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Set The Standard
How to Ask for a Pay Raise
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Oh, it's time to make it rain out here out here. Time to make it rain out here. Out here, we're gonna double our salary out here out here. Oh yeah, oh yeah, let's go guys. The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. That is a powerful quote that I hope inspires you guys to push your limits to the edge, because when you do, that is when you learn the wisdom that integrates in your body and you kick some ass. So this video is made for you specifically if you would like to double your salary and you would like to ask for a pay rise and learn how it's done, especially if you need to get that confidence, especially if you know that you're worth more.
Speaker 1:You're getting frustrated at your job. You're getting frustrated at your bosses. You're getting frustrated at the people who are working beneath you. The whole thing feels like it's just not part of the process. You don't wanna be doing it and it's just. It's just about that time to do something else. And if you don't go and quit and be resentful, get another job. You're just gonna stay here and just be like, well, I'm just gonna sit in my own resentment and spite and really start to not enjoy life and take that home back to like your partner or someone else and just take it out on them, which is completely unfair. So this is your moment to take responsibility. This is your moment to change some things around.
Speaker 1:We have been well, I have been the founder of Set. The Standard Community, which is the men's personal growth community in Australia, is one of the best, and we have seen so many people in our community ask for pay rises. We even had someone to get two pay rises in a week. We've had multiple people leave their careers, start their own business. We had other people level up in their careers and get job rolls. We had other people move careers and get a better job that is, paying more because they learned these techniques. I believe this is the best way. What we've consolidated here. This is the best thing, the best document from what we've learned from all working with all kinds of people and bringing it all down and consolidating into a clear, concise document that you can use to crush it. So if you're listening to this or you're watching to this tune in, listen in, because even the skill is here. If you're not someone who is ready yet to this, the skills that you're going to learn in this episode are going to just change everything for you, so please pay the most attention. So this is the document. So if you're not watching this and you're currently not listening to this, I'm going to explain it to the best of my ability, but you can download this somewhere around the screen and up here or in the links below. So obviously we've called this double your salary because we've seen people get their salaries doubled.
Speaker 1:So, and how to negotiate a pay rise and actually get one. So we've got the different frameworks on each page and let's just get straight into it. So there's a process in regards to asking for a pay rise, and one of the things that I find extremely beneficial even before getting into the process, I'm going to bring this up is that when you're starting to lose motivation and you're starting to either resent work or become a little bit spiteful, it's important to take that responsibility on yourself. There's no one else's responsibility except for yours, and we all have had those moments when you've been on fire, we've been enthusiastic, when you've been crushing at work and it feels really good, and the most important thing we can do is to bring that fire back, because once that fire is back and we're showing up at work. That gives us the motivation and the confidence to ask for a pay rise, and it's a holistic point of view. To be the best version of yourself you've got to be. The best version of yourself is going to be in a position where they're executing to the best of their ability, regardless of where they are, and most of the time we see a lot of people compare themselves to a future version of themselves, compare themselves to a different version of themselves and then, in regards to a timeframe, and if they're always comparing themselves to that, they're putting themselves into a lack, which is like depressive anxiety causes and makes you feel down instead of maybe seeing your job or your position as the next step to become the person who you're meant to be, and that is your initiation.
Speaker 1:I remember when I was before I started to set the standard community and I was working in organizational development and leadership for an organization. I remember being in there being like I'm going to smash this. I don't like the work. I don't like some of the stuff. There's some parts there that I found was actually amazing. When I got invested into it was like the most fantastic thing ever. However, when I was in there, there was a lot of things that I didn't like. 80% of it. I hate it, and I remember being in there and being like, well, I'm going to smash this anyway, because that is what the best version of myself would do. I'm going to learn as much as I can, I'm going to consume as much as I can, I'm going to put myself out there and speak as much as possible and organize as much as possible so that the whole company relies on me, so that I can get a pay rise and I can also learn these skills that I can then bring to people in the future, because there are skills to be learned here in business. And I did that. I won awards. I got a just personally myself. I went up two categories in pay, which has like never been done. I had to get approved by the CEO because of how much I was kicking ass. Did it like the work? No, but it was the discipline and the motivation. I understand that where I am right now is building skills.
