Corey Boutwell Podcast

DUNE 2: The Ultimate Hero Journey (breakdown) Season 1 Episode 217

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I absolutely love the Dune Series of films. I recently went and saw the latest film DUNE 2 and it sparked some reflection with one of my favourite psychological tools - Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. 

Expect to listen to my interpretation of the movie and how it can relate to your personal and professional journey through life. 

I loved making this episode for you guys so if you found it valuable - please give this one a share.

Big Love, 


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Speaker 1:

And he's like walking through the people and you're just like, wow, why do we relate so much to June and how is it influenced by the hero's journey? We're going to discuss this in this entire video, so please watch the whole thing because we're getting deep into it. Lock in. You're here with me. It's time to go. We're going to be going through, step by step, the hero's journey how it applies to June and why that makes it relate to you and what's the influence that you get from your life and how can you take the lessons of June and apply them into your own life.

Speaker 1:

My name is Corey. I am the founder of Set, the Standard Men's Personal Growth Company, and for the last three years, I have been running online coaching and in-person retreats all around Australia to help men make their careers and their relationships more fulfilling. I've worked with some of Australia's best entrepreneurs and worked with over 250 men, and I'm also the founder of the Corey Boutwell podcast. Currently, I'm working on creating the world's biggest men's community and I give entrepreneurs around the world the power and the charisma to transform their ideas into reality. And this is what we're going to be doing in this video, so let's get straight into it. If you like this video, please hit a subscribe, so don't miss out any goodies that we are giving to you.

Speaker 1:

So, essentially, the hero's journey. I'm just going to really really quickly touch on it. If you don't know it, you can watch another one of my videos. It's around here which explains the hero's journey in detail. You can watch that or listen to it on a podcast. It's very easy listening. But essentially, the hero's journey is a concept that Joseph Campbell created and a lot of other people have started working on Eric Neumann, carl Jung. There's a lot of people that relate, like some biggest philosophers in the world, relate to the impact of the hero's journey and how it works, and essentially all the big movie artists and the reason that we love stories. They have used the hero's journey to create power. Now, what people don't understand is that the hero's journey through all of tribes, religions and history. It's essentially encoded into our DNA. The reason that any sale psychology works, make us buy things, the reason that there's any story that we find well or encapsulating any short form content, whatever it is, some piece and point to the puzzle. There is a relation to the hero's journey as well, with archetypes that come up within the hero's journey itself. So it's pretty powerful. It's been told for a long period of time. There's 12 different steps. Essentially, you have the known world, which is everything that you know now.

Speaker 1:

So think about you before you head to university or do apprenticeships and things like that. Think about someone in that position. They want to be a doctor? Right, they're going to head to uni. They're called to adventure, it's all. I want to be a doctor, all right. And then their normal world is they're okay, they're. They've just finished high school. What do I got to do? Well, they're going to have to go to university or college to study how to be a doctor. And that's like they're called to adventure. The refusal to the call be. The parents might be like, oh, we don't know how to afford it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, eventually they go to university, do the studies. They'd be grinding the rest of blah, blah, blah, trying to get the stuff done. They'll probably get close to the end of the thing and be like, oh, should I quit? Should I, should I not quit? And then realize that they've got some, you know, some shame or guilt that's been suppressed from the parents and they're going to overcome that and they'll probably find a mentor somewhere at the university who will help them and guide them, or a friend and will help them, like you know, get their doctorate. They finally get their doctorate. They're like well, my goodness, and the next mountains there? Oh goodness, I got to find a job. Now They've, through the people that they meet and the exercise that they've done, they might find out to get a job and might come really easy and they go, oh, my goodness. And then they start a doctor's practice because they're like well, I'm actually really passionate about this, but I think I could do more with what I've got. They started doctor's practice because apparently they were a really confident, charismatic person that they've got the doctor's practice. They set that up. There's trials and tribulations within that and now they've got a doctor's company and they're like wow, they go back home to their parents. They're like I did it.

Speaker 1:

That's a very simple way of explaining the hero's journey and it's been told through all the great movies Star Wars, harry Potter, lord of the Rings. They're like the big three avatar, you know, they're like the big ones. And it's also told perfectly with June Okay, and we're going to get straight into it now. So the first step of the hero's journey is a call to the adventure. And as I go through these steps, I'd really empower you and encourage you to sort of think about how this relates to you and your own life, because I work with some of like Australia's best entrepreneurs, right, and we map the hero's journey out for them. So we go through like it's a big process why boards everything involved a lot of education Like what is your hero's journey? And then we figure out where they're at on the hero's journey.

Speaker 1:

Like, where are you at in regards to the hero's journey? I mean, okay, what's the next steps? Right, what are the next steps for you to do and what are the challenges that you're going to take? And they take the next step of the take the next challenge and the next middle. They've gone from a you know, a statewide company to a national company. They've gone from oh, I'm scared to invest this money amount in that deal, investing the money in the deal and getting 10 X on the ROI.

