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Set The Standard
How To Get To The Next Level! (August Recap 2024) #242
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And what I've learned from researching them is that, like there's a I'm sorry to call out, I'm calling out the little boys and men that men haven't integrated right and for my own personal experience of what's important to have these retreats for myself is like hey, I didn't get an initiation. Welcome back to another episode of the Corey Boutwell podcast, guys, and today we're going to be giving you a recap on the next level retreat. So we've just done our August 2024 retreat. It went from Friday till Sunday. It is now Monday. It has been one of the most transformational weekends, not only for myself and not only for my team, but definitely for the men who attended. We witnessed some insane and incredible and beautiful and gorgeous and amazing and super masculine transformation for the guys that came out of the weekend and now they're kicking ass and we get to watch them and hold them accountable to become the best version of themselves. The guys made big claims, big statements, and they've already sent text messages. They've already been making moves. We've already been hearing amazing things from the guys and we just want to let you know, like give you some insight into what happened over the weekend in the retreat, so that you guys may have an opportunity to grow in your day to day, or perhaps even figure out. Oh, maybe you're curious about coming to a retreat and see if our retreat might be good for you or if you want to go to some sort of different retreat. But regardless, we're going to run you through what the weekend look like.
Speaker 1:So I've prepared some questions for the guys. I'm here with George, my right-hand man, and the video director what up All of my content. So if you guys have seen anything that's been really cool on my page the Standing Community page, it'll be all from George. I literally only just saw some of the reels beforehand because he's been creating them and going ham on those and it's been so beautiful to see. A big shout out to Clayton, who also helped George film for the retreat, and a huge shout out to Glyn.
Speaker 1:Glyn is not hearing this because he has no voice, he's not talking. And then I want to give a huge shout out to Bo, who used to work with us in the business administration and coaching section, part of set the standard, and he came because we trust him and we love him to help with the guys but also come to share his beautiful giving and cooking skills. So thank you so much, bo, for coming for coaching and supporting the guys and filling our bellies and our hearts More than welcome. Thank you, bo's voice is also gone so you guys can listen to us sounding a little bit husky. I like to say a little bit sexy. So the question I'm gonna ask you guys and put this over to you guys and whoever feels called first, just jumps right in the first question I prepared for this is what is it about the next level retreat? That happens that we all know that no one else knows.
Speaker 2:That's a good question. I feel like with the Next Level Retreat, there's like a it's like this feeling that you have after it after doing and facilitating three of them. It's like you only know if you go, kind of thing. You know what I mean and there's this feeling that gets created that you can only feel when you actually attend and you actually lean in and um, but you truly experience the next level. Um. So I I guess, like what we know that happens that no one else knows is well, there are other people that know there's all the past attendees. So if you're in that like there's all the past attendees, so if you're in that like you know that clique or that like special, like club of people that have attended the next level, then you know what it feels like to truly be like empowered and like trust yourself and trust your decisions.
Speaker 1:Describe the feeling.
Speaker 2:It's just nuts, yeah, you can't really put a word on it. And I'm sure you'll see, like in some of the content that comes out and all the testimonials and um, I'm trying to like convey as much emotion as I can because it's so transformative and the power that you have after it is so like strong, um, so I hope you get like a taste of what it feels like, but you can't truly experience what it's like unless you, unless you go.
Speaker 1:you know what I I would label that emotion for me, awe-inspiring is the feeling that I would try to describe I don't know yours, but that's mine of like that post-retreat feeling. What about you? What is it in the next level, beau, that we know or the attendees have known that no one else would know?
Speaker 3:I think from a management perspective, like being in the know before the attendees do. I think it's the journey. I love that we go heart, mind, soul, and it's done in such a process that you can't jump straight into one without the other. And if you tried to do the end, facilitate the end activities before you've done like the heart stuff first you're not going to have the same breakthroughs.
Speaker 3:So we go into the weekend already knowing that like the end goal. And so you see the attendees and you're like, oh, this one's going to be good and you see them go through. You're like, oh, this one's going to be good and you see them go through that like flow as well, which is real powerful. It's also the process of like we encapsulate the hero's journey and everything and it's working out actually at what part these guys are. We identify it and then, once we've identified where they are, we know exactly where to activate. We know exactly where to push, I think because we've done the reps. We identify it and then, once we've identified where they are, we know exactly where to activate. We know exactly where to push, I think because we've done the reps, we've done everything to best prepare ourselves in being able to help them and facilitate their own personal transformational growth, which is epic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so cool. I really rate what you said there, how I would explain, like what we don't know. What we know that other people wouldn't know, is that the whole retreat is just an intensification of life. So whatever's happening in your world and your life, like right now, it just intensifies everything in that. And what happens is when life has you know, intensification is like you get to see all the stuff that's floating below the surface.
