Corey Boutwell Podcast

Create (ALMOST) Limitless Energy #239 Season 1 Episode 239

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If you’re new to my page my name’s Corey Boutwell. I’m the founder and CEO of men’s personal development company Set The Standard. I’m a professional bodybuilder, I have coached over 300 men to their full potential and created a multi six figure business in just 3 years. This podcast is where I share EVERYTHING I learn along the way.

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Speaker 1:

So sometimes it's helping them like release and feel this amazing positive emotion, and as that floods their entire body, by goes the trauma. Hello comes the energy. Welcome back to another Corey Batwell podcast, and today I'm going to teach you how to stop being tired as hell. I don't know about you guys, but there's one thing around gaining energy and the other one of basically not feeling tired, and I used to be the most tired person ever, from like the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep, especially when I was studying at uni. It was crazy. I would nap for one to two hours in the middle of the day and then I would drive home and I'd get to the gym and then I would nap for an hour in my car before going in and training. Every day I'd get there and be like this fuck, and some days I'd be able to train straight away and have to like force myself to get I'm gonna be so tired while I'm moving my body and I was like what the fuck is wrong with me? We're.

Speaker 1:

Throughout this process I was like I literally I thought I was like what the hell? There's something wrong with me and I actually thought that that amount of being tired was normal, like I legitimately thought that I'm just going to check these two seconds, bang, bang. I legitimately thought that was normal. Definitely not normal, right? Because the worst part is is I was ignorant to the fact about how much greener the grass is on the other side when you have epic amounts of energy and have an abundance of energy. Now, I'm an energetic person. That doesn't mean I have a lot of energy, so I've got like a lot, like you know, high energy when I'm using it. However, like the, the period of time when I would use like energy and I'd be like energetic around people and then I just I'd crash immediately. And there's like a photo that I have on my computer that, like you know, you guys won't be able to see, but there's a photo of me at uni, just like sleeping in the middle of the day, and that was a perfect depiction of me sleeping for like two hours in the middle of the day, and this was not a recharge nap. This wasn't like, oh, I'm gonna go have a nap and try to recharge right now. This was not a recharge nap and yes, let's go, bruno, what's up. But it wasn, but it wasn't a recharge nap at all. This was I'm exhausted and I have to nap so that I can try to get my energy back. And did I get it back? No, I just felt groggy as hell after and I was like ruined for the rest of the day and I was like man.

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My whole life is basically just devolved around sleeping, and the scary part is is I could have stayed there. I could have ended up like every 40 plus year old who thinks that their energy is normal when, in the middle of the day, they need a nap. They get home from work, they nap for two hours. They need to smoke diaries all day. Have you know, uh, coffees all day? They need to be doing everything under the sun just to try to get their energy up, and it's not working. Need to have like 10 copies. I need to have this amount of energy drinks. Need to have pre-work. I need to take all of this supplements which just cook your insides to try to get a little bit of energy back, just so that I don't feel tired tired, and this is a hack, by the way.

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So if you guys know a caffeine and the science behind caffeine, it doesn't give you energy, it just blocks adenosine, which is the chemical that makes you feel tired, so it just blocks. So what happens is when you have caffeine and you feel a kick from it and you go, oh, that's energy coming. It's just showing you how tired you really are. So the more of a kick that you like get from caffeine, essentially it's like, wow, I'm really tired. And when you need caffeine and you know that you just feel normal because your low rate of feeling like so low is dangerous, you don't want to get to that stage. You should have caffeine and feel like holy shit, from a small amount of caffeine. You should feel a kick from it.

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So I'm going to teach you practical tools to remove your tiredness. Right, I'm going to teach you practical tools in this episode because if you don't, you could end up settling for less in life. You could be making way less money because you've got less energy to do so. You sabotage your success because you can't handle it, because you're so tired. You know it'll make you like you could end up being less disciplined. You'd end up struggling to exercise due to inflammation and poor health. Right, no one wants that.

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And I completely turned all this around by studying bodybuilding and metaphysics and I hacked the system to get all my energy back. It's incredible. And now I've basically sustained energy every single day and I know exactly how to manage my tiredness. I have strong boundaries and firm around it and I have sustaining energy every single day. It's absolutely wild, and the second that I'm like down, I know exactly what to do to get back up.

