Corey Boutwell Podcast

5 Mindset Hacks For Entrepreneurial Success #231 Season 1 Episode 231

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Want to grow as a man in 2024?
Want to get to your next level in personal and professional life?


The first book I read is called: [The Gap & The Gain](

The second is called: [10X is Easier Than 2X](

The third is called: [Who Not How](

If you’re new to my page my name’s Corey Boutwell. I’m the founder and CEO of men’s personal development company Set The Standard. I’m a professional bodybuilder, I have coached over 300 men to their full potential and created a multi six figure business in just 3 years. This podcast is where I share EVERYTHING I learn along the way.

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Speaker 1:

Look at how much you've grown in general with your own key metrics, you'll go holy hell, this is fantastic. Welcome back to the Corey Boutwell podcast, guys, and thank you so much for tuning into this episode. We're going in five mindset hacks for a modern entrepreneur that you guys can use to listen to for this entire podcast, because at the end I'll be going through each of the hacks. So, essentially, like you want to go, you want to grow as an entrepreneur, and it's like we don't want to miss out on what people have been able to distill into information. What I'm going to teach you has been coached through 7,000 entrepreneurs Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy have been doing which is blowing my mind that they've condensed all of this information into a few mindset tools that we get to use every single day, and I'm super excited about this. I think it's absolutely insane that we get to use them, but essentially, like if we don't use these tools and we don't have them, then we're just running around blind. It's sort of like you know when we first had social media, you know we first had technology and we didn't know how to use it that well, and there's all these different hacks and you know, like marketing tools that people would use, then that don't really work. Now you know what I mean and how fast we've grown. It's like well, we've done that through repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition. It's the same thing with the entrepreneur mindset. Right, there is thousands of tools that people have used but they're not exposed to us because we don't readily have them available. But they're available in these books. So I've crushed these audiobooks so you guys don't have to go and listen to them, so you can get the main concepts of them and use them immediately. And I've just sent out an email printing all these. So if you're on my email list, you'll get the email for all of these, like, like the summary for it, which is really cool.

Speaker 1:

But essentially, if you don't use these tools, what happens is we get overwhelmed really easily. We feel like everyone else is getting ahead and we're not growing. Ah, getting left behind, please don't leave me behind. It leads to depression, anxiety, relationship destruction and even worst, failed business. I know there's so much shame around people going, ah, my bank account hit zero or if I fail a business, ah, I'm going to feel so guilty and embarrassed and regretful and I'm the worst person in the world. Holy shit. I might have to ask people for help when you know paradox moment like asking people for help asking people for help is the key anyway this leads.

Speaker 1:

Essentially, what can happen is you can remain busy and not productive. We've all been there. Raise a hand if that's been you at one time in your life Stuck in the trap of working nonstop, stressed out and needing to hire a health coach just to calm down. I'm not acting myself here or anything. All right, guys Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Never reaching your full potential. Without the tools, you never reach your full potential and there's people that are reaching it so much more quickly than us because they have the tools. And you can people please your way to burnout success, succeeding in a burnout this is really cool.

Speaker 1:

On a side note, I want to talk about this because I believe this is really powerful. Do you believe in burnout? Do you believe that that's true? Because I see a lot of people talk about like, oh, you're not burnt out. Burnout's real right. I do believe in burnout, like I think it's biologically it happens. The whole nervous system gets cooked. You're down for like two months. See people do it. They run a marathon or an ultra marathon, try to train legs the next day and the leg day after you try to do that physically, your nervous system can get cooked. Now it's not just from training. That can happen, from emotions, stress, everything else Full nervous system cooked. You can see people. I had manifested a bulging disc in my L5-S1, flawed for like eight months. Right. So I believe that all that happens, but I'm not sure if it comes from working too much.

Speaker 1:

Joseph Campbell talked about this. He talks about any theory of motivation and productivity is that if someone finds their bliss, their purpose, their passion, they'll burn everything to the ground just to see that lived. They will work 18 hours a day on five hours sleep because they're like, wow, so much energy. When we think about where does energy come from and we go to look at Michael Singer's way of understanding where energy comes from in his books the Surrender Experiment and a few of the other beautiful ones that he's written, it comes from energy in your cells and your DNA. Doesn't necessarily come from food. It comes from some sort of passion. It's when your mitochondria go, let's turn something on, let's turn DNA on. Energy then comes forward. You have the energy to crush something and most of the time that can come from some motivation inside. So, for example, if you see a close friend of yours like about to get run over by a car, you'd be like, ah, you know what I mean, go help them. It's like, where'd that energy come from? It's a really good point. But this, this is really cool, right?