Speaker 1:It's sort of like you know, if you have bad gut bacteria in your stomach and then you go on some sort of diet and then what happens is, because you've been starving, all the bacteria is the, the little end, end parts of the bacteria start poking their head out. And that's when you have like a healing supplement or like an essential oil or something like that, and then it kills all the bacteria out. So that's essentially what we do. The next level it's like you come there and we intensify everything. So all this, like all the bad bacteria and the good bacteria stick your head out and you can go okay, I'm gonna get rid of the bad bacteria and I want to make the good bacteria way better, and then you come out just like iron gut, like strong as hell and everything, every challenge that happens in life, every goal that you want to achieve, every conversation you want to have that's like on your heart, or anything you want to do, feels so much easier. Hey, yeah 100.
Speaker 2:Why is it?
Speaker 3:healthy, like how? So I mean, like you explaining the kind of the gut process to it in cleansing that you're making it healthier. Yeah, you're making the kind of the gut process to it in cleansing that you're making it healthier.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:You're making you change the body from that. It's like you come out of that weekend healthier than everyone else in your life. Yeah, like you, these guys go into. They step out of our world into their world and they are the light because they're so different than when they went in.
Speaker 2:Yeah, 100%.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and they're shining, that's their words, not ours.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah. I still think it's crazy how we had at our second next level, where Mr Bushby was like I'd done Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership membership and he's like this weekend was better than the whole 100k investment or whatever it was, we were just like wow, yeah, what a testimonial.
Speaker 1:We um. Next question I think it's cool who was a recognizable transformation and why? Obviously we think out going into too much detail because we can't share people's crazy personal experiences, but I want to know who do you think was a recognisable transformation and why? And for the people obviously listeners who don't know, just explain that person a little bit. You don't have to use names either if you don't feel comfortable.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Now I know this person wouldn't mind sharing his name.
Speaker 3:But the person who I viewed being able to see just a great journey throughout his whole personal development like journey, I think, but on this weekend specifically was john. Um, john has been stepping like, uh, foot forward, foot forward since day dot, starting with set the standard, starting crudging with you and then seeing him in this retreat. He went from like stepping to like leaps and bounds in different areas of his life and I think we've made a reel out of just seeing one exercise that John went through. And you can really see John if you're watching this. You can actually see your heart and mind process throughout that reel. Like that whole character arc is huge and you can encapsulate the emotion and everything you're feeling. That in itself is inspiring to people. And like the way, george, we were talking about this last night and you said, just the character of John is so strong and he's not just strong in his character but he's just a strong guy as well.
Speaker 3:I think he can hold so much and he's realizing, after a lifetime of being having to find that strength himself, he's found a community of people who who help make him as strong as he is so true, I love that.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I really respected about john is some of the stuff that we do in the retreat is like confronting. Hey, like you're in there and you're like this is confronting and I can choose to lean in and get the most out of it. Um, okay, benji leverage how can I make these exercises better? One of our friends literally he's like every time he doesn't exercise, he figures out a way, as a participant, to make it better for him and we're like how did you do that?
Speaker 1:like but there some of them are really confronting. It's like the most fun experience you've ever had. But it was really cool watching john every step of the way go. I'm gonna like take up space, I'm gonna lean into this is like I'm gonna get, like I'm gonna wring the tea towel out for every last piece of drop out of this. And it was like you could see how his willingness to learn like that help him have like such a big transformation and, like you know, open his heart and really be able to express himself and feel like more comfortable, to be himself and like really understand how powerful he is as a leader. You know, from the start of the retreat was like John was already good. Yeah, he was. He was already like great, and now it feels like he's outstandingly excellent.
Speaker 2:You can't think of like the superbelies for him yeah.
Speaker 1:It's like yeah pretty much.
Speaker 2:I noticed with John and he's not my like specific, recognizable transformation, but I noticed with John, and I shared it with him that like, like I noticed that he would just feel all the emotions that everyone else was feeling, because he's so like heart-led and he's he's so open already, like going into that weekend like anytime anyone was sharing anytime anyone was, you know, um, yeah, sharing like a positive or negative experience.
Speaker 2:He started to well up and he was like feeling it with him. He wouldn't break eye contact and I think for him it was, um, it was kind of like, like you said, you know, it's an elevated version of life when you're at the next level. You know we're at these crazy places, these incredible um like settings and beautiful places in the world, with all these amazing men around, and it's like he he also like leveraged that situation to just get the most out of it. And I was just like so like he was filled with so much pride and then, looking at him just go through the weekend, you were like, oh, like, I'm so proud of this guy just for one, traveling from New York for a whole week, just a weekend, yeah, like nonstop traveling, being like jet lagged and just leaning in, not complaining, not wavering, like posting content every day, like really just sharing his journey. So he was crazy, like it was just beautiful to watch.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, for sure. Who did you pick? This is your favourite, someone who you saw the most, you know.