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I'm going to teach you that and in the book the untethered soul, it teaches you essentially where energy comes from. Because I'm going to ask you this question. I want you to think about it. Right, the first question I want to ask is where does energy come from? And I want you to think okay, where does that energy actually come from? And and try to answer this question. And I know that a lot of people who are in this situation will start thinking like this food is it from? Uh, maybe sunlight? Surely it's nutrients, um, atp, something like that. You're not wrong, but you're not 100 correct. In the book it kind of shows that the answer is it's definitely not food.

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Because what happens when you eat a really big meal? What happens when you eat the biggest meal? Big steak, massive bowl of veggies, heaps of rice, heaps of bread. You go out for dinner, get a massive bowl of pasta and just stub your face. You can eat, buffet. What happens after that? You want to go to sleep, right, so eating doesn't give you energy. It's crazy because, like, oh, food and nutrients give you energy right Kind of, but right kind of, but not really. Because after you eat a big meal, you get tired as hell. And when you fast and you do fasting correctly and you have the right amount of minerals in your body you notice that you have way more energy and you can think a lot more clearer. So what does it? What gives you energy? Your mitochondria, the little tiny things in your dna that create energy. They turn it on, they go. Here's the energy. So it's not just nutrients, it's mood that affects your energy.

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So I use I like to use this example all the time and it's like okay, when you're a kid I'm speaking to men here as women as well but remember when you were younger and you were texting someone that you loved or you wanted to date, right, you're like, oh, flirting and dating, and it might've been in your teenage years and you really want to catch up with them, and then they go hey, I'm free tonight. You want to catch up and you're like in bed watching a movie, just chilling. Next minute you're jumping out of bed. You've got the best clothes on, you're smelling really nice and you're on your way to their house like, wow, I can't believe you get to hang out this person. That's fantastic, right, where did that energy come from? You're about to go to sleep and now you're super excited.

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Imagine if you were wanted so bad to close a deal in business that was going to be a hundred million dollars and you closed it. Well, right, that happened. Let's say you got the text message at night when you're about to fall asleep you'd be like, oh, my god, I closed the deal. Right, you'd be so excited. Or, yeah, any of those. You'd leave your skin with excitement and you'd jump up and down like screaming with joy yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

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So your mitochondria has taken signals from your brain and created energy to make you feel and move. It's the same sort of thing of, let's say, you know you woke up and you realize that the house was flooding. You'd be like, oh my God, boom, getting out of bed. Your mitochondria is like shit, this being needs energy right now. Summon it to go crush it.

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So everything that we do send signals to our mitochondria and the energy that essentially we don't want to be tired and we need more energy and it's sort of like. It's sort of like thinking about, if I don't want to be tired and I want to be the most energetic person I can, what's the environment situation that I have to set up for myself so that I do have that energy and what's the work most commonly that we do on ourselves to understand our purpose, to give us the motivation to know our fears, to know our strongest desires that we feel committed to, so that we can have the energy to go and get them. Because then the second we get a trigger that prevents us some way, some form that shuts us down the thing that we can't do it. A mitochondria gets shut off, which is why personal growth, personal development, is so important.

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It literally gives you energy and sometimes facing the shit's difficult right, because sometimes you might have some trauma or there might be some pain that you've experienced that you don't want to get over, like a heartbreak. Or you know you were abused as a kid somehow, or you were never accepted or felt validated as a child. Uh, you didn't have good relationship with your parents. And now you want to get to the next level, but you can't, because every time you try to get to whatever the next level is, your brain shuts off everything as a fear of safety, because if you do it, it means you're going to get judged, you're going to get criticized, you're going to get hurt, you're going to feel pain, you're going to feel scared. So it's like nope, nope, nope. So that way, it's always shutting down your energy from doing something big, which prevents you from getting to the next level.

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Whoa and your mitochondria know this, right, and there are studies for this, like multiple studies. There are so many studies that prove this. So I'm going to give you some rules to follow, right, because one of the biggest things that helped me get my energy back was understanding my purpose and how I can give and be of service to people. Right, that really helped. So the first guidelines I'm going to give you are all about changing your internal state and how to use your environment to turn your mitochondria on. And then I'm going to give you a second round of guidelines, which are going to is physical guidelines that, essentially, I studied till the cows come home, which helped give me ultimate energy.