Speaker 1:

I think it comes from definition of burnout, if I get this here. It comes from working too much as a distraction to take the next big action because you're convinced you can't handle more responsibility. Let me read that again. It comes from working too much as a distraction to prevent you from taking the next big action because you don't need to, because you're convinced that you can't handle more responsibility. Right, mindset thing. So put this into an analogy.

Speaker 1:

What happens when you punch the accelerator on your car and you punch the brake at the same time? Your car does a burnout, your car does a burnout. It's the same thing. You want to go on full accelerator. The second you put the brake on whilst the accelerator is going at the same time, you're going to burn out. So if you're wanting to go full on and you know that that's happening, but there's risks that you need to take, there's more responsibility that you've got to handle. There is action that needs to be had, and you go all right, I'm going to distract myself with this, this, this, this, this, this. So I'm working too hard, too much, trying to please everyone else, because I'm really scared of my potential. And getting to the next level, I'm going to slam the brake on next minute. Your car's doing burnouts and if you start turning around the wrong direction, you start doing burnouts in one circle. Baby, it's a good way to look at it, right, but you don't want that. Neither do I. I don't want that for you either. So what you're going to get from this podcast is you're going to get perspective shifts to gain more control. You're going to be able to make larger success by going bigger and having the confidence to take the shot. You're going to build resilience as an entrepreneur and know the importance of collaboration and delegation to grow. So here are the concepts from the books that I've finished reading and applying the concept over the last three weeks and I'm passionate about this because I've delegated until the cows come home and been punched in the face for it.

Speaker 1:

Everything's come burning down. I've stressed my life up to the eyeballs, where I've been waking up 3am every single night worried about fuck. Am I going to pay for this? Am I going to let this person down? Is money coming in enough? Holy shit, I have to sell this. I gotta get this ready for xy thing that I've put the pressure on for myself. Will I be able to handle it? Was I born to do this? Am I meant to do this? Should I just go back to walking, working a normal job? Those thoughts come in.

Speaker 1:

I have offended people and let people down personally, financially. Personally, I've let people down. Financially, I've let people down. Financially, I've let people down. It's a part of entrepreneurship. Have I stuck to my word and made sure that every single debt, whatever it is that I need to pay back, has happened? Yes, I have integrity right, and that makes me feel so much better about myself. But it's like I have definitely let people down that way but made up for it. I have had team members leave and I've let them go. Everyone knows what that's like. It's, oh my gosh, so painful, especially for me, because, like my dad, I got traits from him, so attached to his work members and like the worst experience. So overcoming that, overcoming that myself because I call him transcending dad in that way. He's transcended, transcended himself recently, which is very proud. Let's go big, kev.

Speaker 1:

I have compared myself and been jealous of everyone around me, including my partner. Everyone so jealous, everyone, everyone. Why isn't it me? Why isn't it me? And I hate that, right. It puts you in such a scarcity mindset. It makes you feel like an idiot.

Speaker 1:

I've gotten injuries purely from stress manifested back injuries and hip injuries and everything just from sitting down, trying to focus, being busy and productive. Hormones have gone out of whack from too much caffeine, even though I'm like the healthiest person ever and I was like how did this happen? It just creeped in. Like how did I go from half a shot of coffee a day to having two to three shots a day? And I'm like whoa ego, get out of my head right. And it wasn't until I started applying these concepts that I can make a change. I've had a huge change in the past couple of weeks and I'm like it feels so good and it's because of me implying this and getting coaching as well. But these have really helped. So you guys, please apply this Thinking caps on. I'm more confident, calm and consistent than ever before because we've been using these, so let's dive into them.

Speaker 1:

Right, the books are the Gap and the Game. They'll be linked below. 10x is easier than 2X, and who Not how? By Dan Sullivan, ben Hardy, entrepreneurs, coaches, awesome stuff. So this is no, I don't have any affiliate with these guys. I just love their work, shout out to them, excellent. So, essentially, the book uses like these books use positive psychology to rewire our brain so we go from stressed out or failed relationships and failed businesses to consistently winning and growing and feeling good about it too. So here's the first hack pause.

Speaker 1:

I want to mention that the whole reason that we get into entrepreneurship is to experience freedom, to go out on an adventure, to test ourselves through challenges, trials and obstacles, to choose one thing and sacrifice other potential scenarios that we may have had. And, along the way, it's to enjoy the journey. And I think the key is I don't want to hear this because I see people like, oh, the whole importance of this thing is to enjoy the journey along the way. Right, how do you do that? How do you enjoy the journey along the way? Because I ask these questions sometimes. I'm so stressed out, how am I supposed to enjoy this journey along the way? But it really is.

