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Set The Standard
4 Tips To Travel The World for $500 Using Points #261
🔴 STUDS - Surprise New Module.. Travel The World For $500
Whilst I have been travelling I have been practicing the skill of using points to travel around the world for basically nothing.
I feel so happy knowing for the rest of my life travel.... will come so easy
I have gotten flights to USA for $400
- back from the US for $500
- A flight to Tokyo for.... $0
- Hotels.... half price
- And so much other good stuff
I had to share with you how I did it because its such a beneficial skill
All you need to know is how to:
- Get points
- Collect Points
- Buy Points
- Spend points
The rest of your days you will travel the world for basically nothing
You can find the 12-minute training here:
Great watch and listen
Improve the quality of your life like an absolute G
Big love
Lets go
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I'm so excited to teach you guys what I have learnt recently whilst travelling the world for like $500. So this is a little bit off-centre, but I really want to teach you guys this because it's such a unique skill and there's two ways to fly around the world. One is to make a shitload of money and I get tossed up between this because I've been learning the skill to travel around the world for essentially next to nothing by using points, and I'm like am I spending too much time on figuring out my points and should I be focusing my business or is this points thing a hack? And I've decided both. The skill is essential and I believe that you know in terms of seeing people flying business, flying first class and traveling around the world and like how are you guys doing all of this? They're using points systems and you may have heard about it before and I come from a stage of I was 32, 31 years old when I started learning this and I was like how have I not understood this? Because you can be making 60 to 80 000 a year and travel the world for free, and I'm not kidding. I'm going to literally show you how it is done and you save up points, you buy points and you use them. Right? It's very simple. The process goes like this accumulate points and spend points. That's it right. They're the two. They're the two ways you can accumulate points, buy points and spend points. And I'm going to show you all the apps and everything you can use.
Speaker 1:The first one that I think is the most important is it is a 1400 charge up front, but it's buying an AMX Platinum card. Now the reason that this one, I believe, is better than other credit cards, as I was explaining why With Australians. So if you're not Australian, you have to pick your own airline, like it might be Delta, american Airlines or something like that, but you'll be able to find out what it is. You can plug this in the chat GBT and help figure it out. However, you'll just have to figure out exactly what to do with it. So just pretend that I'm talking about one of your airlines, but if you're Australian, you can use Virgin or Qantas. Now what happens is these airlines have credit cards that you can use with them, where you can use points, and then Amex has accounts with them where you can get, like, an Amexus card or amx virgin card, and that's how you can get points and then you spend them to get flights and hotels and everything like that.
Speaker 1:What I've found has been extremely beneficial is the platinum card, because for virgin points and quantus points, if you have a credit card for those, you essentially one point that you spend is one. One dollar you spend is one point. You get back with that and then with the amx platinum card it's you get two uh 2.5 points basically per dollar that you spend in like a lot, of, a lot of areas some some you don't as much, but most areas you do you get like uh 2.5 points and then when you convert your points over, it halves them, right. So if you go from amx points you go to these amx points, it halves them over. When you transfer your points over, it halves them, right. So if you go from AMX points you go to these AMX points. It halves them over when you transfer them to your Virgin or your Qantas and then you use them from there. So if you're using the Platinum card and you're getting 2.5 extra points, it's amazing.
Speaker 1:Now what's really cool is during AMX is when you join, you get like a 60,000 point bonus. But if you join via a friend, like using someone else's link. Like. I put this link here for mine because I'm excited for points. If you guys are interested, damn it. We can't show you here, but you'll get a bonus.
Speaker 1:I went to log onto my screen to show you guys the inside but the thing timed out real quick but essentially you get a bonus 150,000 points. Like you get it. I don't get a bonus 150 000 points. You do as a friend and just to show you guys the power. There's this app called seatsaero here and this is what helps you find your flights and you can see here that from sydney to lax in an economy you can get business class flights for around 80 000 points, but you can see that's 40 000 points. So you get a bonus 150 000 extra points, which means you get like 270,000 points, which means you can fly from Australia to America and back like five times.
Speaker 1:How crazy is that for free? Well, not for free. You purchase the AMX card and you can fly back like five times. So you could go, if you wanted, to Sydney to America, america to Europe, europe, somewhere else, back to Australia, just on getting a card, just in flight. So you never have to pay for your flights anymore. Isn't that crazy, like that just blew my brain. I was like what is going on here? I can do this, holy hell. So you just want to make sure that you pay your AMX off before, on time. So it's linked to a bank account that has money in it That'll pay, because if you are late it charges a three percent fee.