Speaker 1:

This is a consistent thing that happens all the time. Or it could just be like oh really, I've created the business and it's so good and I've got the money and the income. However, I'm still addicted to work and all I want to do is spend some quality time with my partner and shop being present, and I struggled so hard to do that and I feel like I'm not worthy of love because all of that is grind my ass off. Where are you stepping the hero's journey? Take the next story step. Oh, it's that Bang. Fulfilling relationship is very interesting. I think the hero's journey is the best predictability tool for our own life. So that's what I want to encourage you to do as we go through this.

Speaker 1:

So the call to adventure, the first step of the hero's journey the Atreides family is ordered to take control of the desert planet Arrakis, home to the universe's most valuable resource, the spice Melange. This event pulls, pull from this familiar environment into a world of political intrigue and danger. So remember, in June one, by the way, june two For my people out there, that's in June too. This is why I'm making this video, by the way, I just so inspiring because I started the hero's journey and every movie I watch I judge, compare the hero's journey. I'm like, if this movie isn't following the hero's journey correctly, I don't watch it. I judge the movie. How good it is, based on the hero's journey. So cool to venture.

Speaker 1:

Paul is on his Atreides, whatever the current member of the planet, paul's planet is called, and it's like, oh, we got to go and look after this other thing and you notice there's a bit of a call there, the fusora is. The call is like there's not like Paul's, like nah, but it's more like an apprehension that he has of being like do we really want to go? Sort of kind of intrigued and do we really want to go, yes or no? Talking to his family, his mum, and he's like waking up, like tired and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Then the supernatural aid section. Paul's supernatural aid comes in the form of his Ben and Jezorette training from his mother. So you can see that that his mum and the Ben and Jezorette and their supernatural aid, like they sort of really help him out because he has these superpowers that other people doesn't have. And I can't because I can't say the word that Paul is the kajaraka, like a jigatakus. Okay, I can't remember what it is, but essentially the Ben and Jezorette, the group of the and there's. But see the spoilers in here, by the way, guys. So if you haven't watched the thing, you're going to go watch it and come back, but at least if you watch this before you go watch the movie, you're going to be like, oh my gosh, this is so good because it's so aligned to directly to the thing.

Speaker 1:

So, essentially, the Ben and Jezorette is a group of women who have supernatural I would say almost like feminine powers, and they can speak to people and they tell them to do something. When they tell them to do something through changing the pitch of their voice, people do exactly what they say that they're going to do. They have to have that power and some I don't know if some have visions, but I know that Paul has visions, okay, and that's his supernatural aid is being trained by his mum because he has this superpower and this unfair advantage that other people don't. So this sort of comes to you. In question is like what's your cause to adventure, being Like what, what do you get called to do? And this is why we like it so much, right, what's the refusal to call? What's the resistance out for where we're going? And then, where is your supernatural aid?

Speaker 1:

It's really interesting because that's like sort of like okay, it comes in the form of a super. It's usually comes in the form of someone helping you supernatural aid, not in so much the superpower and his supernatural aid is his mum helping him to be able to bring his greatest gift to fruition, and and the spice hallucinations. So whenever Paul goes through a spice hallucination, that's like some sort of supernatural aid because he gets like vision into the future and is like holy cow and that helps him because it's not like someone's coming in and being like, oh, do this next step. It's like he's he's figuring something else else himself. It's like that's a spiritual aspect right, the hallucinogenic is a spiritual aspect to something that he's feeling which humans so deep, deeply and desperately crave.

Speaker 1:

People crave culture and spiritual spirituality. We are yearning for it. We yearn to get together and like pray together and go through something like really deep and meaningful and mystical, and that has always been a human desire and has been the human desire for the longest period of time. I don't know about you guys in the Western world, but I find that it's not the most common to hang out with your friends and have mystical experiences together, like it's very rare. So when we watch this we're like, oh, like it fascinates us because we yearn for it, but it's not common, but we can create it. Which is, which is which is awesome, like I've, like we do some stuff and set the standing community not everyone, but initially initiatory practices for men in particular, which together it has a spiritual effect on the mind and the body, which is cool.

Speaker 1:

So, crossing of the threshold, so this isn't a really important step, this is one of the key steps which helps Paul essentially be like oh yeah, he's got this. You know, his mom helps him out. He's got a cool adventure, he's going to go to Arrakis and then crossing to the threshold is a summer. It's like okay, now you're entering a new world and that for him is his arrival on Arrakis. And it's really interesting when he gets on June one, when he arrives to Arrakis and everyone's like, ah, shall I hug you, like I come in, what they say, and essentially of being like wow, he's the, you know, the chosen one that's come, he's the savior that's come to the place that's been philosophize and profited, like he is the prophet that will come and save their world. And it's very interesting that, knowing that the Ben and Jezeirut like set that up from the start and that it's from the feminine point of view, interesting, interesting Cause they do explain really well in June two, there's like signs between toxic masculinity and toxic femininity and people's desire for control and how we consistently within the movie there'll be moments where people come in to try to grab control and then relax like they're the head of the Ben and Jezeirut.

