Corey Boutwell Podcast

Gain Passive Income Using This Real Estate Secret #251 Julio De Laffitte

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Speaker 1:

Guys, I am here with Julio De La Fee and it is a treat for you. Let me tell you a little bit about him. He grew one of Australia's largest finance companies, sold it and then his idea around it was I am going to create an AI that represents this entire finance company. So now he's in the property game and he's absolutely killing it. It's one of the most successful people that I know. Dozens, dozens of properties absolutely blows my mind, and he runs one of the world's largest entrepreneurial companies. I'm pretty sure you work with thousands of different entrepreneurs we do, man.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thousands of entrepreneurs. They take them to Antarctica, takes them to the Amazon, blows their minds, gives them strategies, connects them together to create more business Like they've generated.

Speaker 2:

I think it's millions of dollars of revenue between yeah, like when people come on the trips that generate millions and millions of dollars in just swapping capabilities.

Speaker 1:

It's insane. It's absolutely insane, and one of the reasons that me and Julio connected, like ended up connecting with him, is because he's super passionate about helping people increase their wealth. So in this podcast, in this video you're watching, we're going to be going into the strategies of how you can increase your wealth. So tune in. This is a very special episode. Put your thinking caps on and get ready, because you guys are going to get absolutely blasted with so much stuff. I would say, some real, tangible and practical tasks to do after this. It's absolutely insane. So, julio, what I want to know first question diving in deep is like what ruins people with finances?

Speaker 2:

Not knowing the numbers, cory, it is insane. If you want to go conspiracy theory or not okay, we are indoctrinated to be slaves, right? How? So? Well, the education process is all about you getting a good job. Think about it. It's all about preparing people to get a good job. So people finish an education thinking I'm going to go and get a good job, so I'll be an architect, I'll be an engineer. No, that is much better than being a bum for sure, right. But the truth is, suddenly what happens is people work for money and when you're under that condition, that hypnosis. Now people are watching, thinking this is everybody I know. I know the majority of people. Let's just go deep. We're diving now, okay, so we're going into it now and I'm just going to go fast. So I started with this statement People are being indoctrinated to be slaves. It's a grab. It's stationed like boom. Now, as I go down and people are like I'm interested, not interested, I want to say to you is see it for what it is.

Speaker 2:

When you finish your first high school, get your first job, or you finish university, if you get your first job, you make 50 grand, you spend 50 grand, you take it to 75, you spend 75. You take it to 300, you spend 300. So I work with people from all walks of life, so even they may take high-end doctors. We have plenty of them as clients. I can tell you right now some doctors come here. They make 800 grand a year. Guess how much they spend? 800 grand, 800 grand. And that's what I mean being a slave, because what actually happens is there are some protocols in your mind that, even though you have great cash flow or great income, that's not wealth. So one thing's one thing, another thing's another thing. So for those people that are here now watching this being present, wealth is not a good job, it's not a good income. Income is income. Everything being equal, you spend it. That's the majority of people.

Speaker 2:

So that software leads people to a pattern, right? So all the time I meet guys that are in their mid-20s, early 30s, and they're still like hungry, like I want to go, I want to do things, yeah. And in that moment they're still like hungry, like I want to go, I want to do things, yeah, and in that moment they're increasing their income. If they don't notice, they will spend that income and wealth doesn't get generated. So they're a slave to a process of which all the money you have in your pockets after tax, you are addicted to debt and you keep living.

Speaker 2:

That's where the AI comes in. The AI doesn't know who you are, it doesn't? It just looks at the numbers and says what can you do to get ahead in life? So what we've done is we've picked up this 30 years worth of experience and all the innovation and technology for the last 20 years. We're on it. It's not. For us, ai is not new. We got onto it almost 10 years ago. Wow, yeah, we're on, we're on. So now people come and when they go like, oh okay, how do I get ahead? How do I do this? Well, let me give you the software that is in people, in humans. So, guys, check this out. Corey calls me up and says look man, I am teaching people, I'm teaching man how to become better versions of themselves. I love it. How can we help it? So I have worked with investments for 32 years Like there was no mercy when it comes to numbers, property, investment, property, finance, accounting. There's nothing we have not touched.