Speaker 1:Um, but the other benefits of getting a platinum card which is really cool is you get four hundred dollars you can spend on travel. So there was one flight that I was having and I was like no, like I'm gonna have to spend so much money on this flight and had a few points. And then I had a travel card, um, a travel budget, and I ended up being like three hundred to. I think it was to fly from Tokyo to the States when I thought I was going to be up for like $1,500, $1,600, ended up costing me $400, 400 credit, and then the points that I used and then I purchased some points. I'll teach you that in a second. I was like holy hell, this ended up being so ridiculously cheap.
Speaker 1:You get two $200 dinner vouchers and then you get upgraded everywhere that you go, if there's an upgrade, and you book through amx and you get early and late checkout and check-ins. And then there's, you know, other bonuses where they give you some free cash stuff as well. So immediately you get like $800 to $900 that you can spend getting the, the card, which is just delayed, and then, with all the points that you get, is it worth it 100? Yes, like it's. It's just so insane that and you and you can see that I did it with my dad and he immediately he's got like 275 000 points and his amex card straight away. And I was just like what is happening here, man, so he can go and travel the world free if he wants to, just because of that. So that's amazing.
Speaker 1:You can use that link and and grab that there, which I think is really cool. How to use the rest of it is there's this other app if you own a business called paycom which you can pay your taxes and your rent through, don't pay anything else through but you've got to set it up, connect it to Xero and connect it to your Amex and then essentially you pay either through paycom or with your Amex on your bills. I'm not actually sure if you can pay with Amex, but you pay through this app, paycomau and you can either pay a little bit more percentage to get more points and it selects like, if you want to pay like a little bit extra, you get way more points, or you can just pay the normal amount to save points slowly and then that gets converted into your, like, either your virgin or your quantus account, right. So it depends which way points that you want to get, um, or which one you want it to link to, because it'll link to either your virgin or your quantus and then, yeah, you get points and you can fly. So I don't really recommend paying anything else on it other than rent, business expenses and taxes, because you just you get a lot of points for that, right, which is really cool.
Speaker 1:Um, to spend your points and collect points. This is you use virgin or quantus or any other airline that you have, sign up for their royalty program and then find how you can get more points. So virgin uses flybys, so any flybys that you use you can use at Coles, bunnings or any kind of supermarket helps accumulate points. And then, if you download the app, it'll have things like spend $50 today and get like 2000 points. That's 2000 points, closer to 40,000 points, which is going to get you a flight somewhere. So if you can imagine over a year of scanning your flybys card everywhere you go, you're going to save yourself over 100,000 points. Like it's pretty easy with all the benefits, right, because it's not like the dollar, basically a dollar you spend, a dollar, you get back. But there's so many programs where it's like buy bananas today and get an extra 500 points, it's like what the hell.
Speaker 1:So if you're paying attention to the app and you just once a week or twice a week you're looking at it and you're making decisions, your points skyrocket through the roof. That means more flights, more hotels. It's the same thing with Qantas, but it's got. The everyday rewards program is the one that it sticks to instead and that's Woolworth. So you go and you scan that at all the stops where they say have you got an everyday rewards card? Yes, you download the app, you the extra, uh, the points hacks to gain more points. So when you're spending some petrol I can't remember what petrol station's that might be, like shell, I know virgin, you've got um, I can't remember, it's like cacao, tex or something like that and you scan your flybys and then like it's like I'll spend over a hundred dollars on fuel and you'll get five thousand points, and you're like holy hell, that's like getting so much closer to now being able to fly somewhere, right, especially if you like travel.
Speaker 1:I think this is really essential. And then you can buy points. Now, this is really cool. So if I share with you my screen, you can go on this, top up your points here. You can do so virgin or quantus either. Or you can go and just buy points, which is insane. Um, I'm just going to log into my account, which is cool, and you can see when you scroll down, or you can hear this you can just buy points and you can buy points at either you have insufficient points balance to purchase points Well damn. So I think you need some points to be able to buy, because I've just used all of mine. Regardless of seeing it, you can go through and you can. I'm just going to go quickly Virgin, virgin, virgin here, like real quick, bear with me guys.
