Set The Standard
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Set The Standard
My challenge to you: Purpose, Beauty & Danger #206
Imagine steering through the treacherous waters of life, seeking purpose, balance, and beauty amidst all the chaos. Hold on tight because today, we're going to help you navigate this uncharted territory as we delve into the transformative power of purpose, beauty, and danger. We'll expose the hidden fears often plaguing our relationships and careers, leading us to feel lost and empty. With eye-opening discussions on personal development, modern masculinity, and the crucial need for conscious decision-making, we’ll guide you in making necessary adjustments to lead a more fulfilling life.
We’ve got a challenge for you – to assess your current state, considering the elements of purpose, beauty, and danger, and reflect on whether you’re lacking or saturated. Too much or too little – either way, it’s a pitfall! We emphasize the vital role of balance and encourage you to take action, be it a career shift, a travel escapade, or nurturing relationships. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey in pursuit of a more satisfying existence. So, buckle up and let’s explore the realm of purpose, beauty, and danger together.
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Scared your partner's gonna leave you, or you're gonna leave your partner and feel like there's no zest in your life anymore. Feel like you're like oh, I need through, I need danger, I need something to give me some juice because right now, bored, shitless, I wanna be a protector, I wanna be a provider. I'm doing all of these things but for some reason there's just I feel numb and lost and empty. Or you feel like a damn worker holocaust. Right now you're like man, I'm just obsessed with work and I can't stop. Or you're in the position where you're like okay, ah, whew, I do not know what to do. Like I don't know what to do with my career. I've done this job and I'm completely uncertain about what to do next. Or I've got a couple of businesses. Maybe I should focus this on my business. Or maybe I should spend my money here. Oh, I don't wanna spend my money here in my business. Maybe I should start this new thing. Maybe I should get this coach, maybe I should do this person. If you're in any of these positions, this video is for you. I'm gonna teach you guys a technique that we teach in the standard community, which has changed hundreds of men's lives, and I'm not exaggerating by that and it's deeply impactfully changed my own. So the theory comes from a book called Wild at Heart. John Eldridge was the author. Then I have taken his concept and I've used it and applied it with methodologies and forms and diagrams and all the things that we teach in the standard community, and it just makes so much sense and it works. Every group call that we have every time we run through something because someone has a mindset from this and they're like, wow, this is one of the key factors that have changed my life and we've had some pretty awesome stories happen in the standard community. You can head to the standard Instagram page link there if you want to check it out. Link below.
Speaker 1:So I wanna get into this theory. I wanna teach you guys this. So, essentially, the theory that I'm teaching you is called purpose, beauty and danger. That is, anytime that you're experiencing any of those symptoms, usually any negative symptoms at all. It's just to take a second to think yourself okay, where am I at on the purpose, beauty, danger scale? Where am I at on that? And if you picture a triangle for purpose, a triangle for beauty and a triangle for danger, if you've got a healthy relationship with purpose, beauty or danger. You're at the top of the triangle. If you're experiencing symptoms, usually you're either gonna be on the negative side of the triangle or the not enough side say there's not enough purpose or not enough beauty, not enough danger, or the too much danger, too much purpose, too much beauty and essentially what happens is in the.
Speaker 1:I'll start with the beauty first right, because I think everyone can relate to this, because everyone's been in relationships always thinking you understand what all these problems are like. So when there's too much beauty in your life or you're experiencing beauty, most of the time beauty represents and means relationship, or woman or feminine, or if you're a female, it's the masculine right. That's what it represents. Beauty aesthetics you can get this from puppies, you can get this from some sort of aesthetics and get this fix of beauty in your life. So beauty, if it's too much, looks like attachment. Oof, I need, I need the partner, I need this relationship, and what happens in that relationship is you start showing up as someone who you're not Usually. You put in a mask, you put in a mask, you put in a face. You Let people cross your boundaries in ways that you would never let them cross your boundaries beforehand. Like you may have a partner with a woman and she starts Considering, all I want to like see other guys and something can you might actually seriously consider that shit. That's like wow, how like attached you have to be to someone to consider like that is completely crossing boundaries. Like and I know Reese like recently a problem or two. That's another pop-up podcast but like a problem is like men opting out of the, the family dynamic of not wanting it because women are becoming like awesome, amazingly masculine. However, the challenge is bigger for men to rise up with their own masculinity because you haven't got the role models right now.