Speaker 1:

We see that old lady that's got the crazy like powers and stuff. She is someone who really desires control and throughout the whole movie it's like a sort of scene, in a way, where it's like how can we remove this person's control? Because they are controlling, they say the words that are quite direct and they have the power, but for some reason, if it's the start of the movie, the tone is I want to watch her control go right, I want to see it go. It's been toned throughout and that hypes you up to something in June two. And it's interesting because we have that in regards to other people that we may see as potential allies or we may see as potential competitors, which then can bring in comparison. And it's interesting because that can prevent you from getting into the next threshold or the next phase of your hero's journey If you're stuck in comparison and you're not willing to sort of let the control go within yourself or see it within someone else and try to you know essentially I don't know if it's challenging or something, but figure out some sort of way to either release control or I don't want to say, gain control yourself, but know where you're going. Very interesting how that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Next step is belly of the whale. So Paul's family is portrayed leading to the death of his father and forcing him and his mother into the deep desert. So this is essentially when yeah, it's a really awesome belly of the whale moment. This is when Pinocchio goes into the belly of the whale or it's like the. It's not the ordeal, it's like heading into the abyss is other areas of the hero's journey, where it's called the dark night of the soul. When you are in it and you've landed, the prince is encapsulated into the, the forest of the princess and does not, or the forest of the fairies, or the forest of the elves and doesn't know how to get out. The hobbit has left the Shire and has just met the trolls, Like. This is sort of like well, I'm in the belly of the whale right now.

Speaker 1:

So after all the fights and stuff and Paul ends up on the June desert. It's like he's there like well, no, like with his mum freaking out like they're in it now, like it's just him and his mum. Everyone in their clan has just been slaughtered. So it's like what are we? What are we going to do? Right, and that is the complete separation from his old life and the immersion into a new one. So even for you, when thinking about this step, it's like what's the what's the immersion you want to take? What is the desert that you want to enter in?

Speaker 1:

Because and it comes with a price, and I think it's very important in this where it's like, okay, you may have entered a new world where you do get to go and learn leadership and learn, eventually, how to express the best version of yourself, but it comes at a sacrifice. But it comes at a sacrifice For me, it was moving states. I'm not going to see my friends as much, I'm not going to see my family as much. I'm going to go and start my own Right. That was my intention, for when I moved states, I moved and separated from everyone and I wasn't somebody who had a bad friendship group. I have the best friendship group ever and I'm still friends with them and I go and see them. However it's, it's still like stings a bit right and that is sort of the sacrifice you're going to have to make.

Speaker 1:

So if you want to make a big like a leadership change or a business change or start a new career or have a relation that's really fulfilling and the one that you have, you know, is just toxic then it's like belly of the whale moment. There's a quote here 36 hours of pain Most of the time there's big decisions it's like 36 hours of just like pure pain before you get into the next, next, the next world. You could say the next phase is road of trial. So in the desert Paul faces a series of trials, including mastering the Fremen ways, learning to ride sandworms and surviving assassination attempts. These challenges fought him into a leader and a warrior. So essentially the whole half end of June two was just a road of trial. So he leaves with his mom. He's got to figure stuff out there, building, the well building, and then it's like world of trials is the road of trials is really starting. So he gets adopted by the Fremen people. They bring him in, they bring him to the Chinese and they're eventually like putting him through the test and like obviously he kills one of those people in the dual in the end and that's sort of like one of the biggest trials. That sort of come in and then his relationship deepening with Chani, who is obviously the Fremen woman. Zendaya Pull further connects with the Fremen culture and his own destiny. So that's the start of June 2.

Speaker 1:

So that's sort of interesting because that's Roughly where the hero's journey phases from changes from chapter 1 to chapter 2. So chapter 1, essentially, you know, call to adventure, to road of trials. Chapter 2 is basically meeting with the goddess to, I think it's around about a pothiosis, something like that. And then the Ultimate burn, all the way to the top, is chapter 3. So it's interesting that they finished that in chapter 1 with the movie. I'm like, oh, fantastic when they finish. So when chapter 2 started I was just like, oh yes, you take off right where you left off, right, bam, straight into it.

Speaker 1:

And then he starts like deepening his relationship into the fremen culture, in with China. He's in here learning about the there. His destiny is learning about what to do in this. They encapsulate you in the start of movie like, yes, well, they're like starting to fall in love and like she's showing him like that all the water that gets like taken out from From the guy that he killed. I forgot his name. How could you see his name? They mentioned like a hundred times during the thing and then they put it out to the body of water. So that was such a nice way to die, by the way, because you know how in our culture, like we burn people or we bury them, they have nicer. To take everyone's water and put it into a pool that no one touches Is so cool. It's like it sort of keeps everyone alive, right, it's like that person's water, isn't it? Wow, anyway, it just absolutely fascinated me how that was there. I was like, wow, that blew my brain.