Speaker 1:

The secret is, the more you try and the attention that you put into enjoying it along the way, the more successful you will become. That is one of the biggest things that I've got out of reading these books and understanding it. It's like cool. If I pinpoint my life to 31 years old now, right, and I've got 100 years to go because I'm gonna live to 130, guys, let's fucking go. And I've been here for 31 years.

Speaker 1:

If I pinpoint myself in the direction like I'm so safe, this is part of the growing. This is the phase where it's like okay, let's, you're in a growth phase right now. This is you on your journey and you're right in the middle of it, so you can't expect to be feeling as abundance for here and as this for that. Whatever it is Like. Let's say, I imagine Corey like hundreds of million dollars start waving in. Do you think you could hold that? Probably not right now. You've got to increase your capacity. What are you going to do with it? I've got a plan for what I want to do, but will I be able to hold that? Will my mindset and scarcity and everything else go rampant? Yes, so it's putting the test so that you can have a greater threshold for your growth, which is so fantastic.

Speaker 1:

And when you notice that and you can take a breath and you can really enjoy the moment, enjoy what you're doing. You're more fun, you're more spontaneous, you're more inspiring, you're more creative and better things start happening to you and for you rather than a problem, right? So first, hack, hack number one. At the end of every day, write down three wins for your day to go from a gap to a gain mindset. What is the gap and the gain mindset? A gap mindset focuses on what's missing or the distance that you have to cover to get to your goals, which makes you feel inadequate or frustrated. I have this goal that I want to achieve and I really want to get here.

Speaker 1:

And you wake up every day oh, I'm not at my goal yet. I'm not my goal yet. Everyone else is at their goals. But why am I not at my goals yet? No, but living in like a thousand to two thousand dollar a week apartment and it's very beautiful, and I'm making a hundred thousand dollars a month, but I'm not making a million dollars a month yet. Oh, no, this is the worst day of my life. Right, that sense of entitlement can come straight in. Now. I empathize with people in this position and I'm not paying you out like I'm like acting like that because it's funny, but I'm not paying anyone out. That is a really serious problem. That happens.

Speaker 1:

It's comparison of where you want to be, not in the now moment. And it talks in one of the books that mentions that it's like one of the highest suicide rates of young children are the highest performers because they get to a point where they say I have to perform like this and this expectation for the rest of my life and I'm never going to get out of it, and they commit suicide, which is so sad. Right, it's so sad, but it makes sense as to like okay, we have entrepreneurs who are putting that amount of pressure on themselves. I'm never going to get where I want to be. I'm never going to get where I want to be. I try so hard. I've never where I want to be yet. I want to be on a million dollars a month. That's when people talk like, oh, but that's not enough, I need to get to $2 million a month Now. I think it's healthy to have that goal of being like yeah, now I want to get to here because I've just gotten from $100,000 a month to a million dollars a month. That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

There's two different motivations, one's out of so I need more. That's the gap mindset. Well, you're going to feel like shit burnout. That's break and accelerate and break at the same time. The gain mindset emphasizes the progress made and the achievements already accomplished, fostering a sense of satisfaction motivation. So this is where you're comparing yourself to your past self, which is excellent. So if you wake up and compare yourself to where you are not and how other people are at a certain level and you're not there, you grow a scarce mindset that is pressured to overwhelming the human brain. Hence why we self-sabotage. We go oh, I don't want to deal with that amount of responsibility. Oh, I don't want to get there. Bang self-sabotage, I don't have to face it. So the hack to get out of that is to measure every day is literally just look at your wins and celebrate yourself. It's celebrating yourself every single day to make sure that you go how have I gained today? At the end of every single day.

Speaker 1:

Hack number two is proactively measure your current self to your past self. Proactively measure that. What that looks like is, you know, once a week coming home and comparing yourself okay, where were we last month, where were we six months ago, where were we last quarter, where were we last year? And when you look at how much you've grown in general with your own key metrics, you'll go holy hell. This is fantastic and in the book Homeless to Billionaire, it quotes celebration leads to an addiction to success. Homeless to billionaire fantastic books, like a four-hour read if you want to like, download an audible, it's fantastic. But he mentioned the celebration leads to an addiction to success. So you have to be celebrating those small wins and comparing yourself on the bigger wins too. So it's like wow, look at all this growth that I've had. So, as I ask this question, do you want to focus on how you're such a failure because you haven't reached your goals, or do you want pure addiction to success? Yeah, nabra, if you had to choose, which one are you going to choose? I'm definitely going to choose addiction to success. Let's go Hack.