Speaker 1:It makes it extremely difficult and what happens is that, as we get this needy and attached men and like, oh, I want this girl, I want this partner, but oh, my god, fuck this, I don't want to do with it, it's too hard, it's too much, because they have to face so much of their own shit in order to allow them, like allow their masculinity to support their partner's masculinity and, yeah, we just become attached losers. I've been there myself. I remember that I was with one girl just cheating on me probably ten times. Just get vulnerable, I'm not kidding. It's like literally ten times, all like, oh, like in a break or legit just cheating. But you probably kissed I don't know all together, probably kiss like I don't know like 40, 50 other guys got to town and kiss like four guys and I'm like what the hell? And I stayed to that because I Was so attached on the beauty, the too much side, they're not enough.
Speaker 1:Beauties withdrawn, that's the oh, don't want to part of this, don't a bar of this. Ill Yark, I'm gonna pull myself away. Then, over a period of time, either she's gonna leave you, he's gonna leave you, but you're gonna leave them to be drawn, can't open up, don't have the emotions, don't want to do it, don't want to work on yourself. Because if you're in any relationship, welcome to the best personal development journey ever. And if you're both not working on yourself, personal development, especially in this day and age, good luck, right, good luck for the ones that aren't getting through it without personal development. Take my hat off to you if I was wearing one, but for everyone else, please do personal development if you want it to last and it looks like not taking responsibility for any of that shit or your own stuff. No way, not me, it's like well, if you want love, you want connection and you want fulfillment, you want meaning, you want zest and energy and adventure and passion in your life, you're not gonna get it and not in a way that you'd most love. But most guys, you know a lot of people, are opting out for other Things these days, which I believe is a knockoff of responsibility. I think that we're all here to you know, raise the collective consciousness of the world, and that is definitely done through children. It's done through a lot of our relationships.
Speaker 1:My personal belief danger, so danger, bitches, whoa, whoa, whoa, too much. Danger is thrill, excitement, adrenaline, that is, you know. It can show up in the forms of getting addicted to a martial art. It can show up in the forms of just like, like, like gambling, taking huge risks, just non-stop, just become obsessed with something, chasing a thrill, addicted to traveling or something like that. Now, understanding with dangerous, always there, right danger could always be like I like doing these crazy things, business or like whatever it is that gives you some sort of risk, maybe not so business as much, depending on your purpose. But it can look like holidays. You can look like avoiding responsibility, look like anything that I can do to get a thrill now, because danger is always there and we always seek it.
Speaker 1:If you don't have enough danger, it can shop in the form of porn, video games, alcohol, drugs, all the rest of it because the danger that you're Uh, not seeking in terms of too much is going to show up in another way. That's the negative side of danger. It's like whoo, it's going to be there for sure, but it's going to show up somehow. Negative, and I can get this through and I can feel these. I feel like I'm killing people. I can feel like I'm I'm crushing, whatever this is. Get all these emotions from danger. I can get this through from all these other areas. Areas was like well, if you really want it, really focus on your woman because she is the most dangerous play thing. Frederick Nietzsche had a quote man seek danger for that. He wants a woman as the most dangerous play thing. So it's really cool. So, but with danger, though, that's how it's gonna show up if you have a negative relationship with it.
Speaker 1:Purpose is an interesting one, because too much purpose is a silent killer. That's the workaholic, that's the 20, 30 years down the track. Realize he had nothing, or Realize he had, like, no fulfillment, no love, no connection. But he's fucking chief. This to Steve Jobs right, he was like no money in the world, like I wish I loved more harder, like before he died. Whatever that quote was that he had, that was like kind of sad. It's like, oh, wow, he wish he had you know, connected more and loved harder instead of booties business, like it wasn't as as important to him. He was a great example of too much purpose. Not enough purpose.