Speaker 1:

So what does like? In regards to that, I just want to get a little bit clearer. What does wealth like mean to you? Well, like you look at wealth and you're like okay, this is wealth Like. What is the description from your mind of what wealth looks like?

Speaker 2:

So, if anyone's listening and they have a goal, they're like okay, I want to get to this goal. Perfect, what is that? So we're mixing all sorts of conversations and I don't want people to get confused. The interview is about getting ahead and what is wealth? I'm saying to people that we have AI that I am making available to every one of the guys that do your courses. Okay, so that's why I'm leading this way. Yep, right, so we become very clear. And then what's the AI going to do? Then I told you I've been working with artificial intelligence for more than 10 years.

Speaker 2:

It's very tough to tell the computer to emulate a human, so we need to understand what are the software inside of people's heads? What's the software inside of people that they make decisions, the way they look at life, and is this enhancing my outcome or not? And this is what we've been observing for 30 years, and we put it all together. The question that you say to me, what's wealth? Is extremely relevant. So let me just hit it. Hit it hard. If you and I met at the airport and you said to me Julio, I'm hopping on that flight, you're hopping on that flight, I got two minutes right. How do I get rich? Here's the software. Well, you are accumulating capital or you're not. Or you are Code, guys code, or is mathematical language of choice left right. Or you are accumulating capital or you are not. Third line, most important one choose.

Speaker 1:

I like that, that's really cool, so choose.

Speaker 2:

So if you want a relevant conversation for all the guys, all the boys and girls that hang out, here's this Pick a date in your calendar. For me it's the 7th of August. It's the birth of my first child. Okay, I look on the 7th of August it's my reckoning day. Am I richer this year than last year? Yes or no? And by how much? And you know it. Then you know it. Now the hypnosis gets you. If last year you're making a hundred grand, all right, 7th of August comes along. For me it's my date. Yours may be the 1st of January, it doesn't matter, it's a day, though it's in your calendar. So last year you're on a hundred grand a year. This year you're on 120. You'll feel richer. You will feel richer Nonetheless, if you do not have accumulation of capital software inside of you, you just have a higher income. See what I mean. And if you have a higher income, everything being equal, you spend it Right.

Speaker 1:

So what's the difference then? Because I want to get clear on this what's the difference between income and capital? Cool, cool.

Speaker 2:

So if you're, everybody gets this you got your first job at 50, then you took it to 75. In other words, you got older, you got wiser, you were able to be promoted and your salary is raised, right, and then you take it from 75 to 150, and you keep. There is a place where most people then start to be on a flat line and then increase according to CPI. Right, okay, that's income. So every single person that generates income, upon that income, you'll make decisions. This is the kind of car I'll drive, this is where I'm going to live, this is how many kids I can afford. And then you meet somebody, right, right, and then you have double income. Yeah, and that makes all sorts of financial decisions based on income. Now, income is you selling. Get this hours for dollars. So I generate 40 bucks an hour, I generate 12 bucks an hour, I generate 80 bucks an hour. And then you try to get really clever and generate $300 an hour. And then you try to get really clever and generate $300 an hour. Right, so your dollar per hour is your income. That income is taxed. The higher the income, the higher the taxation Got it. And then what's left over? Everything being equal, you spend it. So now, what's capital Capital? R Shares, gold, Property, everything being equal, you spend it. So now, what's capital Capital? Are shares, gold, property, right, your own business, that's capital.

Speaker 2:

So let's say, now you meet Jimmy and you say to Jimmy Jimmy, how's it going? He goes I'm 32 years of age, I am on $130,000 a year. I'm on $90,000 a year. Well, let's make him 100. Let's make him flat 100. Jimmy's 32 on 100 grand a year. Got it. What else have you got? I got the Suzuki here, this motorcycle. I got this car. I got this. I got that. Do you have debt on these things? Yes, no. How much shares have you got? Oh, I don't have any. Do you have a house? No, I don't have any.

Speaker 2:

So Jimmy is a good looking guy who has good income, no assets. Then you go to Tom, say Tom, how are you doing? I'm 32 years old, I make 90 grand a year, right. And so tell me about the numbers. Oh, I got $10,000 in Amazon. I hold $10,000 in shares in Amazon. I got 30,000 shares of the Commonwealth Bank. I have 20 grand in crypto, right, a couple of properties, you know. So then the next guy says I have a couple of properties, right, so same income.