Speaker 1:So this is the first, and this comes down to the first step here, which is called self-assessment. Evaluate your current performance and just basically be completely honest with yourself. Out of one to 10, where you're operating at in terms of your max potential at work, and if you're not operating at a seven and above, that is the very first step in the process. So reflect on how you're showing up. Let's move forward. Number two energy at work. We're gonna improve your energy at work. That's done.
Speaker 1:If you're not liking working, feeling spiteful and resentful and you do wanna get paid more because that is motivating, right, when you're getting paid $30,000 more per year than what you're currently getting paid more right now, or $50,000 or $100,000, even $10,000, it's so much more motivating because you're like, wow, this is paying to support my life. Even if there is responsibility there, I can figure out and manage it. So, understanding energy, you can have them sleep, diet, nutrition, all the rest of it. And if you're spiteful and resentful, your motivation to work on yourself outside of work drastically decreases. I remember when I first walked into my job and career and I walked into the boss and I said I said I wasn't like.
Speaker 1:I eat four times a day and that's a non-negotiable for me. I'll sit at my desk if I need to, I'll be replying to emails, but I'll be eating at those times. I also will be at work before everyone else and I'll be leaving work after everyone else, but I'll be training in the middle of the day. That is a non-negotiable for me. And they said okay and they ended up agreeing to those things. So, right from the get-go, I protected myself with compassion, knowing that I'm gonna show up so much better at work because of those things. And I did, and I backed it up with integrity and consistently showed that, which is why I worked there like, wow, this guy is so innovative, he's changing all these things and was paying lots.
Speaker 1:So this is happening with people in my set, in the setting community as well, which is why I wanna share this knowledge onto you, which is why I know you can absolutely kick ass by using this, so improving your energy, that's managing everything else. You think like, oh, wow, what do I have to do this? Because this is how you nail Is that worth $50,000? Is that worth doubling your salary? Like doing these things? Absolutely it's worth doing it. It's never just a oh, ask and hope that we're gonna get. It's a little bit more. And if you attack everything like this, like we do, set out how you actually ask for a pay rise in this document and how to do it perfectly, because I used to coach people on how to do this in business before doing it in personal development and it works. Used to teach people how to have difficult conversations and performance conversations, and this is the stuff that works.
Speaker 1:But first thing, assess yourself. How are you showing up? Let's level it up. How's your energy at work because of all the external influences? Let's get that up there. Number three setting the scene. This is extremely important Choosing the right environment to ask for your pay rise. Do you wanna do this at the office when there's chaos going around? Like maybe you have the officer at the work site and he's just gonna hey, hey, can I have a pay rise? Like that's not gonna work. Put it, push it in this way.
Speaker 1:Imagine there was a manager and employee. The manager walks into the office and you're the employee in the city at the desk. You're sitting at the desk and the manager walks in and goes hey, I need to see your office in two minutes. Let's go. How are you gonna feel Immediately? You're gonna think to yourself. You're going to feel, oh, my goodness, I've done something wrong. You're gonna feel terrible. And then you're gonna start thinking to yourself like, oh my God, I've done this thing wrong. It could have been this, could have been that. Was I late on this thing? Was I late on this? Assuming the wife's? Immediately Imagine your manager come in and you said this to you hey, the higher ups have just given me some pressure to get this report done.
Speaker 1:You're the best at it. I really need your skills. Can you come into my office as soon as you get a chance so that we can discuss about how to get it done by the end of the week? How do you think can you feel from that? Immediately, you're gonna start thinking to yourself well, there's this thing in the report and there was this thing into the report. So immediately you're in a high level part of your brain.