Speaker 1:Looks like lazy, bored, can't be bothered, stuck in a job you don't like, unmotivated, operating at a score out of you know, five and a half out of ten, like I'm pretty good, like I'm average, best of the worse and worse of the best. And you know I'm not 100% clear on your goals or your vision, or even if you do, it's like you just unmotivated to crush some right. So what we want to do is be able to smash up, absolutely crush our purpose With our like someone as a partner who we can grow deep in love with and stimulate us and make us feel love and joy and and Passion, and have arguments with and stuff that we're still like oh, you're frustrating me, but I love you so much, and seek out danger within our purpose and our relationship as well, like seek out healthy forms of danger, like, for example, public speaking adrenaline is hell, right, adrenaline is hell. Or talking to someone really famous For me that gets my juices flown. Those are just like two examples that you can use of danger to weave into your business. Go teach something. What are the things that scare you? Raise your prices, double your prices, if you own a business. See how that goes. It might be a little bit of danger there. Or, like you can seek out your danger through, like friendships, if you have healthy friendships where you guys challenge each other to grow and stretch and you know and do things like you know, we have a retreat called the next level retreat for men and that is just. It is all. Danger essentially in like the healthiest way possible, where we just like Expand the most through an adrenaline ever. We're just completely outside your comfort zone. You just transform into a new person after that, depending on when you're listening to this, we've got certain dates for links to be linked below.
Speaker 1:Have a look if that sort of interests you, if that definitely interests you, so when you apply this to your own life and start thinking, okay, I've got these symptoms coming up now, negative or positive. Whatever they are, I'm frustrated. This is what's happening in my relationship. This is what happening in the danger. Think about where you're at and if you're listening to this right now, I like I challenge you to like sort of just write down or even think okay, which the one? A negative purpose? Positive? Like too much purpose, not enough purpose, too much beauty, not enough beauty. Too much danger, not enough danger. And there's no to say yet like interrelates, like if you're, yeah, too much purpose, you're probably not enough beauty and you might be too much danger in some areas are not enough dangerous.
Speaker 1:Just like, figure out where you're at and then you just ask yourself the question Okay, for example, from too much purpose right now or not enough purpose right now, what can I do in order to stimulate myself? If it's not enough purpose? It's like, well, if I'm not enough purpose and I'm not enough and I'm too attached, what I'm gonna have to do is just like remove, like do something for myself. I have to implement boundaries, I have some my own time and get really clear on my purpose. That's an opportunity, like joints at the stand. If that's you need to find your purpose. We're the best at that. We've got free masterclasses and stuff like Check out some of the links below if you're interested. If not, good, but um, if you're like any.
Speaker 1:Any need to find purpose, what's like? And I'm too attached to beauty. I need to remove some beauty. If I haven't got enough purpose and I am like not enough beauty, maybe I need to find a partner, because sometimes men Need to find a partner and need to have like the beauty in their life, to feel inspired, to feel connected to something, to like start to Find their purpose and then like if you're not enough purpose, like think about okay, where am I with danger? Is it, is there too much danger at my video games, porn, masturbating, like a negative danger? Or am I on the other and we're all I'm doing is just going on holiday, spending all my money and just doing like wild shit, like I'm addicted. Sometimes it's like you know. You know athletes will do that and they'll just like so consumed and they'll forget about Investing or setting themselves up in the future and just like run everything to the ground because they're addicted to the high. And that's fine, like for for a period of time, as long as you're just smart about it and it is on purpose and it is with beauty, so you just got to know where you're at.
Speaker 1:So if you haven't enough purpose and you're like, okay, there's too much, there's too much danger, like, is this actually a link with my purpose? Is this fulfilling? Is it hurting me? Am I doing something stupid here? Do I need to pull back on danger or do I just need to Move danger into my purpose a little bit more? Now? This especially happens if you're on the negative side of danger. It's like, okay, I am not getting the stimulus that I need out of my career and out of my relationships, which is why I'm on this negative side of danger right now. So what can I do now in order to Fill my own cup up and get this danger back? Is it something so full-on where it's like I Need to just quit my goddamn jobs?
Speaker 1:We have people in the set, the standard community, literally just like. We have so many people just come and quit their jobs. We have so many people just like the boom with business success, all because they're like wow, needs a more danger. There's a decision that I've been making, I've been avoiding. I just got to do this and lean it with a people move houses, move into state, travel seas, like move overseas. You've had people go on holidays that they never thought they ever wanted to go on. Like their parents have never like condoned traveling, they never thought about traveling and X meant like fuck, I'm traveling overseas right now. I'm really living their life. Some of them have like never wanted to ask a girl out and they do and they're like cuz. They understood that. Like okay, I'm not being stimulated and all of this danger is going into negative shit that I don't need.
Speaker 1:So if you like this podcast, we like this. Please like below, leave a comment. I'd love to comment back and share with a friend and follow me on Instagram, cory Batwell. Shoot me a DM or leave a comment on some of the quick tips in there. Would love to connect and chat with you. So thanks for listening the podcast guys. I hope you found some use out of this one. See you in the next one.