Speaker 2:

Then some guys have only income, some guys have this type of assets, some guys have deep assets, and that's what we teach people when you talk about property is this you can buy like half a million dollars worth of assets. Let's just say you go out and buy a property worth 500,000. They're ceasing to exist. Right, you buy a property worth 800,000. The beauty about what I call deep assets is this when you buy your own home, it's a utility, it's not an investment. You're using it, you're living in it. But when you buy as a property investment, it's not an investment. You're using it, you're living in it. But when you buy as a property investment, other people pay for it and that distinction is insanely cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it kind of confused me. I don't understand why some people aren't rushing and working their hardest to trying to get a property and I don't know so that they can get ahead, because I did everything to get my first one. It took so hard, so much time, energy and effort to get one, and what I knew during that time was I was like one my financial intelligence was lacking. I didn't know the numbers, like some of the words and the concepts that, like you know, you were mentioning, like as we're talking, I was like I didn't know those. I didn't know income, capital. I didn't understand those and also was having the emotional intelligence around it.

Speaker 2:

I I didn't have this emotional intelligence.

Speaker 1:

I was like, am I even worthy enough to get this? Like, oh, maybe I'll try later. Like, oh, maybe that's a little bit too hard. Or like, oh, this is scary. Looking at money is scary, but I'm like you know what's scarier Like dying, not having anything? Like that's how I sort of think about it. Right, but I'd like to know in your is between financial intelligence and emotional intelligence, and what tools can you give?

Speaker 2:

people to use. See, this conversation now is really starting to take shape, guys. It is difficult to talk about money without emotion. So, even though I may point out to you your internal dialogue, are you accumulating capital or not? So for those of you who are watching, I hope that if you just say I need to accumulate capital and you don't know what that means, it's okay, because that's what Corey's talking about now. If you make a decision because you hang out with Corey, I'm going to accumulate capital, you're going to be richer than the version of you who doesn't say that Right Now we're going to define a little bit about how to do it.

Speaker 2:

So if you earn a certain amount of money and you spend that money, you never employed any of it. So right now, you gave me code, you told me earlier on in my life I worked harder, I went at it. My financial intelligence wasn't sophisticated, but I knew I had to do something. That is the leaning towards. I got to acquire assets, so you have an income. So then I'm sure you ask some questions around and people said to you hold on, you need a deposit. Oh, how much? 20% Got it. Well, what's the house I'm buying? $500,000. Whoa, I need $100,000 of deposit. Yep, now some people may right there and then get discouraged. $100,000? Yeah, some people are going to go. Hey, this is what I love about your program, because people step it up and people step it up. So if I now know I need $100,000 for a deposit on a house, how am I going to do it? That's a much better question, rather than I'm going to let this go. So the emotional intelligence will cause you to go, oh or huh, that is it, or right, and you get like that, how am I going to get 100 grand? Well, man, if you have no idea, get a second job. What? Yeah, more hours, because you get dollars per hours. So if you're putting 38 hours right, yep, put now 46 hours, and that those hours you start to go towards the deposit, that cash is the beginning of your asset formation. Right Now.

Speaker 2:

If you find a partner right, find a spouse that comes on the same vein and says, yep, I'm in, let's go. You've got to watch that. Sometimes, emotionally, we have a plan and our partner has a completely different plan, or no plan at all. And when we want to go forward and your partner doesn't, because you can find a partner that wants to go forward with you, a partner that is flat, doesn't care, and a partner that resists, then you just pick it up. More drag. There's enough drag as it is. So let me just give you the sequence For most people.

Speaker 2:

And you see the software, you see the software in people. Here's how it goes. You get a job Like watch it play, watch it play. You get a job, uh-huh. And then you get a promotion, yep.

Speaker 2:

And then you meet somebody. You really like that person person hey, do you want to move in? Of course there's a lot of meetings between meeting them and saying, do you want to move in? It's a bunch of meetings, but eventually that's what he said hey, do you want to move in? The person says yeah, so now you have double income. That's when you go overseas, that's when you upgrade the car. That's when you're like whoa, because now you have less bills because same rent, there's a bunch of things. The bills get shared. Two income my God, we never had so much cash. You match that income, that expenses, right, and then off you go. Now check this out. Pure software, brother, pure trends. Yeah, you got together, you committed, boom committed.