Speaker 1:

Woman is temptress. So the the temptation here is not of a romantic nature, but rather pull, struggle with the addictive law of spice and the power it offers. He must navigate this temptation to maintain his focus on his greater mission. So this is sort of seeing the moments where he does depend a little bit on the hallucinogenic. It can be taken in a few ways, because the woman is temptress, I believe is like a sort of any temptation which can be violence, which can be just like a temptation to be violent, the temptation for the spice. It's a temptation for Chani and he could have as woman as temptress, for example, he could have been lured off to go and live and, you know, run away with Chani. That could have happened and that could have been the temptation for him. To do that and that also is a temptation for him was like I think it sort of prevented him from Becoming in who he's supposed to be by keeping him, just like the moment, in them in June two with like, just he's, like I'm gonna stay here, I'm not going down to the south, I'm staying into the north. Like that can be the temptation. Like the culture, the vibe, the people, like I can stay here but I really got to go somewhere else to Play at a bigger, bigger stage.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, with these three steps, road of trials, meeting with the goddess and the woman is temptress For most people. This comes in regards to money, this does come in regards to sex relationships, video games, movies, food. Any sort of temptation that comes in is meeting with the goddess because, oh, this makes me feel good. And that's when the hero, the journey, gets trapped. That's when he goes into the, into the forest of the elves and he meets the elven princess and doesn't want to leave, okay, because she's got the, the goods, and it's essentially sort of what's happening like? It's exactly what is happening here, but it's not Paul's temptation for the romantic notion Notion, it's more for power, right, and then he resists, will resist power and not, which is very interesting. So it's like where's it happening for you? Where's it happening for you?

Speaker 1:

The atonement with the father this is one of my favorite steps. This is when Luke Skywalker literally finds out that Darth Vader is his dad. Okay, but this doesn't always have to mean father's role, because Paul's father, duke Lido, a treatise dies in the first movie. Right, he dies in the first movie by the Baron and, and, and they're told, but the atonement doesn't come from his dad passing, it comes from him bracing his dad's value and legacy. So I think there was a moment that happens where he like puts the ring back on after the Elixir that he drinks at some moment where he drinks the ring back on his like. Now I've got to be like my dad. I am my dad and I sort of like felt those vibes and he puts the ring on, boom. That is his atonement moment and the Atonement moment for people, the time I never thought about. I'm gonna start using that for now. So the atonement moment?

Speaker 1:

The atonement moment for most people is when they change. So it's when Thor gets a haircut, it's when Iron man gets a new suit. It's all these different things where someone usually changes their image. And for Paul it was wearing the ring. Okay, he's like actually, boom, I'm gonna wear this, like it's me, I'm, I'm here, and that's their beliefs in the values. So for some people that could be it's like a changing of clothes, it's a changing of haircut, it's a changing of your energy for something to come back and you're like, yeah, I'm gonna own this. Is changing of house cars, anything like that.

Speaker 1:

There's like some sort of physical represent, representation that you want to do after you've gone through something intense. However, you have to go through something intense in order to get there. Usually this is breath work, personal development. This is Diving deep into your own self-awareness. There's some sort of dark again, like sort of another dark night of the soul that challenges with inside you, or someone challenges your belief. Its therapy, it's coaching communities, it's any sort of healing modality. That's like plant medicine, like whatever it is. I told it with a father can help with that every single time.

Speaker 1:

And this is the thing where it's like facing off with whatever demons are inside you. Which is why the work so important because a lot of people get stuck at woman as the temptress, like I like. I find, like most people, I stuck around there and then refusal to return. So entrepreneurs get stuck at the refusal to return, which comes a little bit later, but majority people get stuck with meeting with the goddess and woman is temptress like. If we look at society and whole, it's like okay, people will get a job, married, kids, watch TV, go out holidays and that's about it. That's completely fine. I've got nothing against that whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

However, if it's someone who you like, I think there's a really good life to live and like and and enjoy it and actually be grateful for that, because a lot of people don't get that. And if you're born in the Western world and you have the opportunity for it and you get it, hold on to it as long as you can because it's fucking beautiful. However, if someone expires more and you have a deeper yearning within and you feel like you owe it to yourself to bring out that max potential, then this is what you got to do. Okay, you have to go through the atonement with the father, which is why communities like mindset, the standard exist essentially so people can come and and and have that happen, because otherwise like depends. Because If you're working in a career that you don't like but you've got a great family, you got a house and all things and you love it, perfect, like I am, so for that. But if you don't and you hate your career and you're not about that and you're like, you know I would always give up everything to to change what I'm doing, so I'm living with a more connected sense of purpose and meaning then you've got to do the inner work and the atonement with the father is In our work and when you do that's when you do live with the legacy.

Speaker 1:

Now, for some people, if they haven't got good relationship with their father X, y, z it doesn't literally mean father, it means father in general, how God, jesus they call you know the father, the one, the Holy Spirit. No, the father, the God, the Holy Spirit, whatever, the same Christianity that's sort of meant by father. It's your result to map your relationship to masculine leadership most of the time. So whatever the father symbolism for you is, that's what happens, which is why it's so powerful. Just that that scene of watching Paul put the ring over his finger because he's like, I had like tingle. We've gone from my body watching that in the movie. You can have that in your own life, which I think is very powerful.