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So it's not just because sometimes I'll know that like, oh, my internal state is firing right now. I feel so passionate, so purpose, but I'm genuinely exhausted because of xyz reasons. Cool, I'm gonna go work on the physical ones. Sometimes, like man, I'm doing all this physical stuff, right, but I'm still so tired, I'm not motivated, I can't be bothered doing anything and like I hate my life. I'm like, cool, I need to work on these internal ones. So you're consistently working on these as a reminder, because it's easy for them to fall off and like, slip off, but when you're working on them and you're working on yourself and they come back next minute, you have unlimited energy. Like unlimited, like. If we think about, like the universe and ourselves as conductors for the universe, we channel the universe's energy to create, right, we're creative beings. We can create whatever we want. We're limited by our ideas and the actions that we take around them, which is absolutely incredible to think about. So let's get into the internal state.

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Guidelines number one do the work to find your purpose, or, as joseph campbell calls, your bliss. When a person truly lands on their purpose, it removes distractions, right, so this is awesome. So all your energy is isn't wasted on pointless thoughts and ideas and your energy gets focused on helping you live and see your purpose come to fruition. What's really interesting is when you understand your purpose. You understand the career you're moving down, you understand the hierarchies that you want to climb and you're only clear on those and that's it, and your focus doesn't get distracted on everything else. You have more energy because you're conserving energy. The more times that you're thinking of new ideas for different things in particular, your energy drops because it takes so much energy to think of those. But if you have one thing and you go in one direction and all your energy is focused on that, it brings you more energy because you start seeing results and those results fuel you up. So interesting.

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Number two write down your goals clearly. Write why for each goal, like why they're important to you and why you want them, and create milestones for each achievement. This is just again getting you more clear on the focus, your purpose and the goals that are around them. You start focusing on those goals and progressing towards them. Hello, hallelujah, you're going to start to have more energy. There's legitimate studies around this having your goals down because you're moving again in the right direction.

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Number three cultivate a positive outlook in your mindset by training your mind to be grateful and optimistic, genuinely training your mind. Like what does that actually looks like? It looks like it looks like journaling, looks like having conversations. It looks like committing to self-talk for yourself, understanding when your brain says says something negative, when you say something, imposter syndrome when you say something people-pleasing. Or your tool poppy syndrome.

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And learning new language skills to speak out loud to not bring your energy down, down, so like. One thing my friend called me out on was I was just like I would say all the time like someone do something amazing for me and I have like a mind-blowing moment like, bro, you just fucked me up and I like to say it like you just fucked me up in the best way possible. However, it's still in you, in insinuating that I'm fucked up. So change that language to you. Just change my life to someone, and then that feels so much more positive and it's so much more lighter and it's so much more invigorating. So just noticing those really small things about how you talk and how you communicate signals your self-worth and the belief you have about yourself. And if you want to change it, change your language. You change your language, you change your beliefs insane.

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I truly believe in that four emotional fitness learn to process your emotions and manage them effectively through mindset releasing trauma, journaling and coaching. So what's extremely important, what I mentioned beforehand is trauma will prevent you from having all the energy in the world in regards to your internal state and when you're growing in general, like you're growing in business, you're growing in relationships. At every new stage of the journey that you're making progress, you're going to meet a hurdle and that hurdle is usually some form of trauma. Now, trauma can affect how you talk to yourself, how we just mentioned beforehand. Trauma can also make you avoid. It changes your body language. It changes your nervous system.

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You can still say the right stuff, you can still even do the right things, but if your energy is off with them, it makes it difficult. It's more challenging and it doesn't come effortlessly. You're putting in so much effort that you're basically fighting fear and your brain out of and not doing the work to integrate. It can drain your energy, but you obviously you want to be moving forward and going down that direction. So how do we get our energy back? It's doing healing. It's doing healing processes like we do it and set the standard with men. Quite regularly we come help them talk about their traumas and like actually release them, like on group calls, and we have exercises for people to stare at their traumas and move thought through them.

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What is a really good way of removing your trauma breath work is getting coaching, hypnotherapy, speaking to people. It's committing to your own spirituality, essentially, and understanding yourself and getting clearer on all the negative emotions and positive emotions you feel, because a part of spirituality in your own trauma is like sometimes people are so afraid to feel joy, they're afraid to feel passion, they're afraid to feel fear, they're afraid to feel cheer, they're afraid to feel pride because that used to feel cheer. They're afraid to feel pride because that used to be dangerous for them. So sometimes it's helping them like release and feel this amazing positive emotion and as that floods their entire body by goes the trauma, hello comes the energy. So absolutely amazing.