Speaker 2:

And then one day, one day, you're walking through the supermarkets just walking around, and then suddenly you see the diapers and you see the baby things, and then you go well, let's make one, let's make somebody that looks like us. And then next thing is you have a child. The moment you have a child, notice what happens is you have a child. The moment you have a child, notice what happens For most people the moment that they have a child, willingly or not, aware of it or not, they have a software upgrade, it's like, and it goes something like this emotionally, I've got to get serious.

Speaker 2:

Now I have somebody that looks like me. I got to get really, really serious. Now, what am I doing? And then that person will now think I got to put a roof over my kid's health heads. I got to pay for education. Now I'm going to commit to get that pay rise. I'm going to commit to become more serious, more focused. All right, because there's people that look like me and now I'm going to put the deposit, I'm going to start and money starts to go. So you find people in their 30s okay, maybe 40s now they put a deposit for the first house, but their driving force is safety for the children.

Speaker 1:

So you're telling me the secret to get rich is to have a baby.

Speaker 2:

No, I am telling you oh good, man.

Speaker 1:

So have them as early as possible right, because then you've got to right Half of them as early as possible.

Speaker 2:

But the piece then, brother, is this and you keep matching your income to your expense, and now you have a mortgage, and now you have kids' education. At 46, you show up at JBL Strategies, which stands for Just Do Life, and you say, man, I should be way ahead than where I am right now. So, everything being equal, you have a little bit of equity in that property. You can borrow against that property and go again.

Speaker 2:

For people watching this right now, what if, just as a scenario, a future existed for you watching this right now, where you go into an AI it doesn't know who you are, doesn't know into an AI. It doesn't know who you are, doesn't know who your accountant is, doesn't know who your father is, doesn't know anything. And you go this is my name, this is my age, this is how much I earn, this is this, this is that. And now what? And the software looks at you objectively and says, if you continue the way you are, this is your outcome. If you were to focus a little bit on what's possible, and the software starts modulating exactly what to do.

Speaker 1:

You've got to do this, this and this, and what is possible for you shows up, we're going to get into this AI software and we're going to show you guys a bit because it's insane. It's insane Before we go in, because I want to talk you guys a bit because it's like insane. It's insane Before we go in, because I want to like talk you guys through it, because it's pretty wild, because even just knowing what's in the software is insane.

Speaker 2:

So let me just conclude this, okay. And then the third part is when it says what if you do it all the time? But the bottom line of what we're saying here right now is for people watching, there's already a distinction inside of them I want it, I don't care? All right, not related to me, that's already in people watching this right now. So what we do for a living is we say to people do you want to know how to get ahead?

Speaker 2:

Yep, there's no such a thing as investing without risk. First commitment you got to do is I'm going to accumulate capital. First commitment the sooner you do that, the sooner you do that right, the more time you have to do it, more often. Yeah, but bottom line is it's an internal human and the moment in which you're going to come, oh fuck, money's going to work for me. Money is going to work for me. Money's going to work for me. It has to start slow, because normally it's not as if, like I'm 18 and I just got this inheritance. It happens to very few people. The majority of us. We have got to go, get a job and have the discipline to put some money away and then employ that money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm really interested. I love that you say that I want like. What I know for sure is that some people who may be hearing this might be like oh, going to go after increasing capital or even getting more capital is like a challenge, right? Just having to go for that Like well, that is so much energy and effort because I don't know. I don't know what to do, I don't know anything else.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like when it comes to accumulating wealth, there's like a bit of a wall there where it's like man, if I start learning some skills, people have this belief there's always someone so much better than me, so what's the point of even trying? So I'd like to know, like, what is the difference in predictors that you have between someone who is a rich man and someone who's not a rich man? So that, for anyone listening, if they're already rich and they want to get richer, more of these traits, right For someone who isn't as rich as what they'd like to be and they're like hey, I want to start increasing the gain with that. What do I got to do about it? What are those?