Speaker 1:

Apotheosis. So yes, the apotheosis right before and I was all atonement with the father. Apotheosis is when you look different. Apotheosis is when you have to haircut the new car, the new house, how you look differently because you've gone through atonement with the father. So his was when he drinks the water of life, that like deadly poison that he drinks, that comes out of the sandworms and survives, unlocking his you know abilities and just been like bam. So I think they got the other two sort of around like I think he really Like in the the journey of the movie they did apotheosis first and then atonement with the father. So because he drinks the water of life, he goes through like all these things is a crazy flaw, because apotheosis means peak enlightenment and he's going through this enlightenment and then it's after that that he puts the ring on. So it's like cool, he's gone through apotheosis and he's had atonement with the father. Usually it's the other way around, but it's sort of they kind of done it one in the same, which I found was really powerful, to be honest. So, yes, the ultimate boon is the next steps.

Speaker 1:

The ultimate boon is Paul's acquisition of control over the spice production, giving him the power to dictate the political and economic fate of the universe. So this is when he's like his control over the spice production was leadership through owning the Fremen right. So this was when you know his gift of leadership. When he got up and he was like I know that scene. When he's walking and he's like walking through the people and he's just like, wow, everyone's moving out the way and it's just like super cinematic. He's just like holy shit, the music's going nuts. It's just him walking. Then he gets in and just starts like owning people, like we're using his father's belief. I'm just like inspiring people and he's using his gift of seeing into the future, like he picks out one man and he's like your Grandma died at this. On this death she had blue eyes, her favorite thing was this, and he just totally thinks about this one guy, about her grandma, because he saw her in a vision and it's like I'll call he's using his visions and he's using his skill to the best of their ability now and that's his gift and you can see that for what happens when he gains control over the Fremen, he gains control over essentially all the spice and everything like that. So that is really his gift, okay, which I think is really powerful.

Speaker 1:

There's a fuss because we all have a gift. Like people say, like superpowers and stuff aren't real, but I believe they definitely are. They can just be honed and also like created, which is like fantastic. Hey, because If you have like a skip, like the people have superpowers with how they, it's just their own personal traits, which are your strengths. Right, superpowers are essentially your strengths and we all have them and some people it's it's how they communicate to others, it's understanding something quickly, it's like anything about nature. I just pick it up real quick. So we have these unconscious superpowers but we don't label them in the real world of superpowers because they're just like personality traits or something. But there's actually. I think we relabel them as talents, okay, but we do have some sort of superpower that we can, that we can use or develop. Like a superpower that I created was learning how to you know, dissect difficult books and and understand the concepts in them because I've been reading and reading, and reading and reading and now I've got this like super Sort of superpower that I've honed and like, wow, I can, like, read books, remember the information and recall it regularly, like this is really cool skill that I've got through repetition and as I did it as a kid when I was studying, acting because I was reading, like I had to remember script after script after script, and I could, I had to do that through repetition. I couldn't do it any other way. So it's very interesting that that's there.

Speaker 1:

Tall step, refusal of the return. So initially it pulls struggles with the idea of basically leading a galactic army against the, the Rest of the world, like the, the rest of the universe, or allied together. And Because he knew there's gonna be like a huge loss of life and he's reluctance, he didn't really want to do it. Because if that happens and he also loses Charney and he's tossing up like what do I do? Do I own this, do I not? And it's sort of you can see him Struggling to have it like even in his mind he's like I know I got to do this, but I got a struggle. What I find beautiful about the how they did.

Speaker 1:

This was his return was very small, but they actually did magic flight to him, which is the next step in the hero's journey, which you don't see people. And there's two steps of magic flight. One is it's an absolute fiasco that someone has of just like chaos and mayhem, where the movies you see people running around coming, move, like oh Like really know the rom-coms. If you see someone and the guys at the end wants the girls heart, but he runs into a taxi, catches the wrong taxi, the flight plane leaves early, then he's got to run and like catch another platform, someone who like the jump on a helicopter and take him over somewhere, like that's magic flight. Step in the hero's journey. However, that's one, that's it's. It's a fucking fiasco. The second, the second phase, is it's bliss. Okay, so it's fiasco or it's bliss, we're just happens so smoothly and that happens in this and it was so beautiful to watch because it's usually fiasco.

Speaker 1:

So the magic flight is basically using his powers, the Fremen, the atomic bombs, to evade, attack the emperor and Slay the Harkinen beast. I wasn't gonna say that, but I just said it just just comes up there, right, and this happens pretty easy for him. You see them come in. They've planned everything out perfectly. Bang, bang, bang comes in, meets the emperor, slays Harkinen, comes out, Captures. Everyone is like, okay, I'm gonna like Announce this to the world, which is sort of where rescue from without. Comes in, paula, supported and uplifted by his followers. So we're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, his mom's helping him, everyone's, everyone's sort of helping him and on his side. So he's getting like this rescue essentially from the Fremen. So as much as he needs that, as they, as much as they think they need him, he really needs them and it's through owning certain things about himself. So, which is really cool, such a beautiful new moment in the movie comes in bang. So that's really using magic flight. Then you can see, even when he gets to the captures, the emperor and with the visions that he goes, is predicting the fights in the future. It's just like really really cool.