Speaker 2:For me it would be Curtis oh nice, because I really felt him on the Saturday night when we were doing like like the rage release, and like someone like myself, you know, you go through the stages of the next level and I remember the first time we had like the anger release night and it was just like almost overwhelming you know what I mean. Like everyone's gone through it and you're just like holding back tears the whole time because your body's in this like reactive state and your nervous system so heightened. And I really felt when curtis first shared, or when he first like went through the process of the anger release, like I just felt his whole energy shift and like he said, like he was trying to pick all these things that he was angry at and oh, where's all this rage? And then, just before he went in, um, he was just like, oh, I'm angry at myself, and it was, that was his huge takeaway and he pretty much hasn't stopped talking about that. And then I just like, oh, I'm angry at myself, and that was his huge takeaway and he pretty much hasn't stopped talking about that.
Speaker 2:And then I just see how happy and light he was at the end of the exercise. It was so cool to watch man and we were all debriefing after the anger and everyone's a bit heavy. We listened to the sad songs and Curtis was just there like I'm ready, let's go, mr Worldwide, I'm ready to take over the world. It was just. It was really cool and that was. You know, that was one night's worth of transformation for him, but throughout the whole weekend again, he lent in with the 12 or so other men and it was just.
Speaker 1:It's so cool to watch man curtis has been on fire, like since, like the whole sunday, like today, like all the content that he's posting. It's just like whoa, this momentum. Oh, that's you at your natural state, bro.
Speaker 2:Yeah, savage, yeah, there's like a smile that people can have before they get to the next level, and then there's like a post, next level, retreat smile and you know when people are wearing that you're like, oh yeah, like they've done the work and they've realized something, they've transformed. It's formed is really cool Nuts, absolutely nuts.
Speaker 1:There's like obviously so many that I can choose. I loved like everyone's transformation.
Speaker 2:Fantastic.
Speaker 1:The one that I saw the closest, because I think it's every time that I was facilitating the most, rather than glenn. He was like more, most of my, most of my view.
Speaker 1:In my picture, my mindset was trent um his was the one that I probably saw like the the craziest because I I related to him, because he has like so much anger and because he's been in the standing community for such a long time, like I know him so well, uh, and I know like all the dark stuff and whatever it is that's there and it Like I know him so well and I know like all the dark stuff and whatever it is that's there, and it feels like I know him personally because I know all the stories of his family and everything else.
Speaker 1:And to watch Trent go from, like he's like well, you know, I know I need to do this and I know that I need to get in here and I'm confused about this and I'm unsure about this or whatever it is, and just owning all of it and having, like you know, huge, I would say nervous system responses, where there's just moments where, like you have such an emotional experience where you're just like you've just got to lay it on your own for a little while. Right, there's only times you just have some space by yourself. One thing I like about Next Level is it's so masculine, so, like guys are, know for a retreat. I've seen some adverts of retreats and no shame on any other retreats but like, like men like holding hands and stuff like that, and that's just not for me. I don't. I don't like. I like doing you know, I like an amped up, I like experiencing the depths of emotions, I like being brought up as well, like I don't want to go to to hell and feel darkness.
Speaker 1:I want to feel joy and I feel alive and abundant and open up and I think trent got to experience all those. But there was a moment just when I saw where, if you're laying on your own after you've had a huge experience and your body starts like shivering and moving around, it's that is, your nervous system reconditioning and trauma leaves the body, through your body, shaking. So we could just witness trauma, like just in his own experience by himself. Whatever it is, just things moving, just like you know it's intense and we're just watching trauma leave his body. And it's not like to say that everyone has trauma, that some people don't have trauma and you know, just feel lifted up the whole time. But it was just cool to know that. You know we facilitate something so powerful and so beautiful that we can physically watch like the human body trauma just leaving it and, um, it was just so cool and I could go there.
Speaker 1:I felt so comfortable as a facilitator with trent. I'm going to push your limits like I'm going to push your fucking limits hard, like so hard and we did so, yeah, especially during space jump as well, like insane and just you know, on the verge of breakdown and just being like no, do this move here. Do that open up bruh and him just being like bruh, just powerful as fuck, so cool, yeah Great, so sick. What are the biggest takeaways and lessons that you think the guys received? The attendees, what do you think were like common thread and patterns. What do you think were the biggest takeaways and lessons that they received? Obviously, everyone had individual.
Speaker 2:I think the biggest takeaway that the guys get from the next level is learning that it's got nothing to do with anyone else but themselves. So, like any problem, any ceiling, any conflict, any trauma, anything like that, it starts with you and that's like what we really like dig out throughout the process. Um, so yeah, I literally think it's as simple as that. Like that it's. It's like the ultimate experience to learn to look inwards and see what you can work on and like be empowered in the fact that, like you get to do the work and like you have all these challenges in front of you and you have this like to-do list of like non-negotiables. Afterwards that you're like, okay, this is going to make me the best version of myself.