Speaker 1:So imagine coming up to your manager when they have all your boss or whatever it is, and they have all of these Like frustrations of worries about work and pressure. And then you come up and you're like, hey, like I'd like to talk to you about a pair of my god, this is the last thing on my mind right now. Why are you asking me this now, my goodness. But instead, if you can't, much is that? Hey, I really like to talk about, like the roles and how things are going in the team at the moment. I think I can really provide some value to you. Can we get a cup of coffee? You know, in a couple of days? I took your calendar. When it's free, we can get out the office, don't worry about the stuff, and we can sit there and have a really good chat, and I'll thank goodness any moment to get me off the work site Anywhere else so I have a chat. This is setting the scene.
Speaker 1:Immediately your employer, boss, manager, is out of fear brain, which is always going to be in no threat state, and it's the high performance part of the brain and we think off. Thank god this person has got me away from the office. I'm so happy that they want to help me. I'm so happy that they want to take me out and actually spend some time in the. Because of boss, I need some like love and to. So immediately your brain is in a reward state, so they're already going to be thinking positively. I'm thinking about you know how to negotiate the thing, about you know the benefits and I'm gonna be thinking about the worst. This is why it's number three. It is that important. Just by setting the scene with a boss, manager, employer, the chances, I believe personally, of getting what you want go like 80% right, the rest is just filling it in. Honestly, it goes up to 80% just by setting the scene. You just backing up with proof, with self assessment, energy, work. This is magic, guys. You're listening to this. You're like, oh my goodness, even this is already like I'm getting hyped up to get this pair of this.
Speaker 1:Is it Number four, opening the conversation? You don't want to open the conversation immediately. Put your manager in a threat brain. Hey, I want to pay rise. Well, we've just taken me out somewhere. Nice, how we're gonna talk about this. So you want to open up a conversation in a way, in a real positive tone, which is going to help them be able to make the decision. So, hey, thank you so much for coming today.
Speaker 1:I really wanted to discuss this, this in this, and talk about our roles in the valley that we're bringing into the company. That's gonna be really beneficial for both of us. So I'd love to have a high, high level discussion with you on this topic. Is that okay? There's nothing in here that you don't already know. I just wanted some clarification myself. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, let's talk about roles, let's talk about all these things that this is gonna be really good conversation, like I'm actually excited for this. So, immediately, just by setting the tone in the opening the conversation in a positive way, not by mentioning, hey, I want to pay rise Straight away, it's coming in like just just easing your way in and then having the big ask the fifth stage, the fifth step, is demonstrating value.
Speaker 1:So you want to come in. If you've got your computer, if you have, you want to draw out diagrams and talk about anything? Yeah, cool. So I just want to talk about my role and how it's evolved over the last. You know, one year, two year, five years, six years, six months, whatever it is. What I know is I come in and this was the role that I was Performing here, and then you want to have a list and write down essentially, you don't have, you can verbally memorize this, but so good, having a list or demonstrating on your computer the role that I'm doing now, responsibilities that I have, and you always want to mark against responsibilities.
Speaker 1:If you're supervising anyone, if you have more responsibilities, if you look enough to more stuff, this is the best situation to talk about this and let's say, for example, the pay rise doesn't look clearly, maybe it doesn't look clear, it is not positive because of, like, cash flow problems or something of budget for the company, then you can, you might, you might be understanding that your role is actually evolving and you're supposed to be in a different role which may end up having more career, project progression. It could be more skill, asset, a climate. Whatever you're doing in the company, it could be something completely different that you love and if you're passionate about my girls, get this motivation back and that also leads to more income further on down the line. When I'm getting a pair of like worse comes to worse, looking at the different roles is extremely important. To be like. This is the role used to be, this is what my role looks like now, and I just realized that I've leveled up all of these different skills and I'd like your feedback on there. I'm really excited to see this grow anymore and I said, yeah, yeah, look at looking at it together. You're cool. I know that we are a company of culture. We want to reward employees for doing really high quality work and consistent work and showing up. Therefore, I would really love to be paid accordingly to the role description.