Speaker 2:

See, this is what we've been doing for 30 plus years. We're meeting people that have good standard of living and make enough money to have a good life. But the first parameter is have you made up your mind to accumulate capital? So when you come to one of our courses or you come hang out is, are you employing money? So for anyone watching right now, you say to people and it can be as simple In the software we say, how much can you save per week?

Speaker 2:

And people say nothing. They match their income to expenses to the max. Or I can save $300 a week. Well, are you doing it? Yes, I'm doing it. How much have you got? I got 15 grand. That person has $15,000 worth of capital to deploy. That person is already tracking. So the majority of people will come to a moment, a moment where I'm gonna have to save money now to deploy it. That is the very first predictor. So it comes all the time, brother, I want you to know. A lot of people show up in a 46 birthday and all they're doing in genuine terms, going at it with the best they can, which is to give the best possible life to the kids. That's the driver, right? That is the driver.

Speaker 2:

Is 46, the most common age for that, 46. People show up here. It's a glitch in the matrix 46. People show up. Of course, some people show up at 35. If you show up to see me at 26, by the time I'm 46, you're out. You're out of the game. You have capital now, but you know people start the game at 46. What game? Accumulating capital. This is why these boxes you see in the offices, they're all Monopoly games, all of it.

Speaker 1:

We give to people Monopoly games all the time. He has all these boxes in here. They All the time.

Speaker 2:

He has all these boxes in here. There's just full of Monopoly games. Full of Monopoly games. You say, look, someone was trying to show you how to play life. It's not a board game, it's a life game, right? So then the first predictor is that one. So if people has just this spark yes, I want to get ahead Then let's go and buy a property Now. I have a few things that I'll give it to you in terms of comparison and that, if people say to me, why are you so rich, I want to tell you it's emotionally based.

Speaker 1:

Really yeah.

Speaker 2:

Why, like, how is it emotionally based? Mate? Listen, this is full on right, discovery upon discoveries. And this three minutes, next two to three minutes, of me telling you my personal story and my personal observation, let me ask you, let me start with the question what color do you prefer, blue or nyah?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what nyah.

Speaker 2:

So you can't choose it, yeah. So, guys, what color do you prefer? Blue or nyah? Yeah, nyah, what's nyah? No, no, can't choose it. You cannot choose what you don't perceive. You cannot choose what you don't know. So you, being rich, you've got to see it want it so you can choose it. I want it, right, and not pie in the sky stuff. So let's go solid, solid conversation. So here comes Julio.

Speaker 2:

I arrived in Australia in 1988, 19 years old, in love with an Australian girl. That's why I came. So I arrived here and I'm like, hey, how's it going? So I got my first job. Then I worked really hard. Then I got my second job.

Speaker 2:

But I want you to know, corey, I did not have the language to explain, but as soon as I could, and I married the girl and the two of us made a deal, I got two jobs. We lived on her income and I saved both of mine. Why, I don't know, it's just did it. Why? Maybe because I want to impress her, maybe because I want to impress her parents? I knew I had to have money work for me. I'm an outsider. But so what happened then was, within just shy of my second year in Australia, I bought a house, say 21. Do you know why? Why, because they let me. Oh, you just arrived, you can't. You know, you're just like. You want to buy a house? Yeah, but here comes the distinctions. Okay, when I arrived in Australia in 1988, inflation was really high. But inflation in Australia it was around 12%. Do you know what inflation was in Brazil in 1988? No, Try 232%.

Speaker 1:

What's inflation now in Australia? It's sitting around four and a half, it's sitting around four and a half, it's sitting around four and a half and it was 12% when I arrived in 1988.

Speaker 2:

Now I need to give you these distinctions because I told you it was emotional. So when I arrived here, inflation in Brazil, brazil's out of control. It's 232% inflation, 238, like it was insane. Okay, now to borrow money in Australia.