Speaker 2:I can see it so clearly because my first like day and a half of the retreat was so hectic. And then you land back in your body on like the saturday night and you're like, oh, okay, and you wake up and you're like shit, I've got all these ideas. I get to share it on a whiteboard with the lads and I get all this like crazy knowledge from everyone else and it's all for me and it gets to be for me. So I think that's like the biggest takeaway that anyone can have, that you see a lot and I've had just from facilitating them and like jumping in and out of exercises that it all just starts with you and that's. That's what it's all about. It's not about us facilitators, location, it's all about you at the end of the day.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I'm gonna echo on to what you said I think the biggest takeaway is for the guys understanding that every single relationship that you have is like a mirror, reflection, and I'm saying that. But it's a difference between you know, oh yeah, every relationship's a mirror, yeah, but it's a difference between seeing it and knowing it, being like oh, this person pisses me off because they're arrogant. I'm arrogant, shit. I mean. Oh, I'm so angry at my partner because she's not doing enough. Oh wait, I'm not doing enough. Oh, it's my responsibility. Everything is my responsibility. It always has and always will be, and my energy matters.
Speaker 1:I think one thing that we talked about I think a lot of the guys got away with, got a lot away with is the encapsulation piece of return on leadership, and it's like inspiration is an energy and you can use it. And if you're not investing into getting inspiration, then life can feel draining. Oh, life can feel boring, right, and no matter how much discipline you have give it, you know, one year, a couple months, 10 years, whatever it is, eventually you're going to go. I am out of juice, like I'm out of it. It's like, okay, I can invest into my own inspiration, I can invest into, you know, changing my ideas and my mood, my attitude, and it's like the.
Speaker 1:The work I like to use is what and one of the analogies I like to use I think the guys took a lot away with is you know, when you have a sore body part or like a muscle, or you know you're like you're feeling like physically drained and cooked, you go get a massage right part, or like a muscle, or you're feeling physically drained and cooked, you go get a massage, get your knots massaged out, like, oh, that feels so nice, right in here. That feels so nice, that feels so nice, right, I'll have to cut that out.
Speaker 2:Make sure you're talking into the end of this as well. I'll cut that out.
Speaker 1:It's fine, my Asian accent is elite, I can speak, I can feed a me, and so you can get like a really good massage and you feel better, you start to heal and your fascia heals and everything heals in your body, regulating nervous system, bro, oh yeah, and you can, all right, and then you feel better, your pain goes away, right, and you recover and you may experience DOMS. You know what I mean. Like oh, that's. I was like both containing yourself because it's funny.
Speaker 1:But where we don't recognize, emotionally and mentally, when we need a massage is when we feel anxious, when we feel depressed, when we think we're not good enough, when we're trying to prove ourselves, when we know we've got more in the tank and we're like why am I not have the things that I want to have yet? How come I don't have the energy to have the things that I want to have yet? How come I don't have the energy, energy to go and achieve what I want to achieve? And I just feel like I'd rather just go chill for a bit, like why is that emotion coming up? It's like, well, your massage for your body, for your mind and your heart is something like the next level and you can go and do that and you come out and you will experience.
Speaker 1:Sometimes we say to the guys you experience doms after this. Some of you guys after retreat aren't going to feel positive. You might have one of the most depressive days of your life afterwards, you know, and that's normal, right, that's like the comeback before the lift up. That's you experiencing, you know, muscle pain after a hard workout and then your muscles come back stronger and bigger and you can push more weight. That's the same thing, but with your heart and with your mind and how you can connect your heart and mind with your voice, right, yeah, because you can articulate it in a way which gives you so much power.
Speaker 3:That's what I think yeah, I'm probably gonna have to piggyback off both of you, I think. What, like my belief of what's the biggest takeaway? What the biggest takeaway is, I think, is, is your understanding that every single guy there, at some way or another, at some point, they're going to realize that their problems are because they blame people and whether how much work they've done, and whether how much work they've done, no matter how much work they've done, they come and they're like, oh, in this particular area, this is their, oh, actually it's me, and everyone is so conditioned to blaming other people. The reason why I do this is because X, y and Z, at the end of the day, your consciousness, like the way in which you're operating, is a direct reflection on how you see yourself, and if you see yourself at the mercy of somebody else's actions, then you're always going to be encapsulated by the ceiling of what they do and what they've done when they realize they're blaming that person. It's so interesting throughout the space, jump throughout.