Speaker 1:What do you think and how can that happen? So just asking a question like that but it's just me, the by setting the scene, opening up the conversation, so there's no threat, demonstrating the value so that your manager, boss, employer can see specifically like wow, this is a lot of value. So that Generating all these reasons in their mind of being like wall. I've actually seen this because most of us assume this is what happens, that our boss and manager employer just know how much we've grown. They've got no idea. They're too many worried, worried about the bottom line. What about this thing? What about managing everyone? They have no idea if we've grown or taken on more responsibility. They actually are not aware. Even if it's like I come to this role, it was just me, by myself, and now I'm looking after a team of five For manager. They still don't understand, because they're worried about everything else, that now you're looking after a team of five. So show them, demonstrate some of the hey. When I come, I was doing this and now I'm looking after a team of five, which is actually insane. So as I'm getting into the supervisor, I'd like to get paid for that as showing for culture that we continue to reward employees, because that's going to set the standard for the other people coming up, because we have some really good people in the team that to come up and wanting to grow and step up and level up, and we have got responsibility for them and I can see them stepping up and you know, we can really build this whole team out. Everyone's working really well. That is such a great way of building evidence.
Speaker 1:That doesn't have to be those specific answers. It can be literally anything. When you're looking at it, however, you're showing up in your business, whether it's time consistently, whether it's been there for a long period of time, whether it's you've made things more efficient, with you making the business more money, with you empowering other people. You've had really good ideas, like whatever it is. You just want to show that that's been there, to show that you have been improving. And then you ask. You ask very clearly I would like to be compensated for the role that we're moving in and I'd like to talk about that.
Speaker 1:Negotiator. The best thing to do with the big ask and prepare in the big ask as well is have your number ready. So if there is role, like some companies and businesses. It looks like a cave you're at a certain role will be like. When you move up each level there's a different pay grade. You can say I want to want this pay grade. I reckon this is this one here is A real good reflection of my responsibilities and they go awesome. Or you can just say, if you're operating let's say you're an eighty thousand dollars a year just I can say and you know that now you're running a team of people something is more responsibility.
Speaker 1:You know how really, I really think the conversation is actually gonna be around about a hundred and ten annual brings it down to nine K for me. I think the amount of time and things that I'm saving is providing was value to the business. I think that would be an amazing compensation. Compensation what do you think Most of the time would be the standard? Shoot further. I would be one fifty and bring it back down to one ten. You can. That's really cool. So that is like a little technique there that you can use. But that's what you want your big ask to be. You want to have a clear number and we're not specifically this is what I would love to get paid as well. I get paid. This is where I see my value, don't you? And by asking that question, put it back and then they go yeah, I do see a value. That's really good.
Speaker 1:So let's figure out how to get this. If you set things up in this way and it's a positive conclusion, we can bet like you know, you've moved up from eighty percent just by setting the scene to like ninety, ninety five percent that you're going to get a massive jump in your salary and get a pay increase. Regardless of where it is, you will get a pay increase. Hopefully it's gigantic, like some of the people that we've worked with. If not and we understand if it's if it's positive, you follow you. Thank you so much. That's really good. When can we get this sort of? When can we get this up? This is really cool. Let's schedule another follow up conversation To make sure that happened and I'm really appreciative working for you know if you're really valid as an employee. So that's sort of how the conclusion works. If it's positive. If it's a negative, right, and it looks like all we can't now you have just opened a portal.
Speaker 1:Don't take no for an answer, not just at that moment. Play the long game Month, three months, six months, eight months. It's like cool, keep showing up, keep doing you and keep the conversation open We'll say, oh, thank you so much. I'd really like to talk about this and how we can figure out a way where, in future like, what do I need to do in order to get that pay rise? And in the meantime this is one of the key questions to ask how can we either invest in me or give me more opportunities to increase my skill so that I can be paid more or find a new role somewhere else, because I want to be a leadership.