Speaker 1:Virgin, buy points. Yeah, I used all my points the other day, so it's not letting me. So, yes, I agree, log into my account. You buy points at like a thousand, two thousand, three thousand, all the way up to 250 000, and you when you buy your points. What is really cool is, if you've signed up to the app, it'll tell you when your points are on sale, right, so they have points where they'll take virgin australia. They'll have points where they have a 50% off sale or a 30% off sale, 10% off sale, or the more flights you have book or the more points that you buy, the bigger the discount, which is fantastic, because what that means is, like, once a year, if you spend around four to five thousand dollars on points you can, you'll get like 300 000 points, which is just absolutely insane. So let's go buy virgin points, australia, right, jesus, take in a second. No, no, here we go. So log in to buy. It's going to buy some points, right, I'm not going to buy some points right now. I'm going to show you how to do it, so test, take two seconds.
Speaker 1:But well, once you get the certain amount of points, like, I had quite a few moments when I've been traveling where I've been, like I don't really want to pay, like my goal is basically to not spend over $1,000 on anything and it's just something that I really wanted to have a look at. But you can see here, by 3,000 points, 5,000 points, 10,000 points and as you scroll down you can see, like you know, 10,000 points is 325 Australian dollars, or 250,000 points is like $5,000. Now these go on sale, so you can get 250,000 points at some. Once a year they do a 50% off sale for like 2,500 essentially, which is absolutely incredible because that's flying around the whole world for free. Now, when you look at this and you have any pinch moments, like I did where I was like I don't want to spend a thousand dollars, but I've already got 10,000 points or 20,000 points and I want to book a flight from here to wherever, the next case is I have a look at it, I'm like, oh, okay, I need to buy like 8,000 points, and there's like $264. I'm like, wow, it's cost me like $26.
Speaker 1:What it does is it just finds you sale flights so you have to be that that are used by points. So you have to be a little bit flexible, I would say, with using them, because when you go into here, you click on, like, if this is a Qantas flight, I click on this and I go, yep, I want to fly this flight, so I'm going to. Oh, it doesn't matter, I can't click on it here for some reason. There we go Book. So you book, you log in, it'll come up to a page and then you just buy via points and depending on how many points that you have accumulated will depend on how it works. So this one here you can see it's 40,000 points here plus $87. So that's like a fee or you usually will have some extra points. So you can see, here that is an extremely cheap way to fly around the world and that's how you set it up.
Speaker 1:So once you get these, you gotta get your Amex card. You get these, you got to get your AMX card. You get seatsaero. They're the only things you have to pay for. So AMX card is like you pay for a yearly subscription for it and then with seatsaero it's per month and it's only $9 per month.
Speaker 1:Then you set up your accounts with paycom if you have a business. If not, then you just set yourself up with virgin. You get the virgin app and you get the flybuys app. You get your quantus app and then you get the everyday rewards app and if you're in america, you get delta airlines and the delta airlines app, whatever the points accumulation is from there, and then you go into your amx and then you link them together. So there's a rewards and benefits section which you can click into into amex. You click on that and you go link to rewards program and then you just link it to your velocity, which is your virgin or your quantus, and you just put your membership number in there. It approves.
Speaker 1:And then the points that you accumulate via amex, you just go in and say transfer points and then it will transfer your points over to your virgin account. Once they're in your virgin account you go into your seatsaero and then you can use the points. How amazing is that. So if you guys want to kick some ass and fly around the world super cheap, this is an amazing skill. It'll take you roughly an hour to set it all up and then you're going to wait for your Amex card to come.
Speaker 1:Click on this link here. I'll leave the link to this whole page. You can just get this entire page, guys, below the video. So below the video or below this podcast, right? You can just go down. Click on this link. It's a link to a notion board and I have all of the links so you can download thepaycom. You can buy. You can get my Amex link, link, so you can get an extra 150 000 points, which is insane. I think I only receive like 50 000 points or something back like that, but you guys get a lot, which I think is absolutely insane. And then, yeah, and if you're in part of set the standard community in the community, post something in the community, let's talk about it, let's figure out and let's like see where you guys are going. I get super excited for this because a man on a mission and a man on purpose has got to travel the world to get shit done right. So big love, guys. Thank you so much. I hope you found this useful. I can't wait to see the next one.