Speaker 3:All leadership stuff is when they open themselves up and they're blaming that person. Is so interesting throughout the space, jump throughout. All leadership stuff is when they open themselves up and they're like, actually, you know what. You did this, but thank you because it taught me this. They, yeah, are removing their blame and they're increasing their like, thankfulness and their gratitude of that. That's what's happened, and I think that's's like the biggest takeaway is no matter who you are, at some point in your life you blame something on someone else. Right now, us three if we thought about one aspect of our lives, we can verify and validate that because we blame someone and at some point it turns around and it's like you know what that's not their fault well, the only reason that happens for me where I blame around and is, like you know what, that's not their fault.
Speaker 1:Well, the only reason that happens for me where I blame, other people is because of you, bro.
Speaker 2:I was going to piggyback seriously off that, though, and what I was going to say is you know how you say blame, and there's people that, yeah, you have those like dialogues.
Speaker 2:You could say it out loud oh, this doesn't work because of this person, or this is happening because I'm in this situation, but it doesn't even have to be the, the spoken ones.
Speaker 2:It can be all those internal conversations that you're having with yourself, the like, constant reminder that you don't think's there, and that's what we highlight at the next level. I think, so well is that, especially when it's either you know in some sort of release, whether it's like shame or anger or whatever's going on, it's like again, full circle back. It's like it's me you know what I mean like it's my responsibility, and like this internal dialogue, it's almost like a like I get frustrated because I'm like man. This is like the, this is the, the pandemic. You know what I mean Like this, this, like internal dialogue of negativity and blame and everything like that which I'm so like proud and you know I wear it, we all wear it on our sleeves of like this is the work that we do to like, try and reverse this, but I just wanted to, yeah, like kind of reiterate your point.
Speaker 1:But to echo on that, because there's one thing to go from negative internal dialogue to positive dialogue and then, at the next level, it doesn't matter where you are, you can have positive dialogue. You're going to leave with extra positive dialogue, with the right things to say, yeah, with realistic dialogue. Yeah, because once you're there, it's like all the feelings and all of the words and noises that you've gone into the back of your head come out and you can put articulation around them and then you catch them. It's like oh, now I'm back in control because of release control Most of the time, that's what that's like, which I think is fantastic. And I realized that, uh, the space jump that we did this time was a grief release.
Speaker 1:We, we released grief crazy yeah, that's why that was so intense.
Speaker 2:I was editing so hard and I missed all of the space jump this time I was like damn bro, yeah, that was like, yeah, you could feel the energy it was hectic.
Speaker 1:It was a grief release next question what were the biggest takeaways in land the plane you received?
Speaker 2:hit us with a lander plane. Bo Damn the I received this time. You go, you go.
Speaker 1:So no, I just saw Bo laughing and I was laughing, all right.
Speaker 2:My biggest takeaway as like the videographer director, so to speak, this time was and I think that it was like a worthiness for me, like that was my thing, because, like, coming into like the couple weeks before me and you having like some hectic conversations, I was like man, nothing's working for me.
Speaker 2:Like all this content I put it through the filter of George, it's shit. I was getting all kind of down on myself. And then, you know, two weeks after, we're in the middle of Byron Bay at this crazy place with this amazing equipment, with these amazing people, having this like opportunity to just like be the best version of myself and I was like hell yeah, like I'm worthy of this, like we worked so hard and it was just like the, it was just like good to reach like a little mountain peak just in our process of this like crazy journey that we're on. And I was like man, we're so worthy of this and like I get out of the cottage and just take like a deep breath, look around, see the ocean, see this crazy like $10 million plus building and I'm like what, this is so sick and like hell yeah, we earned this shit and that was really cool. So I was like I feel worthy. That was my biggest takeaway and I'm just like taking that into everything.
Speaker 3:That was good.
Speaker 2:Thanks, man.
Speaker 3:I don't know how I can follow that, but I'm going to follow it.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I.
Speaker 3:I think you were like, how am I worthy for me? It was like, why am I here? I think that was my biggest thing a few weeks ago, being asked to come in and cook. I was like I, I'm a, I'm a great cook. Um, but what, what is the? What is the ambition behind wanting me to like, for me wanting to come, and the whole time I knew, hey, look, let's hold space. We're doing this for them. This is for the guys' growth. We're standing around at the end of the Sunday and literally looking every single man in the face. You realise. This is why I'm here, Like seeing.
Speaker 3:I remember seeing this one guy sitting in the middle of the circle and Corey says Zane, your face has completely changed, like it's unrecognisable from when you started, and I was like, oh, this is the work we're doing, this is why I'm here and for me, I can, can come and I can cook. I don't need validation in that. I don't need validation the work that I do either. But internally for myself, that inner dialogue that we, that we talk about, for me, looking around that circle singing a song together, I'm like you know what. This is why I'm here so you feel inspiration.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the main thing, that why you're your biggest takeaway was you get to feel inspired and you feel inspired, yeah, so cool man.
Speaker 2:I love it. That's cool about you, bro mine is a selfish takeaway.