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Next one align your values. When you're true to your word, do what you say you're going to do and stay committed to your boundaries, your sense of self-confidence and energy increases. Yes, every time that you do something you say that you're going to do if you know who you want to be and who you are, and you're living aligned with the actions that you're taking, you get energy. The second that you aren't, you get down on yourself, and that's when you lose energy and you have to have boundaries in place around, around the people that you love and people around you in general, to make sure that you're living towards that, because if you're not, yourself sacrificing the energy is going to drain. This is what is meant in christianity christianity when they use the term sin.

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I believe sin is so real and it manifests in just feeling shit about yourself, in feeling regret and feeling embarrassment and feeling demotivated because you're not living aligned with your true self, you're not living in truth and the truth that you believe, and truth has levels so you can say something that has some form of truth. Just like I get down on myself sometimes, but the truth might be that I have this insecurity of feeling joy and being celebrated from my friends because I used to get abused as a kid. Whatever the thing is, I don't know right, but being able to get clearer and more articulate on your truths are extremely important and same with your values, and the clearer and the more you know about yourself and the more self-awareness that you have, the easier it is to live aligned, which is why personal work is so critically important and why we teach you to set the standard. Next one increase your nervous system's capacity, put yourself in personal growth environments and situations where you have to use teamwork, leadership, communication skills to learn new skills and grow, and then receive direct feedback, because direct feedback from this gives you a sense of progress and achievement extremely important. So this is essentially doing like going to retreats, going to workshops, going to seminars, like whatever it is, because that is when you get put to the test. You can do the theory, you can do the work, you can do the programs, you can listen to the podcast, listen to whatever it is, but then you rock up to a place with a bunch of people that get you to do an exercise and the next minute you're like, oh, oh, I can't do this right, and that's because you know what's up rationally and logically, but emotionally your body has no idea. And until you go into that setting, which is like going to the gym for your own emotional capacity, you have a. You have less capacity to handle the energy that you want to give to the world.

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So, for example, for me when I would get up and speak in front of people, I used to get like real nervous and worried about what people think. And I have been to the point where in my retreats I have like the whole room of people just projecting on me. I get to a point where I get like everyone like frustrated intentionally. And then we have this massive releasing process, which is absolutely amazing, helps people get to the next level. But if I had to try and hold that space like four years ago, that'd be impossible for me. I would be so worried, freaked out what everyone's thinking. I think about doing the worst job, I'm not good enough, all this shit. But because I've been doing a lot of work, I put myself in those situations and scenarios. My capacity has grown. Therefore I can maintain energy even when other people are downing, even when other people's energy is trying to rub off against me. But it's like no, I won't let it because I've increased my capacity. Extremely important to do. If you're a high performer, that is absolutely essential and you're a hard worker and you like work your ass off doing that unreal.

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Next one cut emotional ties with your parents. This is so important. Have conversations and implement boundaries with your parents to ensure that you really have left the nest, don't stand for any attempts to treat you like a child. This kills your energy supply and independence. By the way, all of this is like referenced. So what happens is, if you still you know you have this own life and you think it's like real awesome, you do whatever. Then you go back and talk to your parents and you immediately feel like you're the child. They're telling you what to do. You know you're not good enough and all these things come back in Is that is preventing you from being your own person and there's still ties there and those emotional ties that you have without being able to cut them off by implementing your boundaries and just having the conversation like I'm an adult now and you can't tell me this and you can't tell me that, uh, these are the recommend how you talk to me. I don't want you to speak to me like this way or give me recommendations. I only want you to do that when I ask we have a different relationship now because I'm not your child, I'm a fully grown adult and I want you to respect that and if you don't, I'm going to distance myself. And when you do respect it. I'm going to come closer to you.

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Parents take that so well, by the way. Initially they're like, oh, and then they're like, yes, my child has gone and left the nest and being able to have that conversation and set those boundaries frees you up with so much more space to give and serve to other people. And we help people have this conversation all the time and it's proof in the pudding how many people that I've worked with who have done this, who have just gone and like, taken everything in their business, in their life, their relationships, to the next level way more money, you know, getting married, all the rest of it just because they cut ties with their parents. Insane, and it's emotional ties, right, it's not generalized because you want to love your parents, it helps. It's like it's the next evolution and I say it's cut emotional ties, but it's literally evolving your relationship with your parents to something so much better. Now. It's so fantastic, like my dad literally rings me up and asks me questions about life now and I coach him back and forth and give him, like the best advice and he's like, oh, this is amazing. I wish I learned this when I was younger, like, and just being able to do that as a son and provide for him is like absolutely insane. It makes me feel like a boss, makes me a leader. It makes me feel like I could be a better father myself.