Speaker 1:

And I love in the June 2 movie how they put have the fight at the end the same as the last time. There's always like some sort of one-on-one battle at the end. I was like, oh, it's so beautiful. Like I love how they sort of recreated that in the June again, cuz I was like, no, they better not end this. I don't know if you guys think this watch the movie. I'm like I hope they don't end this right as they're fighting, because if they ended it we didn't get to see the end. It'd be so pissed. But they didn't. So I was like thank God.

Speaker 1:

And the crossing of the return threshold is like okay, so that's going back into the to the rule world. Right, and the rule world for Paul would be basically leaving Arrakis and, you know, establishing his house within all the other houses in the universe. So essentially for him it's taking the throne of the Emperor and accepting his role. So that whole phase of the refusal to the return, all the way to the crossing of the return threshold, is the last phases of chapter two and that is essentially at the end. Heaps of spoilers here, so please stop if you haven't watched or just skip through a little bit more. I'm going to say them right now, so probably two minutes in the future.

Speaker 1:

So when he sticks his hand out and he gets the Emperor to kiss his ring, that is the crossing of the return threshold, because this is like, okay, cool, you're entering yourself into a new world now. And he knows that he had to do it and, quite simply, he got there. Even though he fought, he still wasn't a fiasco. It went to plan. He caught the knife, stabbed the other Harkinen, like let's go. So, essentially, when you apply this to yourself through a refusal to the return, that is where all entrepreneurs get stuck. They get sort of this gift, they get this gift or this boon. They're like, yeah, this business. They're like, yes, yes, yes, let's go. But then they struggle to return, which is, you see, the business. The great businesses who do are the ones that essentially can sell their business. Or they merge their business and then create like 10 other businesses under the one umbrella of one, if that is their goal.

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For some people, their hero's journey might be doing something by themselves. It's selling off all their business, doing something new, but being known as that person that could be personal, brand, key person of influence, something like that, which I find is very interesting. So, after they've gone through like those phases, gone through the hero's, the refusal to return, the magic flight is like you know, let's say you wanted to sell your company and it's like fiasco, right, it's a pure fiasco. Trying to sell your company like no, it's so hard. Or if you've done it properly and you've done it really well. It's like, oh, this was bliss and I've got here, sort of like it happened in June.

Speaker 1:

Rescue From Without is like, okay, a business partner or someone helping you or having a consultant or something like that come and help you crossing the return threshold or seeing that come to reality, which I find beautiful. The last two steps are like the most important and that's the master of two worlds and freedom to live. This is where I find men find it hard to get to this position. It's like a sort of another bit. People get to crossing the return threshold and they can get there and I've helped quite a few entrepreneurs get to master of two worlds and freedom to live and honestly, it's one of the most beautiful experiences for me and essentially, master of two worlds and freedom to live is helping a man like open up into his heart but that doesn't say that he hasn't got challenges along the way Okay, so he can open up into his heart and really find the skill to receive and be grateful. It's like this receiving energy of, like receiving people, which I find is so powerful. They capture pretty well the movie so master of two worlds.

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Paul masters both, both the physical world, by becoming emperor and controlling Arrakis, and the spiritual and psychic world through his prescient abilities and understanding of the universe's mystical elements. So you can change this, of being of like for someone, of being like, mastering business and their goals and becoming truly present with themselves and opening up their hearts. That's the mystical experience. Oh, I can be present, I can do this, I can take the time. I'm not stressed out, burn out, overwhelmed human freedom to live by the end of cause. I find the entrepreneur's journey is the perfect hero's journey. Right by the end of June, paul has changed the course of the universe. This is like, obviously, um. However, his freedom to live is bittersweet, as he is also bound by his vision to the future and the responsibilities of his power.

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So the kind of hint here, the tyrant king, which is really cool, which shows like, is he going to be a tyrant? Is he going to come in and just blow everyone else up? These are the questions that we're now facing Like, what's he going to do? And understanding that he wants to be with Chani, like, and he gets that he has his love and this heart and this thing, but he's sort of coming in for a greater cause, which makes us buy into the, to the vision a little bit more, because a lot of us can relate where it's like oh, do I want to go on this thing and master this, and am I really free to live, even though I've created a business and I may have passive income? But what's it like with my partner at my heart? You answer this like, oh, am I put myself in a position of being difficult? So I wouldn't say that he actually has freedom to live. I wasn't. He hasn't got that. We'll find out in the next movies.