Speaker 1:It was just like, like my personal takeaway was like look how big my muscles are for helping people grow, you know what I mean. Um, that was sort of like I was like oh, I, I don't. I don't, just how do I put this in a sentence?
Speaker 1:however I can flex like a beast in the gym, which is cool because I've built like the body for that and I can flex like a beast in personal growth. For people like I feel like glenn and myself were just in flow the whole weekend and glenn, from like pretty much, I'd say, saturday 10 am, was just in like god mode for coaching, like everything that he's saying was just like landing. He was like seeing people in a way that had never been seen before, holding space for people. I can see why he's tired today, like he was absolutely crushing. That was so cool to see and just being able to.
Speaker 1:For me, because usually I'm like a bit of a control freak I come up in the center, I have to talk and I have to do anything, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:So just being able to, like you know, allow that.
Speaker 1:You know it's not even, it's not even allowed.
Speaker 1:That it's kind of like you know not be the one that's trying to be at the front all the time, not trying to have my point like get across, and it was like I can just facilitate this insane experience and then when I want to say something or I want to help someone here or um, what I help in some other way, shape or form, I can allow that to happen without any ego, like, just no ego for, like for myself, the whole weekend there was just no ego there whatsoever, even when, like in my personal life, there's some crazy shit going on and it's like look at what I can do yeah, even when there's crazy shit going on in my life here.
Speaker 1:So, like, my biggest takeaway was like, honestly, if I put it in a short sentence, it's like the more work you do, the more retreats you go to, it's like the more powerful you become. It really is whatever muscle that you flex, like, the more you flex it, the stronger, stronger it gets. And knowing that, like facilitating is a muscle, communication is a muscle, the emotions that you feel are a muscle, your mindset is a muscle like your heart is a muscle, like it's all just muscles.
Speaker 1:Giving someone a compliment is a muscle, receiving someone is a muscle. So the whole weekend was just flexing Wins on wins.
Speaker 3:Wins on wins baby 36 or 37, let's go. I mean, the reason why I think it works so well is we literally have the four main like archetypes within the team that we work together. If glenn's a magician, george is the warrior. You're the king and I'm the lover, and so we literally, I'll take it we literally make the entire thing work, and no matter what a person, like a man, is feeling at the retreat, there is one of us able to come alongside and guide.
Speaker 1:however, we can. We are a great team, we are. We are a really good team.
Speaker 2:I received a really cool compliment from Benny Lowe on the last day. He was like oh, I've talked to you heaps on the content calls within the community and I've only met you through Zoom and stuff. And he's just like you're really calm and you're really centered and I was just like, thanks, man, it was so good to receive that compliment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was really really cool.
Speaker 2:And then see how tall Ben was in real life. I was like the hell man, everyone's so tall. He's met zane. I'm like hey, bro, crazy seven foot. Yeah, yeah, ben is absolutely stud he was another highlight oh man, he was on fire the whole weekend. There's a reason he's in the content a lot, because it was like I can't not have the camera on him he wanted to have an experience and he knew he wanted an experience.
Speaker 1:He's like I'm gonna get that experience exactly and he got it exactly.
Speaker 2:He got that, yeah, yeah, he got that experience Exactly and he got it Exactly he got that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, he got that experience On the last night. We had some conversations and it was so deep and so beautiful and I was like Ben, I just respect you, hey.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:And your growth was, like it's so recognizable hey. Crazy Like just acknowledgement, even to like, before the retreat, the amount of growth. I'm like, bro you have done work, bro, like you deserve everything that's coming for you like in the best way. Last question We'll try to do some land planings. Why are the next level retreats, like the weekend that we just had, so important? Why are they important?
Speaker 3:For me when it comes to a weekend like this. If a man can see the opportunity to come to something and think that they've developed enough, then they're stubborn and arrogant. There is no one that can look at a situation, a retreat, an opportunity to grow themselves and think, oh, I'm not going to learn anything.
Speaker 3:Because even when you think that you're stubborn and arrogant and there's a bit of pride there as well and an emotionally mature man will look at the opportunity and say, okay, I'm here in the situation for a reason. Everything's aligned this way. What can I learn? And if you're, if you're in the heart space to be able to learn something, then you will get something out of it and you will grow. From the moment it starts on a Friday to the moment you leave on a Sunday, you will experience growth.
Speaker 1:I literally learned this this morning that when you have a deep-rooted sense of not feeling good enough, the pendulum will swing the other way with arrogance and pride. So the second if you catch your own thought like oh, oh, it's like a I don't need to do that, or why would people go and do that. Or there's some sort of judgment or being like oh, I'd kick ass and that's why I don't need to go. Or like hell, no, I don't need to do that, whatever it is. Or I can't afford that, or I don't have the time for that bullshit. Oh, I'm too busy in the weekend. All those guys just hanging out.
