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Set The Standard
Losing 10kg Is Hard Unless You Use These 10 Proven Tips #260
Lose 10kgs as quickly as possible with these 10 tips
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10 tips to lose 10 kilograms as quickly as possible. So if you guys don't know me, my name's Corey Bowell and I run a men's personal growth community and we work a lot on how to overcome nice guy syndrome. It's a lot of mindset stuff. We help in deep emotional processes and transformation so that men can shop better in business, so they can shop better in relationships, and one thing that we know is so important is having a strong physique as well. So I originally got into this work through training and I got like my. I became a professional bodybuilder in 2019 is when I got my pro card.
Speaker 1:And having the discipline and learning, the resilience and increasing your willpower through your physique, diet and training and nutrition is such a powerful way to become a stronger business leader. You get, like, more respect. You know people, training and nutrition it's such a powerful way to become a stronger business leader. You get more respect, people are attracted to you, you become more magnetic, you become more calm and people trust you because it shows that you can do difficult things for a long period of time whilst being consistent. So throughout this process, I've been able to learn 10 like learn how to lose weight really quickly if you stick to something and if you're someone who is has struggled a little bit to stay consistent, or you've done program after program after program and for some reason it's, it either comes and it goes and you're like I just really want habit and lifestyle to change so that I can keep this for a long period of time. And then you come to the right place, because I'm going to teach you some things that we have learned through personal growth and personal development and business that impact how you show up and how you show up to lose weight and keep it. So it's extremely simple, but if you do this work, I promise you you to lose weight and keep it. So it's extremely simple, but if you do this work, I promise you you'll be able to keep the weight off for a long period of time. So let's just get straight into it and this.
Speaker 1:This is all out of a course that I created in my set, the standard community called the six-pack process, and some of the tips here, I believe are the most powerful things that you can use ever to stay in shape for a long period of time, because I know what it's like. I've done every single diet under the sun. I've been inconsistent. I've eaten all this shit and for the last 10 years, I've just been able to maintain a really healthy and strong physique that I've been happy with and is lean as well. So I've kept the weight off, and this is the first thing that I want you guys to do.
Speaker 1:So the first thing, the first tip, is embracing your shadow. So what that looks like is standing in front of a mirror, butt, ass naked, like do it naked, and you look at all of the parts of yourself that you don't like in the mirror, where the little bits of fat, chub, pudge, areas that you would like to feel better and be improved. You look at them and as you look at them, you, you touch them, all the different parts of your body. This is deep shadow work, exercise right, getting in for getting in there deep right from the get-go guys and then, once you're looking at them, love on them, appreciate them, say. You say things to yourself like thank you so much for being there and protecting me and keeping me safe, thank you so much for helping me heal at a time where I was quite broken, because most of the time we're eating, it's emotionally eating. We're stressed out, we're burnt out, we're overwhelmed and our nervous system and our body and our mind has looked for food to help us keep comfort or to help us feel better. And it did. It did make us feel better and it did work. It did make us feel better and it did work. So if we saturate that with gratitude, then instead of looking at ourselves out of punishment or I hate myself, then we start to look at ourselves as I love myself and I get to have this amazing body. This is probably one of the most important things that I have learned through my bodybuilding journey that I have created a physique for myself, not out of hate for my body, but out of love, celebration and a practice, and that's why I've been able to stick to something for so long and by looking at this, which sometimes can feel so daunting, it's been able to enable me to create a really strong and stable physique consistently, which I'm just in love with, by the way.
Speaker 1:Second tip so that's huge is to upgrade your identity. That huge is to upgrade your identity. So if you see yourself as someone who doesn't stick to a diet you know, eats a lot of chockeys, you know has the snacks here and there, or for me, I used to go through the drive-through like three or four times just getting the same thing because I'm like, oh, I'm so starving. You have to change your identity of like I'm someone who's disciplined, I'm someone who does hard things in the time of struggle, and if you're here, I highly recommend to listen to the book Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins or Never Finished either or it's a really good reminder of I can do really hard shit and my mind is in control. So the thing that prevents us from sticking to a diet routine or losing any weight is purely just our mind.