Speaker 1:My career goals is I want to be able to run this thing, do this thing, have this skill and you want to understand. Like, let's say, you're working in a business, an e-commerce business, but you want your own e-commerce store. So you might ask, hey, I want to have more responsibility in these areas, to learn these skills, because eventually, you know, within five years, I want to open my own store. So, and being really honest and transparent, for that, your boss or employee manager will respect you. They're awesome. So you've got like five years, yeah, let's train you up, be the best as you can. I'm like cool, now I've given myself five years and I'm out, I'm going to start my own thing, which is fantastic, which is why people come to set the standard community, like, makes this big change, because they get aware of all this goal setting right.
Speaker 1:So if it's negative, you want to make sure that you're increasing your skill. You get to talk about the conversation again, you get to figure out how you can get the pay rise and then, if not, it ends up being really negative. You just say, hey look, I'm giving you know six to 10 months If you want to get anyone to come in so I can train them up, because I need more pay for my life and my motivation, because I'm being extremely motivated and resenting the job at the moment, please let me know and I'll help train someone up as best as possible, because I want to go try somewhere else. And please let me know if there's anything else you think I'd be able to kick some ass, because I want to have a good relationship with you. That way, you're not burning any bridges and you can rely on the people that you're working with. Right, this is genius, because you have geniuses, guys. Wow, let's get pay rises, everybody get a pay rise, yeah, right.
Speaker 1:And then the next steps is actually planning for your future actions, which is when you're talking to the like. At that time, you want to close the conversation. There is an extremely important part in the process for closing the conversation with your manager and employee. So, hey, like now, this conversation is coming to an end. I just want to write down the tasks that we are going to do and talk about, regardless. If it's a positive, regardless. If it's negative, it's positive. Feel like cool. So we're going to have a chat about this. Then it'll be confirmed at this date and the pay rise will start in June. You know what I mean. So when you're talking, same thing with conclusion, conclusion. So I want to get this level of skill. We want to start doing this thing here.
Speaker 1:I'm going to reschedule another conversation in two weeks from now to talk about how I can start making steps and processes into increasing because I'm really motivated, I'm in the vision, I'm in the vision, I'm in the mission. I really want to level up as best as possible so I can help this company grow, because that is where my skills lie. Right, how amazing is that? Now, just by looking at this table and going over all these things, this is the perfect formula to get a pay rise. Now, it's not like, oh, I just walk in there and ask for a pay rise. Unless you can do that, if your frame and your energy is just so fantastic that some of the things that we teach that it, however, like this process is the surefire way to make sure you get it done. You can also read here. So and I'll just like talk about this to everyone who's listening and watching this video Just having a bit of a looking and going through these, it's like cool, we want to understand the challenge.
Speaker 1:Okay, it's asking you a question. It's making sure that we're leveling up. It's making sure that we're taking charge by being a leader, by showing up and leadership, being like. You know what? I'm taking my pay rise into my own hand. There's no point us being frustrated at a job manager, employer for not giving us a pay rise when it's in our responsibility. We have to ask for what we want, and if we're not showing up as leaders and we're not asking for what I want, then we're never going to get it.
Speaker 1:Just as Jesus said ask and you shall receive. It's honestly so simple and there is no harm in asking multiple times. You're not putting anyone else out. You're putting yourself first, you're putting your family first, putting your children first, putting your partner first, by asking for more money and more responsibility, and that is helping the best version of yourself, your future self, by investing new skills and all these things into your body, your brain, everything. It's absolutely amazing Understanding that you've got to be excelling at your job, you're understanding that there is going to be a lifestyle change.