Speaker 1:

Um, however, what I do know is that like it creates a really kind of cool uh scene or feeling emotion that we have in us of being like oh, that's so cool that he's got to there. What's he going to do? But also we know that he's bound by what he wants to do at his greatest core, which I do find is extremely powerful for us as humans, especially if we know exactly what we want to do. We need to do, we have to do this thing, but we've got to give up a few things in the meantime to get there. It's like this is a really good opportunity to do it Right. So essentially how it relates to someone and this is the most important part of the video. Watch to the end, like this is the most important part of video for you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so embracing, embracing change. Let learn from mentors overcoming challenges, personal transformation, the value of community and making a difference. These are the like, real, powerful steps for how it relates. So it starts with Paul having a drastic change, dangerous environment he moves into and then we he faces all these challenges and and changes which we also find significant in our lives as well, and then embracing change rather than resisting it can lead to new discoveries about ourselves and our own capabilities. This is where a lot of people get stuck. This is where a lot of people gets like, yeah, depending on their goals and what they want to do, if they're stuck in like jobs and they're not increasing or scaling their career development, they're not opening the business, they're not doing what they want to do in life, they're not talking to the people in relationships and not approaching enough people.

Speaker 1:

Whatever it is, it's like you can see this, that embracing change rather than resisting it can lead to new discoveries about ourselves and our capabilities. And that's a consistent, ongoing journey because, with Paul in the movie. You're learning about him all the time. He's learning about himself, he's learning about him and his capabilities, and that's what relates to us, because we're like, oh, we're learning so much about him. Like, imagine if you turn that around and you're just learning about you. Right, that's the power of it, so of power of self reflection and self awareness, and why getting coaching stuff is so important. So, learning from mentors like just as Paul learns from various mentors throughout his journey, we too can benefit from seeking guidance and wisdom from those around us, Whether it's a teacher, family member, colleague or even a book.

Speaker 1:

Mentors can provide invaluable insights and support as we navigate our own paths. This is why I really like you know, if you're listening to people, I only buy books when they're recommended to people from people and they're like, wow, I had this profound experience reading this book. It's like, for example, this book, I recommend to read this. Every single person should read this Facing shame families in recovery. If you heard this and you want to get a really good book to read, please read this. It's absolutely insane, personally, and if you listen to those things and you learn from people and you ask and you ask questions and you're curious to learning. That's what's going to help you.

Speaker 1:

Most people don't feel worthy to learn or they feel superior to learn in some way. A lot of entrepreneurs feel that as well, and it isn't until they like shift it around and they go okay, what can I learn from absolutely everyone that it can work for them. And you've got to be careful, because we have beliefs and our ego is installed to prevent us from even asking those questions, right, and we think, oh no, I'm like, I'm not the person, I'm like, I don't think I'm superior, I don't think I'm not worthy. Until you put into position Like I swear God, I can put you in an exercise of position where it comes up and you're like, oh, I don't feel worthy and I'm superior, like in all these different ways, right, so, like, those things can happen and it's for us to make sure that our mind is open for those opportunities, overcoming challenges. So the trials that Paul faces teach him about his own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the importance of perseverance. We can see that he's like keeps going, keeps going and keeps opening. I was like whoo, he's extremely open minded to the next thing, even though he resisted a few times like the elixir on his mum because we're not sure if she's full crazy bitch or not. So, because that's how it's made out, like, do we trust his mum, yes or no? And the baby in her belly, unsure.

Speaker 1:

So, similarly, the obstacles we encounter in life can serve as opportunities for personal development, teaching us resilience, problem solving and inner strength. This is where, like I do believe, most things come down to our own personal development. Like, regardless of like everything that we've ever done, we have moments in our life all the time, every single day and at each different transition phase of the hero's journey, and we get offered. I feel like, no matter where you are, it's not the universe that opposite to you, it's just life happens where you're going to get offered a new transition and you can lean in and we can lean out, and it's always going to be challenging and difficult and it might be a fiasco and it might be bliss. But there'd be a challenging and it could be a bliss experience and all you got to do is say yes, be saying no, or a new challenge that come in and it can be a fiasco thing and you know you're going to get towards your goal, but it's going to be really hard, yes or no. It could be a temptation or something else that's happening in your life and if you know your own personal development and you're aware of it and you've studied stuff like this, it's like wow, I can really make an informed decision to get to the next phase.

Speaker 1:

Because what Joseph Campbell quotes is he's like I believe a good life is one hero's journey lived after another. So what we want to do is completely just keep going around. Right, it's not one grand thing, we're going to go. Okay, how can we? We're out in a hero's journey now, close the loop, let's get on the next one, like, for example. You might start like a like, like. I think Richard Branson is a good example of like phone company, like music company, airplane company, dominate music industry, dominate astronaut things. So it's just like all these different things are like different hero's journeys that he's come out and closed, and that's where I believe entrepreneurs restrict themselves. All right, very interesting. It's interesting applying this to myself, because I'm like aware of these things. You know, holy shell, this is actually just like so challenging to implement in a positive way, like it's, it's it is, and that's why I need coaching and that's why I invest in myself and I do things with the time and I try to set the standard, lead by example, by that right which is amazing for personal transformation pull, undergo significant transformation, realizing his potential, embracing his destiny.