Speaker 2:

I started to say to people hey, what is the cost of money here? And people don't talk like this. I was translating from Portuguese to English. Right, what is the cost of money here? People looking at me, like so I wanted to say it properly. Right, what's the interest rates? And people said to me what's the interest rates? And people said to me oh, 12%, easy to remember many years later 12% inflation, 12% interest rates. And I'm like so you look at it right now, right, inflation is sitting. The truth inflation right now is sitting around 5%, you know, and banks are landing around 6%. So things haven't moved very far. So I said to somebody hey, listen, what's the interest rates? They said 12 percent. How's your inflation so low if the cost of money here is the same as the cost of money in Brazil? Right, 12%. And this is when I got the distinction of my life, brother, in Brazil we're talking about 12% per month. So if you borrowed $100,000, you have 30 days to show up with $12,000 to make the repayment In Australia. When they told me it was 12% per annum, it occurred to me like this is free money, 12% per annum. Now I want you to be very clear. Australians were freaking out. They were freaking out at 12% per annum. They were like, oh my God, we're going to die. For me it was like, oh my God, that is so cheap In Brazil. You needed four guarantors four guarantors. So if you borrow the money to buy a house, four people show up and say if he doesn't pay, I'll pay, and two guarantors must not be family In Australia. Do you know what? You needed to borrow some money 20% deposit, that's it. They trusted you. You're good for the money. They said you're good for the money, brother. That's why I got two jobs. That's why I said to my wife let's hop on this, we live on your income, save both of mine. And I bought my first house. Did you buy another one? Like soon after I bought another house a year later. And then what was the money? Soon after, I bought another house a year later, and it was a little momentum, yeah Right. So I had two jobs and we lived on one income and saved all of it, right. So you're like, really, yeah, now I know prices. Now I started to go to get that way. But now we have better finances, now we have mortgage insurances, you can shop with 10% deposit, you can help your parents for help, there's all sorts of other things you can do. Now, right, but back then it was just her and I, right. So we go like, let's now do this. So a year later I bought another house, and here's part of the story.

Speaker 2:

I was in Australia already some time and somebody says to me have you lodged your tax return? And I remember thinking new words what's that? Oh, you have not seen a tax man. I'm like, no, I have not seen a tax man, mate. I end up in an accountant's office who asked me the following question so what have you got? Oh, I got two incomes. Oh, you know you pay more tax on your second job. Really, did you not know that? How's that work? Explain that to me. Oh, you know you pay more tax on your second job. Really, did not know that? How's that work? They explained that to me. Uh-uh, right, what do you guys do now? Now we bought two houses. Oh, which house do you live in. Well, what actually happened is when we bought the first house, we thought about moving into it, but the last moment we met another couple. They were amazing people. So the four of us rented a much bigger house together, close to the university and had a swimming pool. So I rented my house out. Little did I know it was the best financial decision I have ever made. So I rented my house out. I bought the second one, rented out.

Speaker 2:

I'm at the accountant's office now and then he proceeds to explain to me that because I don't live in the house, this is key. This is in ya right now, becoming a real color in your mind. The moment that he said to me we're going to depreciate the houses. I said what do you mean? The house is going up in value. He says no, depreciating is an accounting entry process, like if you had a truck or a tractor on a farm, you can deduct. If you had a computer in your office, you deduct. Because the property is for investments, we will deduct. In other words, we're going to claim that the house is losing value from an accounting point of view. So how does that work? The house is going up in value.

Speaker 2:

So I went downstairs I called my father and I said dad, I'm at an accountant's office. He's telling me that he's going to depreciate the properties. My dad said to me from Brazil, that's a big business guy. He said to me son, get out, it's a scam. It's a scam, it's a scam, get out, get out now. They probably tried to track you to something. I'm like dude, I'm in a proper accountant's office, right? The guy is telling me he's going to launch my tax return and he's going to depreciate my properties.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, corey, I signed the documentation. I got in line with the ATO guidelines Cool Paid my taxes, the redo, and so on. With the ATO guidelines, cool Paid my taxes, the return, so on. My friend, six weeks later I got a check for $3,000. Australia was already too good to be true. Australia was already amazing.

Speaker 2:

So young Julio gets a check from the government because my accountant did depreciation on one of my properties. I looked at it and I thought, my friend, I had no purpose for that money. I wasn't expecting. It's one of those bonuses in life. And I swear to God, I thought about upgrading my motorcycle because that's what you do, right. You buy a better car when it comes in, you buy a better something. You go on a holiday. The truth is I didn't need it. Without thinking it comes in. You buy a bed or something. You go on a holiday. The truth is I didn't need it, without thinking it too much. I put that $3,000 into the mortgage and the first house and I swear to you, corey, swear to you, I thought it was a one-off.