Speaker 1:It's more than just a strategy. It's a commitment to changing and evolving and growing all the time. And as soon as you come to a bottleneck like for me when I was working in the organization, when I was working in it, when I maxed out, I capped out now like that's the highest row you can get into. You can't really grow any worse unless you take the manager's job and I'm like cool, well, let's take a day off per week. I started up my own business. I got a few clients paying me $1,000 a month. I was making more than some of the top directors, combining my wage and what I was making outside of work. And then I transitioned out and said cool, I want to work. You know, two days away from work. Now, two days off per week, I'm going three days a week, I'm building up my business and as soon as I had enough money and I had enough clients, I was out of there and I scaled that fear.
Speaker 1:And now we're here, right, crushing. I've got a team of four, including myself, and we are just absolutely having a blast teaching you guys all of these things Till we see each other again. Kai susceptibles do. And if things don't go as planned, we want to be ready for the next step. That is the conclusion for negative phase Timing. We want to make sure when our timing is appropriate. We don't want to come in when it's chaos everywhere and no one can think about anything. So that's about it.
Speaker 1:We've got a bit of a framework summary, just kind of talking about make sure you've got your presence and you're showing up with the right energy, you're setting the right environment, you're planning your introduction, you've got a communication strategy making the big ask and you're concluding effectively. So that is part of the framework. Now I'm going to get into the actual the framework itself in terms of what to say. So that was the process before. I explained everything and there's a little bit of like a talk in this document that you guys can read, just summarizing everything quite beautifully. But this framework is the next table. We've got the framework and then we've got the checklist, which I'll go through Now. I'm not going to go over this entire framework. I believe you guys can come in and read this one, because I don't want to waste heaps of your time, but I'm going to run over it for you so you understand how it's done.
Speaker 1:So, number one, step two assess your own performance. Saying to yourself like this is literally saying to yourself when it's down, reflecting about your performance and contributions over the last time period, I'd like to discuss my growth and areas for improvement. So this is like when you're opening the conversation up to your manager and employer. These are certain things to say. So, review your work, achievements and areas of growth. It shows self-awareness and initiative for personal development. So even before you can do a little bit of sneaky before having this conversation with your manager, it's sitting down and be like hey, I've been reflecting on my own performance over the last 12 months. I'd like to discuss my growth in different areas for improvement. Can we please set up a time and then you go review your areas with your manager or boss your energy and your attitude. You talk about this. Hey, I've been focusing. You have this conversation with your manager. I've been focusing on positive energy and effective teamwork. I've committed to maintaining higher energy and a positive attitude.
Speaker 1:Can we talk about and review, just like I want to have some feedback on how I'm growing and you can see, like, what to do about this and you can see which is, you know, demonstrating and improving in your own personal wellbeing and contribution and contribution to the team or whatever you're in, and then that demonstrates commitment to enhancing the workplace and around productivity. If you're that right person, you can end up getting, if you go through this list, 100% chance you're going to get a pay rise for sure. They literally can't. Not the right setting. What do you want to say to that one is like hey, can we have this conversation in a relaxed setting, maybe over a coffee, for opening the conversation, you want to say things like I've made significant contributions in these areas. Here's how I've added value to the team and the company goals, and then articulate them, show them in the demonstration of value section in the framework. So I'll just step you by the framework. So there's nine steps and it's very similar to the process.
Speaker 1:However, the that's just a little bit different in terms of this is the specific things that you want to say. So this is the things that you want to say in the setting opening the conversation, demonstrating value, making the ask in positive clothes, and this gives you tangible lines for what you can say. So, opening the conversation I've made significant contributions in specific projects. Sorry, we said that. One demonstration value I've taken the initiative in this task and this project which got results like this, and you explain the results or show the results. My efforts in that area have led to this improvement. So now you're showing, like the examples of this, which is, like you know, making those reasons in your manager's mind. Oh, yes, I should definitely go for this person Making the ask. You want to say things like considering my contributions. I feel a pay rise is a fair consideration, or I believe my achievements warrant a review of my compensation. Yes, get to this level of making sure that we have that written down. Positive clothes Thank you for considering my request.