Speaker 1:

In our lives we may go through periods of profound change where we discover new aspects of our identity. They're usually before moments and periods of feeling stuck, weak, unsure, uncertain, unclear, unmotivated, right when it's just like what is going on. I just I can't seem to shift. Most of the time those come when we're feeling like that or lost, stuck, whatever it is. That is when we're ready for an extra transformation. That is when we're ready for an extra transformation and it's coming and they could be deeply empowering. And if we don't listen to them and we don't, most of the time we panic. When that happens, we feel overwhelmed, we're tired. What's this thing going on? We're ready for the next evolution. And if you don't listen and you don't do anything, then you're just going to stay in that period for a long, for a bit of time, and it's like, okay, you've got some room here, start taking action or start making more room in areas because you're ready to take off. If you don't, you're just going to go straight back to how things are normal and then you have to wait for that period to come up again because you have birthdays and weddings or whatever it is that'll just take up all the time.

Speaker 1:

The value of community. So Paul's journey is not solitary. It involves forming alliances, leading a community which reflects the importance of building relationships and working with others towards common goals in our lives. Fostering connections and being part of a community can provide support, enhance our sense of belonging and allows us to contribute to something greater than ourselves.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you guys, but I have felt from the moment I finished high school to work on projects with my friends as a team. That's what I've wanted to, always wanted to start business with my friends, but they've got the wrong purpose. A lot of my friends, but I have hired two of my best friends in the Santa community, like one's one of the best coaches in the world and one is amazing at content. So I'm like, please come work for me, which is fantastic and I absolutely love it. But I've always wanted to build stuff with my friends. I've been like, how can I build like more companies and things than my friends? Like I really want to do and I value working together as a teamwork.

Speaker 1:

When we used to do projects at school how fun was that. Like everyone can say, well, when they sent off to do a challenge or a task together, they had to work together as a team. Like, yeah, sure, we'd have to get frustrated at each other, but there was actually a lot of fun trying to figure things out because we're working together, like even school in general. When you think about some of the times, it was like that is a lot of fun. When I go to times with my friends or a escape route with my friends or something where I'm working together with people, my team are working on something difficult, it's the same thing Like this is so much fun and I just want more of it and that's why it's important to form alliances and to be a part of a community.

Speaker 1:

And when you're doing communities, like in biggie up the leadership teams in the communities, try to scale, grow, connect with people and just pick one or two. Like, if you pick one and you vibe with it, stay with it for a long period of time. That's what some of the people we've seen have absolutely transformed their lives and set the standing community Once. They've just stayed with us the longest. They've just been around and fostered a high performance culture that they've been part of, which is just like so amazing to see, right, and I'm just using that as an example, not selling you guys or anything on this, but I'm just using it as an example and it's like it's super powerful and I'm selling wow, like people who pick one community and master it the best, because you're going to meet new people who have new skills and new talents coming in all the time. And we've fostered so many different relationships and bridge people together who have created a business together, relationships together, friendships together all hanging out just because they've touched our community. And it's crazy to see and the accountability and everything else, and I think there's a place there to build businesses together, which I think is really cool.

Speaker 1:

Last one here is, ultimately, paul's journey about making a significance impact on his world. Similarly, we have the potential to make a difference. I feel like all of us yes, there's parts of us that are extremely selfish, but a selfish part that we have is to make an impact so that we can feel significant in some sort of way. I feel like we've had meaning right, whether in small ways in our immediate surroundings or a larger scale, depending on what you're interested in, which is finding purpose and striving to contribute positively to the world, which can bring fulfillment and meaning to our lives. And I feel like most people in the modern world see this like the Western world like can see it. It's like, okay, I've gone to school, gone to uni, done some stuff. Man, it's just not deep enough for me and I value being a hero. That's why I love these movies and I love the hero's journey and all that stuff, because I just feel this deep connection and yearning and want to do something.

Speaker 1:

And if you know you can't do it by yourself or you don't have the skills or talents to be able to do it right now, this very second, join something that is doing it. For example, if you are lost, this is sort of a plug, it's like, but I'm not plugging it to make a sale, I'm doing it. For this general problem is like join us at the Santa community because we're doing something. Great. Right, if you're a male and you're 25 to 45 and you're an entrepreneur, great place to be. If you're not, please find somewhere else.

Speaker 1:

But if you find somewhere else or something else that is going to bring you meaning, or you might get a job for someone who's doing something really impactful in the environment, traveling the world, or an e-commerce brand that you love, something like that. Then like, join that because that's what's going to give you purpose and meaning for a period of time, because you have got time to find something that you really want doing, but you've got to get skills to do it first right. But if you are like full on door kicker, go get it and you're just like I want to do it myself, this is great. Go and create it for yourself like you can.

Speaker 1:

And that is why I feel like a lot of us have this whole these days, like a lot of men in particular, because it's like we see these movies and then we feel this deep connection and purpose, but we don't know where to go to get it, and we can either get it ourselves or we can get it by joining a community. I had no idea where they held to get it for me, so I created my community so that I can meet amazing people, and now I have it every single day and it's fantastic and I'm just so connected and present and it feels great. So that's essentially it and how it relates to us. So I hope you found this video useful. I hope it mapped out the hero's journey for you a little bit. I hope you liked this video. Please subscribe to it if you did, and we'll see you in the next one. We've got plenty more like this in coming. Let's go.