Speaker 1:It's like immediately, it's like you don't feel good enough about yourself and your self-worth is down. And if you swallowed the bitter pill and the bitter truth that there is a part of you that's not good enough and you came to something transformational, maybe your relationship would be 10 times better, maybe your girl wouldn't leave you, maybe you wouldn't be off your girl, maybe your business would be doing 10x the revenue that it's currently doing. You know, I mean maybe you'd have that six-pack that you've always wanted. You know what I mean. Like that you've been trying to get for like 20 years, you know. And yeah, self-sabotage with food, whatever it's like. Yes, what you're saying just landed for me, bro. So thanks for saying that you're welcome. Anything else I'm done.
Speaker 2:Can you repeat? Repeat the question reprieve reprieve the question please um.
Speaker 1:I have to edit this so hardly no, leave, just most of it in bro. Accept the sniffs. Please leave, guys, I have to leave.
Speaker 2:Actually, I'm going to leave only the sniffs in. This is a sniff podcast, bro.
Speaker 3:You know the.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all right, we've got a nice pub. Why? Are the next several treats like this weekend the weekend that we just had.
Speaker 3:So important.
Speaker 1:Do you like the way how I said important, yeah, I did Articulated the T in the end of the term.
Speaker 2:I think it's because that's an influence that I have. When I'm jovial, I will say words like that, like important, like that?
Speaker 3:What does jovial mean? Oh very me.
Speaker 2:When I'm being filled with joy being funny jovial Is that what it means, like when I'm being filled with like joy. Being like funny jovial, like a jester, is jovial, jovial got it.
Speaker 2:Stop controlling this, bro. Thank you, um. Weekends like the next level are important because, hmm, I don't know who whose quote I'm stealing, but it's like the life that you want is in the work that you're avoiding. And the next level pretty much encompasses all the work that you're avoiding, whether it's all those stories that you're telling yourself that you know, oh, this isn't for me, or I'm not like that, or I you know, oh, that's not how my brain works. All those little dialogues, all those little like lies that you're telling yourself, like that's the barrier to the best version of yourself and it's the thing that's holding all that work that you're avoiding. So like, weekends like this are just like perfect, almost like circuit breakers to the normality of your life, like the… Circuit breakers to the normality of your life.
Speaker 3:Like the Sorry circuit breakers, you're like a meerkat bro.
Speaker 2:You know what I think.
Speaker 3:No, no, no.
Speaker 2:This is funny because I can tell how much fun Corey's having, because he hasn't done a podcast with someone for a while, especially us. And you're just having fun, I'm having fun genuinely he's like a little boy.
Speaker 2:I don't know how, while especially us and you're just having fun and you're genuinely he's like a little boy. So, yeah, a circuit breaker to the normality of, like your schedule, the conversations that you're having, all the bullshit that you're telling yourself like these weekends are just perfect to, yeah, really highlight all the stuff that you're avoiding and the best version of you's hidden behind that. So make sure you like comment, subscribe.
Speaker 3:So this can't be real.
Speaker 1:You have no idea, my nose, my nose is working, bro, my nose is always working.
Speaker 2:We're always there. We're always there. It's almost pumpkin strawberry milk time.
Speaker 1:Okay, guys, we're just. If you've heard us say strawberry milk during this podcast a lot, it's because there's a video, there's a meme.
Speaker 2:A meme and it's so funny.
Speaker 3:We'll link it in the show notes.
Speaker 1:probably it's not right. It's just Japanese guys that were trying to learn how to say a sentence in.
Speaker 2:I want a strawberry milk.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so there's two Japanese guys, and one Japanese guy was trying to teach the other Japanese guy how to speak with like a Western accent. His first attempt was I want to drink a strawberry milk. And then the second guy was like oh see, see, change this around the language. He's like I want a drink, and then they started nailing it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when we were delusional yesterday on the way back from the retreat I said I want to drink a straw bit of milk and we all just started losing it.
Speaker 1:We were crying, laughing for like 20 minutes we were trying to say I want to drink a straw bit of milk in every single way, shape or form, and it was the best it was so fun.
Speaker 2:It was so fun, so why are retreat weekends?
Speaker 1:My question goes into. I'm going to go a little bit deep in this one, Even though you guys are laughing, I'm just going to hold the space. Why are you guys having a good time?
Speaker 2:Hold the space, land the plane.
Speaker 1:You've been doing it all weekend, bro. I really like researching old school men's masculinity. Mentors like Robert Blythe and Joseph Campbell and the James Hillmans and the Michael Meads and the Robert Moores and the Eric Neumanns and the Carl Jung's and the Virginia Eaches and the Dostoevskys they're all the people that I like to research that from. And what I've learned from researching them is that there's a I'm sorry to call out, I'm calling out the little boys in men that men haven't integrated. And for my own personal experience of what's important to have these retreats for myself is, hey, I didn't get an initiation into becoming a man. You know what I mean. It was just work fucking hard. I get cheated on, go get drunk and pissed.