Speaker 1:I'm eager to continue contributing to our success. I look forward to our continued collaboration and growth within the company. Now, these words you want to say, these word for word. You say it how it best suits with your language. So, for example, if it was me, it's be like I am so excited about working together and like my growth in the company. I really see me helping the vision come to life so much more streamlined and so much more quickly. And how is it going to be? Great, like that is something that I would say in regards to this, but this is the exact vibe and the thing that we do want to say write it out, rewite it as best thing With the negative clothes, a value of feedback, and continue to strive for excellence in my role.
Speaker 1:And then making sure, asking can we revisit this again? What other skills can I have? And then future planning I'm exploring ways to further grow and contribute to our goals. What opportunities are there for me to develop and add more value? I can write them down now. So going through that and just, for example, like that is the framework and we use the process it goes through. This is what to do. We run through the process, which is the framework, which is all the things to say. We can read this go over this and use it, crush it. Yeah, let's go Pay rise everyone.
Speaker 1:So we had someone in our community. He ended up getting two pay rises within a week. It was really interesting because he learned all these techniques, he'd been doing the personal development and he just got offered a pay rise and a meeting with his company because he'd just been crushing it. He literally had done step one self-assessment, step two energy at work, just by those things and showing up consistently. You can watch this video that I put into this document if you like.
Speaker 1:But essentially it's possible to say like look, you already been good and productive. But like you just ate the other guy, that Fabian, that worked with us six months ago, like you've just been on the ball. So like here, here's some contribution. And then we said to him and challenged him like hey, look, ask for another pay rise. Like now you get to put setting the right setting, opening the conversation, demonstrating value, making the ask and having a positive close and planning out some future stuff for you which is in the process and the framework. Put it to practice. Like good job, now let's go again. So he's okay.
Speaker 1:He sat down, sat down to his employers and said, hey, like ran through the framework of what they wanted, and they said, yeah, well, give you another pay rise again. So it was like really cool to become the community and that happened and it really was that simple. I just wanted to prove the point that step one and step two the holistic approach to changing your energy and attitude is the key to do it. And then underneath we have got a checklist. So, essentially, if I was just to summarize all the all the notes here like, this is the specifics. I won't get into the specifics. You can, you can have a look at this, but when you want to come to your pay rise, there's a preparation phase which is making sure you've you've got your examples of your value, you've got your. Your attitude and energy have been up. You've been crushing it at work. Prepare, take that seriously, make sure you've got your conversation starters, remember.
Speaker 1:So how am I going to start this part of the conversation for opening the conversation, demonstrating the value, and also closing um, highlighting your value. Have you got tangible things or can you make sure you talk about it or write it down in a piece of paper making the request? How are you going to ask? We've got the frameworks in here handling responses. So there are some ways where we actually want to handle responses and it's all put in here and it's basically if it's positive, express gratitude. If it's negative or uncertain, ask questions. Why is that? Okay, what can we do instead? All right, how can we do this? So it's in your mind. It's like well, regardless, if it's not this conversation, I'm going to get a pay rise. So how can I get there? Because I'm dedicated, I'll do anything to get it. And if you hit a glass ceiling or, like me or not, hit a glass and hit a ceiling, go horizontal, do something else and say, okay, I'm going to, I'm going to change.
Speaker 1:Post conversation actions. Make sure you've got an action plan after the conversation. Now, in personal development, make sure that you reinforce it. You're considered to growing your own personal development as an employee and a member of the, the, the organization. And the last one is make sure you got the reminder. So at the end of it, clarify what you're doing, write it down and that it's all there. So this is how you do it, guys. This is how it's done. If you got any value from this, please follow for more and get reminded about this all the time. Please share with a friend and give us a like. That would be super appreciated. So I'm Corey Bauer from the set the standard community. We are the best place to be for entrepreneurs and people are like to grow into the best version of themselves. See you guys in the next one. Bye.