Speaker 1:And another tip that we can use to progress forward in this is getting really clear on your vision and your mission. What does that look like? Where do I want to go? Really clearly being able to see it, which gives you a sense of purpose. If you have a sense of purpose, you've got a reason why, and we all know the quote a man who has a why to live can bear almost anyhow. It makes it so much easier to say no, right no to things that we don't want to do, and it makes it easier to say yes to what we, who we want to be, and if we identify as that person and we believing look, I am a person that's like this and we start to install those beliefs in ourselves because we're fighting for them. That's when we progress. We've got to fight for it.
Speaker 1:Originally, sticking to a program and creating habits is going to be hard. I want to let you guys know. It's not supposed to be easy, it's going to be challenging, but once you do shift and you start living as that person, everything changes for you. The next one is to is all around eating, and my tip is to make sure that you're getting all the micronutrients in, not just counting your calories, your carbs, fats and proteins is to make sure that you're looking at your micronutrients, or omega-3s, your vitamin a's, b's, c's. You know the types of protein that you're getting in and you can track them on an app called chronometer c-r-O-N-O-M-E-T-E-R, right. So that is the app you can use to track everything on and it shows the micronutrients.
Speaker 1:Now, the reason I say this is because the more micronutrients you get in, the less the more stress your body can handle, which means most of the time the diets that we're on, our body digs into short-term stress to deal with. Whatever's going on. Now, our body digs into short-term stress to deal with whatever's going on now. If we put that in regards to willpower right and we have a certain amount of willpower every single day and you're stressed out and then you're trying to choose the healthy option it makes it so much harder to choose the healthy option if you're like oh, a block of chocolate or just one row, makes it so much harder to just go, I'm just gonna have one row. So I believe it's so much better to make sure that if our stress capacity is higher and we are putting in the right food also, micronutrients increases our fiber, so we're less likely to be hungry, we're less likely to be stressed, so we're less likely to have hunger spikes. Our ghrelin and our leptin levels which is our hunger hormones are way more stable, right? So if you're struggling to stick to something and eat to something, that is one of the reasons why. So put yourself back into control of yourself and the food choices that you're making by increasing your tolerance to stress. Feeling more calm because you're eating more micronutrients isn't that amazing? What a hack.
Speaker 1:The next step is food prep. So one of the best things I ever learned with food prep is one hire someone to cook your food. You can get someone to come to your house for like two, three hours and it does not cost you much. You just have to do some digging, you know, to get someone to do that and we think, oh my goodness, a private chef is really not that much. You can spend like $100 to $200 for someone to cook up all your food if you go out and shop it, or you get them to shop and buy, and then you know, prep everything for you in a way that you like. The way I like to prep is by having three, three big, four liter tubs. One is full of vegetables, one is full of one type of meat, one's full of the other type of meat, and then I get a rice cooker and I put a rice cooker on for any carbs I'm having. But I have a lower carb diet and high fat diet, so every day I just fill those three tubs up. It can be that simple. Guys Like it is that simple.
Speaker 1:The next one is hunger management and fasting. Now what happens is when we're dieting and we wanna lose 10 kilos and we'll lose it quick, we gotta know that we're gonna feel hungry, regardless if we're losing it quick or slow. Our hunger hormone is going to rise and as we get put in a deficit, which means that we're eating less calories than what we're burning throughout the day, which makes us lose fat. There's nothing else that makes you burn fat. That's the only way to burn it is you're going to get hungry, and what happens is there's four spikes you have during a day. Now the key for that is to find the timing of your hunger spikes. For me, it's 8, 10, 30, 1, 30 and around five o'clock. Usually. That's like my normal hunger spikes, so what I try to do is eat just right before them, or make sure that I'm prepared, or I'm eating during my hunger spikes a meal that I want. So that way, you're not going oh I need to eat this extra thing or this extra thing and I've got to get this in, which just gives you way more extra calories, and you end up putting on weight instead of losing it.
Speaker 1:The good way to improve that and this is the next tip is fasting, so committing to a 24-hour fast. One of the best things about this is it increases your tolerance to deal with the pain of hunger and save some money on the food bills, and it's really healthy for your gut lining. Now the thing is is the rule for fasting is fast weekly, every single week, until fasting makes you feel like shit, because you can start fasting and it can make you feel like shit, especially if you're in a deficit, if you're overstressed and what it's doing is it's just not healthy for you. So you just want to manage your energy and just notice how you're feeling, because some of us toughies can just be like I don't care how shit I feel, I'm just going to feel like this and get through it. Right, that's not the healthiest way to go around it. So when we fast 24 hours, make sure that we keep it healthy. We're still eating one decent sized meal or two after 24 hours and a 24-hour fast. It's a mini fast.
