them. So let's stop demonizing it, right, let's have a conversation, lift them up, make the money, because men validate themselves, they. They validate themselves by how much money that they have. I'm not worth shit if I haven't created, if I haven't got enough money, if I haven't got the houses, if I and I can't provide for my family, then I'm worth absolutely nothing. Depression, suicide, how you doing, that's what happens. We want to remove that.

Speaker 1:

I just want men who are all in bad states to just lift up, come, band together and create in a dream future, because you know, for some people, yeah, they can't go out and make millions of dollars. It's just a fact. Like, you're not going to be able to do it. Some people will not be able to do it. However, they might have a passion or a purpose where it's just providing and it could be used to doing something, that final fulfillment, and they're creative and they could, or they could, support someone else in the best way and and they should be doing that Like as best as possible, whatever that is for you that you most want, they should be chasing, because that's what makes you feel like a killer, that's what makes you feel like a provider. Don't need millions of dollars to provide for your family. It's you know. Focus on someone else's dream. That is also your dream. Focus on your dream and make it happen. But if you are someone who, who has this real grand connection to like, yeah, I've got to do it, then put yourself to the test and you only fail if you quit, you know, and if you're 30, 40, around that age, 25 to 40, so you got a lot of years left. So let's go. Awesome book, must listen.

Speaker 1:

Last book, which I think is fantastic. It's been on repeat. My dad's got it on repeat and that was um, I would say, for example. I'm going to tell you this real quick story. It's been on repeat, my dad's got it on repeat and that was um, I would say, for example, I'm going to tell you this real quick story. It's real quick Same amount of revenue every single year in his business as a sheet metal trader right, that's his business. He went to trading every single year since I've been doing the work on myself and get him to do it and teaching other people I am a savage. To my dad it was crazy conversations His revenues double in his business. He started a brand new business and he's already gotten deals with some major companies like any inter deals with major companies to start stocking a new um grill that he is creating in his business, right, which is fantastic. So he creates girls. It's called char master, if you guys want to check it out fantastic. But it's really cool that he's been listening to this book that I'm about to mention on repeat and now he's having all this awesome financial stuff in his life.

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We had to break through the emotional stuff. First, surrender experiment, vibes, where all this emotional stuff is coming up, which his self-worth, his communication, his mindset, self-value very low. We had to pump that up. His communication, his mindset, self-value very low. We had to pump that up because growing up he projected all of that onto me and we just fought big time and both got into a real dark place, like dad had literally been crying before looking at me like I just want to end my life, I don't want to be here anymore. It's too hard, it's too much, and I was seeing that at the time and I was in such a bad state at the time, like evil. I was like good, like I hope you do. It was so toxic, right, and that all come from not being able to regulate your emotions and not being able to have the right mindset to get through business. Okay, understanding, you've got to let go, you've got to burn things down, and it's just part of the process.

Speaker 1:

And the book is you Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor. Now there's two books. There's Born Rich and you can go buy the book, but this is you Were Born Rich and you can only get on Audible and it's a lecture series. It's a live workshop that they recorded and as they listen to it again and again and again and it is so fantastic, they break down the money, mindset, concepts from the start to the end and they run through like a lot of personal development and a lot of mindset and they teach you how to think before you act. And they've got testimony after testimony in there and they spotlight their clients to show them how they do it and they get them to come in and talk about it. And it's so crazy because before you take any action, you've got to think. And if your thoughts are off and you're focused on the wrong thing the saving money or whatever it is instead of growing it, then it's never just going to grow.

Speaker 1:

And they give you real practical tools in there too. They're like cool set up a weekly meeting with an accountant and, if not, find a better accountant, hire finance growth experts. Hire people in finance to help you grow your money. Hire people in business to help you figure that out. Hire people to help you work on your mindset to grow. And then they give you all the systems for it. So, yeah, you can use it yourself. And then it's practically. You need accountability and they teach you how to do it and it's so fantastic. They use some of the laws of the universe and they help you apply it to yourself. And I believe listening to that honestly once every couple of months, if your money mindset is low and you so much and again, please check out, set the Standard you can head to coreyboutwellcom, but if you're listening to this and it's not been like a couple of weeks and it'll just be coreyboutwellcom, or send us a message on Instagram. So, thank you guys so much, give us a follow and I can't wait to see you in the next one.