Speaker 2:

The following year my accountant lodged my tax return and I got another check. As a matter of fact, I've been in Australia in total now 35 years. I've been getting the checks every year. They never stopped. Best country in the world, like what? So please understand the moment. I took that money back from the ATO and I put against the mortgage in the first house. I paid that mortgage down. The question now is what's the performance of that money? That is asset accumulation, Like. So I paid it down. Next check get back. I paid it down and then it's like and I bought my third house as soon as I could. By the time I had my third property between me and my wife. We paid no tax.

Speaker 2:

So our friends, other couples and this is what I love about you teaching men about financial intelligence, because you see, you can't choose these conversations. These conversations are not new, they're old, they've been around for a long time. It's just people don't choose it because they literally don't know. But when they come into your program and you say, boys and girls, I have a facilitation for your financial acumen, let's know, and you start delivering conversations like that, programs like that We'll make available. I promise you, I'll make available to you and the people that follow you and do your program.

Speaker 2:

I gave a talk to 30 accountants. Every single person in the room is an accountant and I said to them it's not that you don't know, it's not that you don't know Everything. I'm going to say you know, but I'm not speaking to you. I'm speaking to your clients through you, because it wasn't one accountant that had one conversation with me that changed everything. But most accountants are not having this conversation with their clients because they don't see us part of their job. It's actually on you. How rich you're going to be is on you. So closing the whole circle now, brother, closing the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

So I bought my third house right. So now you fast forward that a bit further and it's July 26, 26 years of age, and then I'm sitting with my father-in-law Christmas. He says to me what is your New Year's resolution? Italian guy. So I married an Italian girl, right, she's first Australian born parents, italian. So her father says to me, my father-in-law says to me, what's your New Year's resolution? And I, within my new knowledge, I said I want to be a million dollars in debt. Right, I just summarized it and he looked at me like, and he started saying swear words in Italian. He looked at her like you married this moron, like what is this idiot doing? Right? But what I was saying is I want to buy more houses.

Speaker 2:

I tried to explain to him that, brother, what I am doing here is I'm buying assets that other people are paying for. So once I have a tenant and the ATO kicks in, right, he just flipped and I said to him is your accountant a friendly accountant? He says, yes, I'll make a challenge for you between Christmas and New Year's. Let's catch up with your accountant. I'll show your accountant what I'm up to and let him say to you what I'm up to and you see if you approve it or not, because it's too emotional. Now he says, fair enough, I went to see the accountant. We went together. The accountant looked at it and said to him John, let me just explain to you.

Speaker 2:

Julio has the debt, he's responsible for it, but he's not paying for it, and that's nuh 101. The tenant is paying for it, but he's not paying for it, and that's not one-on-one. The tenants is paying for it. Right, the tenants are paying for it, the ATO is paying for it. And, corey, as my houses became cashflow positive, those houses start buying shares, manage funds, crypto not me. The houses are buying them. So for anyone sitting here and saying to you hey man, where do we go? I will give you the AI platform. I will give you and every one of people that join your platform this talk I gave to the accountants. That teaches everything about debt reduction, tax minimization.

Speaker 1:

Everybody in the room is an accountant, so I don't miss it well, I'd love for you to come in to set the standard community and teach everyone if you're listening to this, I'll get julio to come in. It would be my pleasure. Yeah, he'll come in and he'll teach you some, some wild stuff. It'll be my pleasure, it'll be my pleasure yeah, so how does so?

Speaker 1:

how does like the, the ai, if I was to sign up, because I'm signed up to it and like I currently am using it, but if I was a new person and I wanted to be like, okay, what benefit am I going to get? Because julio spent like close to two million or just over two million dollars roughly on this ai platform. Yeah, and what it does is essentially replicates being a real estate agent, but also tracks all of your wealth and how you can use it in property as well by just plugging your details. Yeah, it stores your properties that you have in there. It lets you know get your notifications when you're going to buy the next property. It lets you know in however many years that you use it, like how long you're in there, how much you're going to be worth, when to sell, when to buy, and then you've done it at a level where it's like he's measured it at a way which is so conservative, like the lowest possible, like worst outcome is what it looks. And you're still looking at it like, oh shit, I got to get a house, like now, because this is extremely incredible, because it is partnered as well.