Speaker 1:

Number three your unique ability and priority. Like find your unique ability and prioritise it over everything else to leverage your growth. Everyone has a unique ability that they use to create, take action, et cetera, et cetera. There are moments when you have gone in your life, you've had 10X growth before. When I first started my podcast, when I very first started business, like when I first started business, I went straight to like 15K in two weeks into a 30K month and I was like I've been doing business, a community program, not just coaching. Like launching my community for a week, two weeks. What Like blew my brain Right. So I was like, okay, that's one 10X moment. Another 10X moment is getting jacked and shredded as hell to compete in bodybuilding comps, it's finding my partner, it's having consistent business wins. So there are moments when we've had 10X growth before and that was some of mine.

Speaker 1:

So what's the common process that you have used to make that happen? That's your unique ability. So when you figure out like, hey, what was happening currently in your life at that moment, what did you do? So one for me it was like moving locations, and I mean so that's a part of you know. My unique ability is like when I move locations and I get in a nice environment and I get focused on the one thing without distractions, I can go to next, right. So what is your new network, what's the process and what are the steps that you have to use in order to go 10x again. Figure that process out and that will be part of your unique ability. And then you want to make sure with your unique ability essentially you're just focusing on that you want to start delegating and outsourcing everything else in your life, collaborating if you need to, letting go of control, to make sure that you can just start performing your unique ability at its greatest gift. The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer is actually a good book for that, to be honest.

Speaker 1:

Hack number four whale hunting. So Norse tribes would spend weeks and months trying to lure in a whale. Right, they would spend all their time. The whole tribe would get around trying to hunt a whale, because a whale would last an entire year for food to feed the village Seals. A day, fish, one meal. So they wouldn't focus as much on seals or fish. If they had to, a couple of people would do that, but the whole tribe would be focused on a whale and they were really difficult because they come up a certain time of the year. They was really hard to get because they just only had canoes. So how do we draw them in? Get them like, drag them in, because if they fall off of the boat. They sink down. We don't catch them right, we shoot them at the wrong angle angle, we got them wrong. Then we've just spoiled a year's worth of food. So they have to like cut, preserve everything immediately and they've got, like you know, a few hours in the north, like frozen tribes to like prepare all the whale meat and preserve it in rooms and all the rest of it and in different ways of you know, creating jerky or whatever it is. They could feed the whole tribe for a year and they would go after the one big one.

Speaker 1:

This is the same methodology of going 10x. You know 10x is easier than 2x. It's like they're focusing on one thing the whale. And if you do this in your own business, this is how you can go to 10x real quickly. It's like you start getting rid of all the waste right in your business. It's like, okay, how can I get rid of all the waste and the seals and the fish and instead just focus on the whale and that's going to come from using my unique ability. And if I focus on this growth and they talk about it in the book 10x or 2x is, it's like remove the 80% and just focus on the 20% delegate, collaborate, whatever it is, to get rid of the 80% of time to just focus on the biggest leverage task so that you can go 10x. Sometimes it's involving another person, sometimes it can be like creating and recently I feel like I've just gone through this experience so fantastic to know, understand and look at. So cast out wakes, focus on the leverage of the strengths of everyone like yourself and everyone in your team, cause you want to be doing this, not just for you. With the 10x is 2x. Anyone that's working with you a subcontractor, a team member is what is their unique ability. Get rid of the rest. Just have them focusing on their one task that they need to be doing, so you won't hitch large growth goals if you're too busy focusing on the small goals, which I thought was fantastic. This is something that I'm working on every single day to try and get clearer and clearer and clearer and clearer and clearer on so we can use the most amount of leverage, myself and my team members.

Speaker 1:

Hack number five who, not how? So this is like the most mind-blowing hack that there is, because it's so simple and it's so genius. Right, you know, we live in a world where everything seems so complex, but the solution's actually quite simple. So, instead of figuring out how to do everything, find the right people to help you achieve your goals. By leveraging others' expertise, entrepreneurs can scale their operations more effectively and handle larger projects or more clients without becoming overwhelmed. How good does that sound?

Speaker 1:

However, to perform this, you, as the entrepreneur, must have strong boundaries, right? So if you want to find the right who's to do the right how's, because what happens if's say, for example, I go, I need to be focusing on building a podcast, right, that's my goal. Cool, how am I going to do it? Okay, I gotta find the website. I gotta find this thing. I gotta find that. I gotta find blah blah. Imagine if I just hired someone else instead who just was perfect about podcasting how to do the whole thing, and they crush it way better than I ever could, then why would I spend hours and hours of my day when I should be coaching people and creating content, than figuring out how to start up a podcast? That's essentially how small it is, but I'm like, okay. Well, this is actually difficult to do. When I start thinking about, you know, a bit of a how moment for this, I can be your who teaching you how. Right now, it's like okay, well, how are we going to do this?