Speaker 1:By the way, guys, yes, it blew my brain. I was like intermittent fasting, no proper fasting. You're doing a 24-hour fast and being able to deal with that hunger makes you the next day and the day after going oh, this is, this is easy, right, I don't have to manage like, I don't have to worry about this too much. But also just monitor yourself, because sometimes we binge after fastest fasting and if you binge after, I would say, your fourth fast, or your fourth or fifth, fifth fast a week in a row, I would reconsider fasting, because that means you haven't got control over it yet. But for the first couple, let yourself go, because we can't judge ourselves for something that we're not used to just yet.
Speaker 1:And the last two tips one is learning how to say no. So commit to a challenge where for a week, you say no to absolutely everyone, for everything Doesn't mean you can't say yes, you just have to say no first. Hey man, can you please pass me the water bottle? No, oh damn, I really need you to pass me a water bottle, bro. I just can't be bothered stretching over there. Oh, of course, here you go, right.
Speaker 1:So the goal for us people pleasers and us nice guys is to practice saying no so that we get comfortable disagreeing with people, because your level of nose get more so when you go to a wedding, when you go to a party, when you're at a family of rent, when your family event, when you're at a christening, when you're at a business networking event, when your boss offers you something is hey, come on, you're gonna have to eat or drink this to fit in. Whatever it is, you're gonna know that's against my values. I'm not doing it. I'm doing this. At the moment. I've already eaten my calories for the day. I can't do that. I can have a green tea or peppermint tea, but I'm I'm gonna say no to this. I'm gonna say no to going out at this time so that I can get locked in and achieve the body that I want.
Speaker 1:And the next one is getting your steps in, and everyone says it's 10 000 steps a day. I push the limit on that and I say 12 000 because it is so much easier to eat. I find a little snack here and there which increases your calories. So it's just do more cardio. I'm a massive, massive fan of just doing more cardio in general. It's so healthy. And there's an app that I like called um pedometer, so p-e-d-o meter plus, plus, and it integrates to an aura ring if you've got one. An older aura ring is an apple watch and your health app on your phone, and then you can install that as a widget and it your steps across all of them, which is super fantastic.
Speaker 1:And what's really important, I think, around the cardio, is knowing that low intensity cardio so just walking that increases your steps, burns fat. High intensity cardio gives you the ability to get bigger muscles, doesn't necessarily burn heaps of fat, unless you're like a cross crossfit athlete or a high rocks athlete and you guys are going absolutely ham. I don't believe it does much like for me. It never has. It has never helped me burn, burn fat.
Speaker 1:And if you're in a deficit and you're losing weight and you want to be losing weight, do not do high intensity cardio, because your body's stressed all the time anyway. And if you're not used to being in a deficit and your body has higher stress levels, why would you max out the stress on it? There's no point. So your body, even when it's in a deficit and it is burning fat, it doesn't want to have high cortisol spikes because that's what's going to send your hormones out of whack. So the lower intensity cardio of just getting your steps in and walking it takes a little bit longer, but most of these days you can work on your phone, talk on your phone, learn on your phone. So it's better to go for walks instead of smashing out some high intensity cardio. I mean, some people love it and they can do it, but I think it's I think it's the most inefficient way and the unhealthiest way of losing 10 kilograms and if you would like some help and support on this, we have a challenge in the set, the standard community, and we have a course and a program going through all of these, all the templates, ai prompts so you can do it yourself and we help, you know, do it with you and can coach you on it too.
Speaker 1:So if you're interested in that, please you can join the free community below and have a bit of a look around, or you can just send me a DM on Instagram and I can help you out. Otherwise, please give us a like, a share and a follow. Thank you so much for being here and being a part of the community. If you want to talk about this podcast episode in the community, in the free community, our free community is a podcast community, so we talk about everything in there as well. So, big love. See you in the next one, guys.