Speaker 1:Like you know, in the western world we have so much abundance it's like what else is there to do? You know what I mean. Like purpose is hard to find because you, the whole world, is your oyster. So you know, for me the weekends like this are so important is it is the ceremony to get rid of the immaturity in yourself and become more mature. Now, what you realize if you read a lot of joseph campbell's work and you know hero's journey work, of what's happened through all the different tribes throughout the history of the world is, it's not just one initiation to become a man, there is so many initiations to become men. And now it's not like we're living in the tribal days, where it's javelins and like spears and you know knives and fires and teepees. Right, we're in a different world, in abundance, and we can, because we have so much amazing knowledge and we have this capacity for growth in these huge brains.
Speaker 1:We can facilitate retreats where you get everything all at once and it's like and depending on how regular the retreats like these happen is, you can have that experience multiple times and put yourself in the cage, in the ring, you know, into the unknown so that you can, you know, get into the gym so that you can, you know, build that version of yourself and become that man Like, even just like, bose transformation. Oh yeah, insane, like insane joined. Set the standard when it was, overcome the chaos, like, come he's been at all the next levels and now look at you savage, it's like. I just want you to confirm this. Ask. The question is like do you think, like without set the standard and without going to all the next levels, that you'd be as powerful as you are now?
Speaker 3:there is no way that my life would look the same way if it wasn't for everything that we've done I'm experiencing emotions you can experience them. I'm experiencing it's cool.
Speaker 1:yeah, it's just wild to notice like and do you agree? It's like someone who's participated, everything else that like you know that each time it was like a new lesson in certain standard that you learn, or a conversation that you have, or a next level retreat that you went to and then even learning, like the skills of, like I know now I'm holding space for someone Now.
Speaker 1:I'm being the leader. Now I'm in that position that each one of those moments that you've had over the past couple of years has been an initiation to become a better man.
Speaker 3:Yeah, definitely I wouldn't be able to show up in my business as a coach, or even in my family as a man. Uh, the same way if I didn't, do you feel the same as well?
Speaker 1:george oh, 100 man right, 100 you just become more powerful and more strong because you're going through the initiation process. Back in the day it used to be walkabout, it was aboriginal aboriginals and when it was like Navajo cultures they would do some pretty like crazy, like they'd have like these steam huts that they would have that have initiation with the elder men, that they would do Like there's a lot of I'm not sure with those, but I know some cultures like they drag the boys away from the mums.
Speaker 1:The mums would have to actually put on like this whole um kerfuffle of being like oh, no my son, and then the men would take them into a circle and all the men would cut their hands or like a part of their wrists and pour it into a bowl and then the boys have to drink the blood from the men like we've got your back now, not your mum. And then when they come back, the mum and the boy were not allowed to talk for like six months or something and you have to treat him like a man and call him by his first name, not allowed to say my son. And he had to call his mum by her first name and not mum. Because they figured that out that during those tribal days if they wanted a thriving tribe, or a tribe.
Speaker 1:Not to die is like that was the necessary right of a man so that he would be able to hold his weight and provide, because if he didn't have that transformation they'd have to kill him, they'd have to let that person go. So if one of the kids became like a mummy's boy or you know whatever it is, or they become avoidant or aggressive or angry, like, however you move through life, or needy or always seeking approval, it's like, well, you wouldn't be able to help with the tribe, so they just kind of let them go and they die. It would be very traumatic for the whole tribe. So they have to have these initiations. And now we live in a world where that's not going to happen.
Speaker 1:But we all want to be the best version of ourselves, right? We all know there's this tank of potential that we have to realize because if we don't, we've just wasted our life and we won't be happy by the time we die. Having processes and um ceremonies and initiations and experiences and retreats, like, like we facilitate, give people that experience and it's not just like you know, oh, to become, uh, you know, a protector and provider, like that's one part like to fit in with the tribe. We live in this beautiful world where it's just self-expression. How creative can my ideas be? How big can I play? What? What can I? How can I change my external reality and what? How can I be in my internal reality and how can they play with each other? You know, and I?
Speaker 1:I can observe it and just experience the best life that's beautiful man yeah, so if you want to come to the next level retreat, click the link below and we'll see you guys there. Oh yeah, thank you guys, we'll just put that one there. But no, seriously, like it's one of the most transformational retreats and if you do feel called, then clearly reach out. And if you learn anything from this podcast, please give us a follow, please share the podcast and if you want to say anything to us, send me a dm and I'd love to chat with you about it and you can talk to george about it if you like to talk to george about it. 100%. If you'd like to talk to bo about it.