Speaker 1:

And one thing that I personally know this is not in the books, but this is what I personally know through reading the books and coaching entrepreneurs is you've got to have strong boundaries. What are strong boundaries? I'll give you some examples because you need to create them for yourself. But some are having a clear tasks like written down that you do not do. So your boundaries, I'm not going to do this. And when people say, hey, can you please do this task or whatever it is, you say nope, that is not my task, not my role. I don't want to do that. I have massive resistance to that, not for a reason that I'm not going to get it done. That's just not my role. It's not serving my unique ability. It's fire clients who aren't meeting your standards.

Speaker 1:

This came out of the book. If you've got a big client that is dragging you down I haven't had to do this, touch wood but firing clients who don't meet your standards especially if you have, like, a service agency and like you need rapport with people and it's like and if they're dragging all your time, energy and effort down, buy them. Nope, let's go bye-bye. Strong, strong boundaries. It's like I have high standards for myself and I have really high standards as a entrepreneur and what I want for my clients, and if that isn't going to be met, I'll visit zen. So sorry, um, I'm like that is so powerful. And I was telling a story in the book how one of the guys came in and they fired one of their clients, and that client that they fired they said nope, you don't meet the standards, you're not part of the team, you don't mesh with the things. So sorry, don't come back here ever again. But that person who fired them sent them 10 more clients. They made a big kerfuffle when they left. They were like I can't believe you're doing this. But then later on they sent them 10 more clients because they're like those guys are the best. So they fired a client and got 10 more. Isn't that crazy.

Speaker 1:

When it's done in intention, you set a clear boundary, you get respect. You don't lose friends, you just gain respect. This is my unique ability. I don't do anything else other than a couple of these things, and that's what I want to focus on. Chunk your week and time into long focus tasks instead of short ones. So, for example, I've been doing this recently and I find it so good. I'm like cool, I have one day and I try and do all my coaching calls in one day. I do script writing and writing for my podcast. I try to do all those and essentially in one day so insane and just being able to meet your boundaries. Hey, you want to do this, you want to do this, you want to have a meeting this time? I mean that time? Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. These are my time boundaries and I'm going to be doing these tasks because these are the goals I want to get to.

Speaker 1:

Ain't no people pleasing in the idea? So the message here is implement them or you will be the one falling behind on everything. Essentially, I don't know what the boundaries you need to set. Uh, it's up for you to create them. It's like, what are the things that I should not be doing?

Speaker 1:

And then know this for a fact, because we teach a lot of boundaries and set the center community is you got to fight for your boundaries once you draw the line and you say this is the boundary if you want to keep it. You got to fight for your boundaries Once you draw the line and you say this is the boundary. If you want to keep it, you've got to fight for it. If you do not fight for your boundary, people can get in it. They'll unzip it, they'll move it around and they'll say, oh, this person's got loose boundaries, I can always get in. And then they will always get in. And then, if they're so used to getting across your boundaries, and then you try to fight and put your boundaries in to say, hell, nah, like I'm going to fight even harder. So they'll try harder and harder and harder to get across your boundaries, because they know that they can. And they're not doing this consciously, it's unconsciously because you let your boundaries slip.

Speaker 1:

So, my friends, because I have been this massive manipulator beforehand for my friends, I tell them you've got to have strong boundaries around me or I will get in. Just a warning I'll apologize when I do, but I will get in and I'll influence you. My job is to manipulate people into the best version of themselves. I get in their psyche and I make that happen. It is easy for me that if I want to go and get a steak, that I'll get you to come and get a steak with me too, even if it's not the right time for you to go, get one right. So, like, please, have strong boundaries. And boom, my friends do have strong boundaries and we have amazing relationships because of that, because I am not afraid of rejection right? So I'm like please, don't be afraid of rejecting me, I'm not afraid of that.

Speaker 1:

So you have no excuse now not to grow, right After going through these hacks, using these. No excuse not to grow and this is your accountability to get it done. Like, right here, right now. This is your accountability to get it done. So, if you found this beneficial, please share with a friend, follow the podcast and if you want to implement these, you want to learn more about them, come and join Set the Standard community. We've got two memberships one's like monthly group calls and one is we've got a whole stack of weekly group calls. It is fire in the Set the Standard community at the moment. We've got studs raising standards, setting boundaries, making more money, having an amazing relationship, putting up crazy content they never thought was possible, making their dreams happen, quitting their jobs, starting businesses, creating businesses together, and it's all happening inside our community. So big love, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you in the next one.