Speaker 1:

Next one be invested in romance. Go on dates If you're single. Go on dates If you're in a relationship. Anything that increases intimacy is a surge of energy that your body and brain love. So your commitment to intimacy and romance is extremely important to fulfill you up with energy. Follow this, your energy stores will completely skyrocket and, yeah, go crush that.

Speaker 1:

So now here are my physical guidelines. Right. So that's it for the internal state. That's when they help you shift and bring you more energy in general. If you're tired, just like ah, throughout the day. Those reasons are the first reasons as to why Work on those first and commit to them. Know that it might take a little while, but your dedication to that so critically important. Obviously, if you want to work on that too, you can just listen to more of my podcasts so you can go back and anything on shame and guilt, whatever it is, you can listen to that and that'll help you release everything or goal setting and purpose all of that. Listen to my podcast and that'll help you crush it. So here are my physical guidelines, right? So this is your biological guidelines that I think are so critically important to get to the next level. So warning, trigger, warning.

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When you start using these techniques and skills, you will have so much energy and focus you won't know what to do with it. Like just straight up, um, I've cultivated all these over the last 12 years, so they will not disappoint you, and I'm going to the extremes. I want to preface, preface this, that I'm going to the extreme of these guidelines. So take them with a grain of salt, right? I'm just gonna say do this, do this, do this. You do what you feel is good for you, right? Um, I don't stick to these standards all year round. I cycle in and out at different periods, at different times for what I need for my routine. That's going to give me the most amount of energy. So use what calls to you and notice how that your energy literally tenfold. So here we go. I'm just listing these out. These are fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Eat four digestive enzymes before going to bed. Drink one teaspoon of celtic salt and lemon juice with one liter in the morning upon waking up. Eat as many antioxidants as you can. Chances are we are not getting enough average person, nowhere near enough antioxidants and there are some studies that are like, don't eat too much because it's like insane. I like I disagree, because the amount of antioxidants that we would have to try to eat to get there is absolutely incredible. So dedicate yourself that every time you eat you're eating a healthy dose of antioxidants. If you don't know where to get it.

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Dark chocolate, 80% or above. Purple cabbage blueberries Now, if you're thinking from a weight loss perspective, like dark chocolate, you know what I mean. It's high in fat. There's a lot of calories in that that. So you make sure that you're eating it for the antioxidant perspective, not for yum and taste perspective and not for any fulfilling perspective. You treat it like a supplement. Um, purple cabbage blueberries um, those, absolutely fantastic to add into your diet, like anything that's got strong colors. Astaxanthin is the world's best antioxidant, spelled a-s-t-a-x-a-n-t-h--N. Krill oil has high amounts of astaxanthin and omega-3, so it's a really awesome supplement.

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Your body accumulates sleep debt. This is real. So for every minute of hour, every minute or hour of sleep you miss, your body will build up a debt and eventually make you sick. To get your sleep back. Drink 5 litres of water a day. If you're someone who exercises If you're someone who exercises and walks regularly you lose a lot of hydration, so you need to get that back up again. The more cardio, fit and muscular you are, the greater your body's capacity for energy is. Buy an aura ring to track your sleep. Ejaculate the least amount of times as possible. Always Save your sex energy. That means no masturbation and that means semen retention during sex. If you need any tips on that, I've got heaps of podcasts. I've gone God mode at it. Where were we? Don't eat for the first two hours of being awake. Don't eat three and a half hours before sleep.

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Digestion kills your sleep quality. You lose one and a half hours of sleep every single night roughly on average, so I have found seven and a half half hours of sleep to be the sweet spot. So you need an average of nine hours laying in bed with no phone of like, trying to sleep on average to get your seven and a half hour sleep. Some people are more efficient than others. Others aren't. Chances are you're not like. There's very rarely that I met people that don't have that and if you're training and you're a high performing like business owner, those nine hours are critically important. And if you track your sleep and you realize that, oh, if I lay in bed for eight hours sleep and I get seven and a half hours or whatever it is, that's the only way that you can get out of it. For me, I have no excuses. You want to lay in bed for sleep for nine hours, otherwise track it on aura ring and you may only need to lay in bed for 7 hours and 45 minutes to get your seven and a half hour sleep. Who knows? But on average not, and for all the people around us you're like 10 people. I would say eight of the people need to be laying in bed for nine hours. Um, sorry, people who don't like sleep.