Speaker 1:

It's partnered with your JDL company, which is a property buying company and, like Julio's property buying company, is one of the best buying companies. Like the amount of detail that you guys put into finding a property is nuts. So like with the properties that they source for you, that's plugged into the software, you're going to get a property that's just gets you ridiculous amount of gains. Like this is brilliant, it is, which is wild. So I'm like if I was someone like cool, I want to get a property, I want to make a profit, I can do whatever. I can reduce my tax right.

Speaker 1:

And I don't have to touch anything. I just do it by itself, right? What do I need to do with the AI to make that happen? I want to summarize this for you.

Speaker 2:

As we grew and grew and grew our company, we had real estate agents, we had finance brokers, we had accountants, financial planners, and in the observation process, every single time there was an interaction between one of the professionals and the client. What we did is we integrated all of it into the software. So if you say to me, is the software financial planning? No, the software is WealthGo. Software financial planning? No, the software is WealthGo and JDR stands for just do life.

Speaker 2:

So imagine if you had a synthetic combination between a lawyer, a financial planner, a finance guy. You punch it in and you go how am I tracking? So the software is intuitive, is designed for you to work with your accountant, work with your mother-in-law if you wanted to. It's basically you plug in the numbers and it gives you the outcomes. If you keep playing the game the way you were playing, right, it's monopoly-like. So imagine you don't have to be 50 to know how you're going to turn out at 50. It will know now. And if you are 50 now, you don't need to wait until 70. You will plug the numbers in and will gradually give you next year, the year after, and it shows you how to accumulate.

Speaker 2:

The reason why we like property, is because you buy a lot of assets right, and other people pay for it. And then we integrate debt reduction, tax minimization to get your numbers to really perform. So, if you ask me to synthesize, it's houses that buy houses, houses that buy everything else. And what the software will do is not going to judge you, not going to know what you know. It's just going to look at your numbers and give you an outcome and then you can play with it to say what if I change this, what if I change that? And this is why we create the client manager here would give you a call and then we would design a tailor-made strategy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think one of the best features in the platform that you got is like, if you put your properties in there that you have, or if you haven't got them yet, and then, when you're available, by turning, by putting in your numbers and keeping updated, julio's team call you. When they're ready to buy another property and you already have like three or four different properties that you can choose from. They're like hey, you can buy these, yeah, yes or no.

Speaker 2:

And you go yeah, I'm like that is saved so much time, like it's actually incredible and and the properties that we buy are designed for you to leverage from them so you can get it. We can go again. If you are coming into the conversation here, you imagine we're trying to sell you a property investment, don't become a client here. If you become a client here, we're going to help you to maximize your capabilities of accumulating capital. Definitely, that's the game Houses up by houses up by the richer you become, the more you become our client. We represent your interests rather than the interests of anyone else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So if you're around the ages of like 27 to 40 and you're like, wow, I really want to get ahead, like this is where to start and you can get in contact, if you're interested in this, you can get it. You have to join, set the standard If you want to get in contact in my community and we'll be helping out a bunch of the guys in there, you know, being able to get their first property, their second property, and what involves that is discipline, it is emotional intelligence, it is confidence, it is getting outside of your comfort zone, right, and taking big action. Because, yeah, we may have to make some sacrifices in the short time and, yeah, we're going to play it big in the short term as well. Because if you want to be in a lifestyle like you like Julia lives very lusciously and, as I said the other day, he's like I'm in this great position, man, man, I look great, I feel great, I'm cashed up and I'm like, yeah, you're cashed up, julia.

Speaker 1:

Like that's sick and it's real good in terms of motivation for me, because my dad wasn't like that. I didn't have any masculine mentors that knew any of this stuff around property or whatever. I had to learn it all by myself and try to figure it all out. Learn sales, learn techniques, get outside my comfort zone, heal all my money, shit and reprogramming that's in my brain and being able to connect with someone like julio and understand, like, okay, this is what it looks like and this is what you can do, this one strategy is extremely powerful. So if it does resonate with you, like, just reach out to me and, yeah, I'll speak to you guys soon. That's sick, but I hope you guys took some nuggets away from julio here, so excellent. Thank you, bro. Thank you so much.