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Limit your screen time. Be on your phone with intention only. Only get on there with the intention, not just to have a look around. Use all the features for screen time restrictions. Light, dim notifications on your phone. Optimize it always.

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Take high quality magnesium and omega-3 supplement. They're the highest quality by far, like most important if you want to take any supplements high quality magnesium and omega-3. Medicinal mushrooms work. Smash them if you have the funds. Medicinal mushrooms are elite. They actually work. Matcha is vastly superior to coffee. Lose the milk. For better benefits.

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Eat a higher fat-based diet. This doesn't mean no carbs. You still want carbs. You just want to prioritize your fats over carbs. I know people say the most thing for tracking your calories is get your protein in first, is the rule, then carbs and fats, and then fill in the rest of your macros with fats. Change it around what is the amount of protein that you need? Make sure you hit that and then hit your fat goal, which is most important to you, and then fill the rest in with carbs. That is the way to do it for sure, especially for optimal performance and energy. Buy a large drink bottle and use filtered water, because if you're having to count your bottles and using different bottles all the time, it's way less efficient and you won't hit your water goals.

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Don't use supplements or drinks that have vitamin Bs in them. All synthetic B vitamins are trash, pure trash. So I look at vitamin, I look at back of the energy drink, or I don't drink energy drinks but a hydration drink, and if it's got b vitamins I go oh, put that in the bin like drinking that. Do not eat seed oils ever.

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Walking after dinner, before bed, supercharges your sleep quality insane. When you need a nap, set a timer for 12 minutes. Wild caught atlantic salmon and blueberries are a masterpiece meal for energy. If you wake up in the middle of the night, play as many meditations as it takes to get back to sleep. If you can't sleep, just meditate. Bone broth, goo heals your stomach and your brain. Alpha, gpc and uridine are great supplements for brain juice. Nicotine is a better replacement for coffee. This is nicotine mints. Coffee is best consumed at a half a shot and at one shot maximum per day. Only 10,000 steps a day is essential for overall health and lymphatic drainage, meaning it gets rid of all the bad shit and it uses like an antioxidant process so that you can get rid of toxins that make you feel tired and make you feel better. And minimum of an hour sunlight per day on your skin, no sunscreen.

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I stick to these as best as I can, for as long as I can, at all times like I'm always trying to stick to these and I've essentially cured my tiredness. Now, when I get tired or lethargic, I look at each of these that I'm not doing. I think to myself oh, have I done like? What do I need to do in, like the metaphysical realm, in my internal state? Do I need to shift that or do I just need to? You know, get back on track with you know, one thing that I think is really important is or in practice, but understanding your chronotype, which is are you an early morning person, mid-morning person, normal morning person, are you afternoon person, are you a night person? Whatever it is finding figuring out for me.

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I'm an early morning person, like super early morning type, and that's only like 10 of people actually have that chronotype. So for me, the best time that my best time that I should be going to bed is like being asleep at eight o'clock and waking up at four o'clock in the morning. So I go to bed really early. People be like oh, you get up early, like you know, you get up really early to to do work, or you should get up early to do work as I get, but I'm going to bed so early. I'm in bed at 7, 7, 30, you know what I mean. Like I'm in bed so early to try to wake up at that time, but that's because it suits my chronotype. If I was a nighttime person or to the opposite, I'd stay in till nine. I'd work till 11, whatever it is, and then go to bed then, but I'd make sure that I still have my nine hours in bed. So it's extremely important knowing that. I think that's absolutely hack as well.

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But then when I'm tired and I'm not doing any of these, I get my energy back. I'm back to business, I start working everything, my energy comes back and the better you get at it and the more aware that you become of your own energy, the better you start performing and you can keep it over a consistent period of time. And then you watch your energy skyrocket. I remember talking to a bodybuilding coach of mine. I was like man, I'm eating this, this, this, and I'm like I feel off way more often I usually would and he's like are you feeling off or are you just more aware? And I was like, I am for sure, just way more aware of my energy levels and where I'm at. He's like good, that's awareness, use that as a skill. And I was like sick, that's it.

Speaker 1:

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